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The great thing about infant massage is that it can relieve many discomforts that may be the cause of colic for your baby. It's great for providing relaxation, gas relief, and eliminating constipation. Believe it or not when a certain massage technique is performed it can also be used to effectively treat diarrhea. (Which is of course, the opposite of constipation)

The infant massage technique taught in this article is a basic method used to relieve and relax your colic baby.

Start out with your baby lying on a flat and comfortable surface wearing nothing but a loose fitting diaper. (Make sure to never leave her unattended on any elevated surface) A blanket on the floor will work fine. Put a small amount of oil (baby oil is fine) in your hand and rub them together. (This will distribute the oil onto the surface of your hands evenly as well as make sure your hands are warm before starting the massage) Don't use so much oil that it makes your baby's skin slippery and shiny. If this is the case wipe some off with a towel.

With the finger tips of your right hand, stroke the abdomen in a downward motion starting just below the rib cage and stopping just above the pelvic area (next to the belly button on the right hand side) using gentle pressure. Your right side not the baby's right side. Do this several times.

After doing this several times, instead of just going down the side of the abdomen, we will start from left to right above the belly button and then go down the right side in one continuous motion making a "figure 7", going across and then down. (remember this is your left side not the baby's left side)

After doing this motion several times we will add an upward movement on the other side of the abdomen turning our "figure 7" into an upside down "figure u". Starting on the left side of the belly button ( just above the pelvic area and stopping just below the rib cage) in an upward movement, then going across above the belly button then down the other side of the belly button in a clockwise direction. Repeat this several times using gentle pressure.

Finish up the massage with some leg movements. You can do slow steady bicycle movements a few times (ie. alternating leg bends) and then gently bend both kness up toward the chest (ideally the legs will touch the chest) and then slowly extend them back out. Do these leg movements several times as well.

By doing this series several times throughout the day it will dramatically reduce the colic symptoms in the evening and at night. Don't wait until the symptoms are in full swing. Although it can help in the middle of a colic episode by helping your baby to relax, it is more effective when done throughout the day when your baby is calm and the abdomen muscles aren't quite so rigid.

Visit my blog called The Colic Baby for more tips about caring for a Colic Baby.

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Compared to adults, infants have weaker immune systems and are subject to more health risks like catching the cold and flu or other viruses and diseases. This is why they are given shots to boost their immune system and protect their health. Naturally, parents want the best for their little ones which is why they continue to find ways to improve their health and protect them from diseases.

Apart from immunization shots and having them take vitamins recommended by their pediatrician, there are more natural healthy additions to their diet and nutrition which can help them be more protected from health risks in this big world. Their small bodies need all the protection they can get and even smaller agents of nature can do this job for them.

Understanding Probiotics

A lot of people may think only negative thoughts when they hear the word bacteria, but contrary to what they believe, there are good bacteria as well. These come in the form or probiotics. They are similar to those good bacteria found in the human gut which help in digestion and other gastrointestinal functions.

Probiotics are beneficial to adults in the sense that they help with conditions like diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, and intestinal cramping. These good bacteria are also said to help relive digestive discomforts pregnant women experience.

But how are probiotics beneficial to infants?

Infants are born without intestinal bacteria and introducing probiotics to their system may prove to be beneficial especially if they are experiencing digestive discomforts. Infants get Bifidobacterium, a kind of probiotic from breast milk which is why breastfeeding is promoted to help them have a better digestive system.

Babies who get rotavirus may get relief when they are given probiotic-rich foods. Infants who have acute diarrhea experience relief when probiotics are included in their diet. Diarrhea caused by E. coli infections are also battled by probiotics in a baby's system.

Other infant health conditions alleviated by probiotics include irritable bowel syndrome, thrush, atopic eczema, colic symptoms, and even lactose intolerance. Symptoms and discomforts are reduced and the duration of these health conditions are lessened by up to a day when babies have probiotics in their diets.

Prior to being born, mothers can also start making their babies benefit from probiotics by having it in their diets. Probiotics are said to help boost the immune system of not just the mother but the baby as well.

Where can infants get the probiotics they need?

Because of the benefits probiotics have for infants, pediatricians may advise mothers to have them added to their young one’s diet once deemed suitable. A great way to have infants ingest probiotics is by breastfeeding. This helps strengthen their immune system and builds a better bond between mother and child as well!

Reading the infant formulas can help as well. Those with Bifidobacterium lactis contain good bacteria which can help infants have their healthy share of probiotics.

Once they start eating solid foods, they can be introduced to trying out yogurts and other probiotic-rich food items like cheese and milk. Just make sure these dairy products are pasteurized before giving them to babies.

Consulting with a pediatrician can help mothers have a better idea of how probiotics can help their babies and which sources are safe for the little ones. With these health benefits, babies will be more protected and will have healthier digestive systems as well!

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When a baby has colic, the family environment is stressful and many family members may become upset or on edge. This is most often seen in new parents. Some symptoms of colic may be that the baby cries loudly for three hours, the baby has bowel pains or the baby pulls their feet up under themselves and clenches their fists. New parents become alarmed and upset that their new baby may cry for hours, even though they have tried just about everything to comfort the the baby.

Causes of Colic

There is no known one cause of colic. Doctors have several theories of what causes infant colic. The most popular theory is that the child had ingested air along with either the mother's milk or bottled milk. Drinking too fast or in gulps causes air to enter the baby's stomach which leads to gastrointestinal pain, thus the baby becomes colic. Another theory some believe is that if the baby is breast fed and the mother is eating a lot of gas producing foods such as orange juice, vegetables, like onions and cabbage, apples, plums, spicy food and caffeinated products such as cola, chocolate and tea, the baby will receive the same result through breast milk. A third theory is that infants have an immature nervous system that is unable to cope with all the intense new stimulations of new life events. As the day progresses, the stress overcomes them and they cry for hours.

Solutions For a Colic Baby

Infant colic is very common in new born children. It is not the result of poor parenting skills. In fact, about 1/3 of all babies experience colic, so having a colic baby is not uncommon. In most cases infant colic will disappear in three months. But what can you do now? How can you reduce colic symptoms? There is no single treatment for a colic baby. Many parents have experienced success trying the following methods:

1. Hold your baby and rock it in your arms.

2. Put your baby in a swing and gently rock it back and fourth.

3. Take the baby for a car ride.

4. Carry the infant in a sling or take it for a carriage ride.

5. Try turning on a fan or vacuum, using them as white noise.

6. Try using a pacifier.

7. Give the baby a warm bath.

8. Try burping the baby.

9. Use Simethicone drops to reduce the baby's gas pains.

10. If you are the mother, and you are breast feeding, vary your diet to see if you are eating some food which produces gas. The baby would receive this food through your breast milk.

Summary of Infant Colic

Most of the time newborn colic is nothing to worry about. Make sure you go over the possible solutions for a colic baby which are listed above. Ask neighbors and friends. They have often already been through infant colic. Consult your doctor if your baby screams constantly or if the infant colic is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or absence of urine. These symptoms may indicate a more serious problem. If you are new parents, congratulations!

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Lactose intolerance is an increasingly diagnosed characteristic of people with chronic stomach ailments. For those who do not suffer from lactose intolerance, it can seem to be a terrible affliction: no ice cream; no rich, creamy foods like pasta alfredo; no buttercream icing on cupcakes. However, food scientists are coming up with a variety of ways for a person with lactose intolerance to lead a close-to-normal lifestyle.

Lactose is the name for the particular sugar in milk or milk products. It is composed of glucose and galactose sugar molecules that must be split in order to be digested. In our bodies, lactase is the enzyme that does this splitting. For those with lactose intolerance, their lactase is deficient or does not function properly, whether due to genetics, problems with development, etc.

Because you do not necessarily have to be born with lactose intolerance, it can be helpful to know the symptoms of the issue so that you can recognize if you might be suffering from the same thing. Some symptoms of deficient lactase include:

Abdominal pain


Passing gas



This symptoms show because lactose travels undigested through your stomach and small intestine into the large intestine. The bacteria in the colon can usually split lactose into galactose and glucose, but it causes the production of gasses. If this does not get rid of all of your lactose, water is osmosed into the colon, leading to diarrhea.

Of course, there is a range of severity for lactose intolerance. Thus, there is a variety of ways by which a person with this disorder can treat his or her symptoms. The most obvious solution is to cut all lactose out of your diet completely. This can be tricky because a lot of rich foods contain large amounts of dairy products or butter. Luckily, however, most foodstuffs now contain allergy information on the label that will say that it contains milk.

Some people may only need to cut out the lactose-high products, such as milk, cottage cheese, and ice cream. If yours is severe, though, you might need to avoid milk products completely. Some lactose intolerant people say that consuming yogurt, specifically the kind that still contains the helpful bacteria, does not affect their system. This is because the bacteria may break down the lactose into its two separate molecules before consumption.

Thankfully, there are a number of products on the market today that mimic the taste of dairy items or eliminate lactose. You can buy lactose-free cow's milk, or use milk alternatives such as rice, almond, or soymilk. Additionally, cheese products can be made with soy rather than lactose-containing milk. Some thicker cheese items like cream cheese can be purchased as tofu-based, rather than dairy-based. Lastly, some people choose to take a lactase-containing pill. The enzyme in pill form can, once in your system, help break down the lactose that you choose to eat.

For more information on lactose intolerance and other health-related issues, check out the Health Directory today.

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Colic- what a word! This little five letter words strikes fear in the hearts of most new parents and brings to mind visions of sleepless nights, and endless frustration in trying to parent the new bundle of joy. Any parent who has ever had a colicky baby would not wish the same fate on anyone. Some people think that colic only happens to formula fed babies but this is not so. Breastfeeding is not a guarantee that your baby will be free of infant colic.

What is infant colic?

Colic is simply a word that means stomach pain. In the absence of any real scientific evidence the widely held belief is that infant colic results from intestinal cramping. Estimates are that colic occurs in about 20-30% of all babies at some time or another, most commonly in the first three months of life.

How will I know if my baby has colic?

Infant colic is easily identified by the baby's behaviour especially after feeding. The baby acts like she is in pain. Crying is often accompanied by vigorous leg movements and the child may spasmodically extend her legs during a bout of crying. Sometimes she will expel gas and have green stools. The baby's crying escalates as the discomfort increases and parents and babies alike become fretful. Nothing is more distressing that a baby who cannot be consoled.

Can a breastfed baby develop infant colic?

There can be no argument that the best source of infant nutrition is your own breastmilk, but even if you are breasfeeding, colic can still occur. There is absolutely no reason why breastfeeding should be discontinued if your baby is showing signs of infant colic. There are, however, things that you can do to change your breastfeeding technique and reduce the possibility and severity of the colic.

Breastfed colicky babies are very often good eaters, and have a good healthy pattern of weight gain. Parents often say that the baby seems hungry all the time but the more she is fed the crankier she gets. Some parents misinterpret this to mean the baby is not getting enough breastmilk and in desperation may switch to formula thinking that mom does not have enough milk. This is absolutely not the case.

In fact the breastfed baby who is experiencing infant colic is probably getting too much breastmilk, and too much of the wrong kind of breastmilk.

Here's why:

When you put your baby to the breast the baby starts to suck and a hormone is released that makes the milk ducts contract and breastmilk is literally "squirted" into the baby's mouth. This is called the let down reflex and you might notice it as a slight aching that occurs within the first few minutes of the baby on the breast.

During breastfeeding the fat in the breastmilk clings to the sides of the milk ducts and is not released until the end of the feeding. Babies who have short feedings are often getting lots of the skim breastmilk (called "foremilk") and not the fat rich milk at the end of the feeding (called "hindmilk"). Because of the lack of fat hunger returns quickly.

Your colicky baby is actually getting lots of milk but the breastmilk does not have enough fat so she is not satisfied for very long.

The foremilk your baby is receiving has a high concentration of lactose and can cause intestinal cramping. Lactose is such a powerful stimulator of intestinal contractions that it is used in high concentrations for the treatment of adult constipation! Is it any wonder that the breastfed baby who gets lots of lactose in her feedings has intestinal cramping and diarrhea stools?

As a breastfeeding mom what can I do to help my colicky baby?

Your main objective will be to make sure that your baby gets more of the fat rich hindmilk. This reduces the concentration of the lactose and gives the baby the fat needed to create satiety. In other words the baby will be satisfied for longer if she gets more fat at each meal.

  • express milk before the feeding. This starts the flow of milk and reduces the amount of foremilk that the baby receives.

  • nurse only from one breast at each feeding. This makes sure that the baby completely empties the one breast and gets all of the fat rich hindmilk that lingers in the milk ducts until the end of the feeding.

  • sit your baby up. This may require changing your usual position and using the "football hold" . In the football hold the baby is held by your side facing the breast that the baby will feed from. If you are nursing on the right side, place the baby beside you, on your right side facing the right breast. Your right arm should go around the baby, along her back and hold her at the back of the head. You will need a soft pillow to create a little "seat" for the baby so that she is more upright than lying down.

If these measures do not alleviate infant colic then you could try eliminating cow's milk from your own diet. There is lots of good anecdotal evidence to suggest that some infants show signs of improvement when mother eliminates dairy products. However, try the other measures first as they are more likely to bring about the best benefits for you and your baby.

You can and should continue breastfeeding your colicky baby. There is no reason to withhold the best possible source of infant nutrition from your baby if she has infant colic. Now that you know what causes infant colic, a few simple changes in your breastfeeding technique can make all the difference.

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For most parent the real concern is does my baby have infant diarrhea? Firstly, most babies have soft textured stools, so if a parent notices a drastic change in the infant's bowel movement it usually is diarrhea. One will also notice that the feces is watery and have become more frequent. However, if it is just one diaper change with a loose stool, there is usually nothing to be worried about. Remember, your baby is growing and his or her feeding patterns will change and so too will their bowel movements.

Many new parents are surprised at the number of times a newborn has a dirty diaper. Some newborns poop after every feed, especially if they are being breastfed. Obviously, with the introduction of solid food, the frequency of the bowel movement will change and should be less often. Be advised each infant is different. What is normal for your child, may not usually be normal for another child. There are several causes for baby diarrhea. The most common cause is a viral or bacterial infection. Another common cause can be a food allergy or if the baby consumes too much fruit juices. If the baby is prescribed a medication, these sometimes are known to irritate the digestive tract and cause infant diarrhea.

If your baby does have diarrhea, they will be losing salts and water which need to be replaced to avoid becoming dehydrated. Be aware of the signs of dehydration. These include decreased urine output, so you should notice less wet diapers, a dry mouth, your baby does not tear up when crying, drowsiness, or irritable. Now, remember, dehydration can occur quickly, within twenty four to forty eight hours. Call your pediatrician immediately, if you think your baby is dehydrated.

If your infant has baby diarrhea, you need to follow a special diet. The last thing you want is to worsen the condition. So what do you feed your precious one. Complex carbohydrates have shown to be less irritating on the digestive tract, especially when one has diarrhea. Fortunately, there are some foods that you can give your baby that will actually help stop the condition. These foods are apple sauce, rice cereal, pasta, oatmeal, strained bananas and mashed potatoes.

Dry toast and yogurt with live cultures will also help ease the condition. Be careful to avoid the following milk products, peaches, apricots, pears, prunes, and fruit juices especially pear, apple and cherry. Notice that apple sauce will lessen diarrhea where as, apple juice will worsen the condition. The reason being is that apple sauce contains pectin, which is an ingredient that will make feces firmer, where as apple juice has sorbitol, which will make diarrhea worse. If you are breast feeding your baby, continue to do so. However, avoid caffeinated products as this might irritate the baby's intestine. If these home remedies do not work please consult your baby's pediatrician.

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One of the hardest times for new parents to endure is often when their babies are teething. Teething babies are in pain a lot of the time, and parents just don't know how to ease the pain. Of course it isn't an option - children do have to go through this. Parents though can learn a few things about how they can soothe their babies when they go through this.

Teething occurs in babies at around the age of five months, usually; sometimes, babies can start when they are as young as three months old; at other times, it doesn't start until they are a year old. It wouldn't be much of a problem is the process came and went quickly; as it happens though, teething babies have to endure the process for a full two years. Most children have all their teeth - 22 pearly ones by the time they hit three. How do you to help your child with all the pain and discomfort for such a fantastically long period of time?

Why should teething be uncomfortable? It's pretty understandable. The gums are soft tissue; and to have sharp teeth pushing through them, breaking the surface and coming through, can be painful, to say the least. The more teeth there are coming out at once, nor painful it can be. It isn't just the pain that teething babies need to worry about; there are other incidental effects too. Many children experience a loss of appetite, diarrhea, and even a low-grade fever and sleeplessness.

The process must go on, of course; but there a few things parents can try. Think about what it is that you wish to do when you have painful gums sometimes. You like to massage your gums gently. The same thing works with teething babies too. All you need to do is to wash your hands and rub baby's gums gently for a couple of minutes every hour. Using cold things to numb you baby's gums can be a particularly effective way to help you baby. You could put a banana in the freezer until it's beginning to freeze up, and then help your baby with it. The really cold banana helps numb your baby's gums and this feels good. Teething rings - discs of hard, colorful plastic are often quite a favorite. Babies love to bite on these when they experience the discomfort of teething.

If none of this works, you could take your baby in to the pediatric doctor for a prescription of acetaminophen or Benadryl to help with the pain and with the sleeplessness. Many mothers take the opportunity present in the discomfort that their baby feels at teething to begin to wean the baby. With all the pain and discomfort, it's just too difficult for a baby to breast-feed anyway.

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Children flu is worrisome for a parent but luckily natural children remedies are easily available and work efficiently. I know because I've used them repeatedly and swear by them hands down.

Oscillococcinum: I can't pronounce the word but I swear by what's in these homeopathic tubes. Rated #1 by me and other flu sufferers around the nation. It's purely homeopathic and safe to administer to children (according to the instructions ages 2 and older).

Just recently, my daughter, Lainey (age 6) contracted the flu. The onset was sudden and shortly after noticing her stark pale face she vomited. I immediately gave her one full dose of Oscillococcinum. She told me shortly after throwing up that she didn't want to go to soccer camp the next morning. The next morning she came to me dressed in her soccer gear and said she felt great. I gave her one more dose of Oscillococcinum prior to bringing her to soccer and gratefully she lasted the whole day . She told me she felt great all day and even continued onto swim team!

Please note: Oscillococcinum needs to be taken at the onset. For this reason it's essential that you have this one on hand. It works wonders for adults as well. I take it at the onset and have experienced a very short duration of chills and fever and have not experienced nausea or diarrhea (knock on wood!)

Interested in strengthening your child's immune system to prevent the flu? BaniFlu by Native Remedies is a must. It's works preventatively and offers no side affects or discomfort and builds the body to ward off flu strains. Baniflu is a much better alternative than children flu vaccinations.

FluGo is another great product by Native Remedies that undoubtedly treats the flu and ultimately shortens the duration. I'm a huge Native Remedies supporter because they're remedies really really work. And the dosages will usually last a long time since they're only administered as needed.

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Parents, family, and caregivers devote themselves to the welfare of children. Yet, even with love and devotion, 80 percent of deaths of children under five-years of age are avoidable. More then half of those deaths are caused by mistakes in the administration of medications given to benefit the child. An even greater number of children are injured or suffer serious side effects from inadvertent errors of common health aids found in most homes.

Before giving any medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, (OTC), child care providers must know the weight, age, allergies, and sensitivities of the patient. Plus, it is vital that caregivers know what and when other medications and foods have been ingested by the child. An up to date list of medications and dosages should always be available. A great way to record food and medications given to children is with a daily log kept in a visible place for all adults, (parents, family, baby-sitters, and nannies), to use and communicate with one another.

Before administrating any prescription medication to a child, the caregiver must assess the child's needs: know what to give, why the child needs it, how to contact the professional that is prescribing it, when to give it, how to store it, where to refill it, and at what cost the medication can purchased. Be aware of probable side effects and how to manage them if they occur. Know whether to give the medication until it is finished or only until symptoms abate. Keep the phone number of the prescribing physician and pharmacy visible in the event of questions regarding reactions or directions.

Since each person has a unique chemical composition, side effects and each individual's reaction to a medication cannot be anticipated. Unexpected reactions must be reported to a licensed medical provider. No medications that have expired should be given to anyone at any time. Do not follow the advice of a friend, neighbor, or grandparent, however well meaning, regarding the treatment for a child. Seek the best advice from a trained professional and not merely from a convenient source.

OTC preparations pose a special challenge for child care providers. They require no prescription, are widely available, and are relatively inexpensive. Yet, they can be hazardous if used inappropriately. Child care providers must carefully read and understand the labeling found on every package.

The following categories are found on every medicine package label:

Active Ingredients:

The first panel on the label lists the active ingredients and their purposes. This section provides the chemical name of the active chemical and how it is intended to work for the patient.


This section explains which symptoms the active ingredient is supposed to treat.


The warnings section alerts the caregiver to conditions, or people, that should not use the particular medication without the specific advice of a physician.


The directions explain the dosage and administration of the medication. Always use a manufacturer provided measuring device and not a kitchen teaspoon, tablespoon, or dropper. Household goods vary widely in size and cannot be depended upon for proper dosage.

Other Information:

Other information listed often notes proper storage and gives pertinent information about how and when the product should be taken.

Inactive Ingredients:

The inactive ingredients listed on the medication label are the chemicals in the compound that are presumed to have no effect on the body. Dyes, preservatives, fillers, and food colors are among the compounds listed on this part of the label. A child may be allergic or sensitive to any of these ingredients, even though they are called "inactive."

Kids are not small adults. Do not dilute or reduce the dosage of adult products and dispense them to children. Pediatric oral medications are often sweetened to make the palatable. However, they are not candies and like all medications, should be kept out of the reach of children.

Adult medications that are especially dangerous to children are analgesics, anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers. Safety caps should be used and tightly secured, whether prescriptions or OTC preparations.

Some common ailments and popular products used as treatments may cause problems for children. Runny noses, stuffed noses, and post nasal drips are among the conditions that prompt a doctor to prescribe an antihistamine or a decongestant, or a combination of the two. Dry coughs and incessant coughs typically require expectorants and/or cough suppressants. Some common side effects include:


generally cause fatigue, loss of appetite, and dryness of the mouth and throat. Overuse can cause respiratory failure and weight loss.


can cause nervousness, sleeplessness, and heart palpitations.


can cause nausea and vomiting.


can cause chest pain and lethargy.

Paradoxical side effects:

may occur at anytime. That means that for a small minority of patients, what normally causes lethargy, may cause excitation in a particular patient.

Any instance of overdose of any medication requires prompt emergency medical care. Be aware that any sudden change in behavior or health requires medical attention. The side-effects cited in this article are representative only and not nearly a complete list of all possible problems medications can pose for children.

Parents may give certain herbs to children due to the inaccurate belief that they are all natural and cannot hurt, and might help, children.

The most popular herb is Echinacea. According to the German government, only one of the four species of Echinacea is useful as a cold preventative. That form is not even available in the United States. Some children, especially those who are allergic to ragweed, may be allergic to Echinacea. The alcohol-based tincture form of Echinacea can be irritating to mucus membranes. Further, recent studies find no benefit from the use of Echinacea.

Some people use large doses of Vitamin C to prevent or to treat a cold. Large doses of Vitamin C can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and heartburn.

Honey is popularly used to relieve sore throat, or to mix with lemon to relieve colds. Honey should not be given to any child under one-year-old because of the risk of infant botulism.

Multivitamins can be toxic to children. Iron-containing vitamins are a threat to children and should not given to children without the advice of a physician.

Headaches, sore throats, and other pain should be treated with ibuprofen or acetaminophen, but never aspirin. Aspirin should not be give to anyone under 19-years-old since it is a salicylate that can react with a virus that can cause the dangerous Reyes Syndrome. The adult formulation of Pepto Bismol, Kaopectate, and willow bark are also salicylate-containing compounds and must be avoided by infants, children, and teenagers. Use ibuprophen or acetaminophen in forms designed for pediatric use, rather than smaller doses of adult formulations.

Vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea are all potentially dangerous conditions that may lead to dehydration. Pediatric electrolyte replacement drinks are appropriate. Diluting adult electrolyte replacement drinks will give the patient a drink that is too acidic for a child.

There are many effective strategies to relieve the discomfort of teething but Anbesol to be used by adults and liquor may burn the gums and should be avoided. Cold gel pacifiers are a better choice.

Intestinal gas and heartburn are treatable with a large variety of safe products. Use those made for the age of the child. Too much antacid can cause constipation, diarrhea, or stomach cramps. Over dosage of acid blockers can inhibit digestion. Track the diet of children with stomach or digestive discomfort for a few days to check if there is a sensitivity to some food.

Among the most effective methods to prevent the spread of illness is careful and frequent hand washing. Plain soap and water are all that is necessary.

If a child is cranky because of fatigue, do not give medication to quiet the child. Most complaints are temporary and self-limiting and do not require medication. Sufficient sleep and a nutritious diet often allows the body to heal itself.


1. American Botanical Council

2. AMA Family Medical Guide 3rd ed
3. National Council on Patient Information and Education

4. City Futures, Inc

5. Integrative Medicine Communications

6. Courtroom Television Network LLC

7. dt.gov.uk

8. Family Health and Medical Guide

9. Griffith, H.W. Complete Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements.

10. Institute for Safe Medication Practices

11. KeepKidsHealthy.com

12. KidsSource.com

13. Merchant, Anne. M. The Nanny Textbook.

14. The PDR Family Guide to Prescription Drugs.

15. pediatrics.aappublications.org

16. Physicians' Desk Reference.

17. Prevention Magazine's Nutrition Advisor.

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Teething babies - how you can help your baby?

There is no hard and fast rules on when your baby will show signs of teething pain.

Teething babies begin at different times, and one never knows how long it will take or how painful it will be.
Sometimes the process of teething infants symptoms can follow hereditary patterns.

On average, your baby's first tooth can appear in the seventh month, but it can also appear at three months.

Often you will see a lump in the baby's gum and other times there will be no outward signs until a tooth appears.

What are the symptoms of teething?

These vary from child to child and below is a list of teething symptoms to look out for that could indicate your baby is having teething pain.

It is always advisable to check with your pediatrician if your baby does experience any of these symptoms associated with teething babies as a precaution to rule out other possible causes.

Rash on baby's chin
Ear tugging and cheek rubbing
Low-grade fever
Not sleeping well
Cold like symptoms

How can you help your baby with the pain?

Some parents suggest giving your baby cold food to soothe and cool teething pain and healthy foods like yoghurt, apple sauce or pureed fruit can appeal to your baby and at the same is nutritious for your baby's health.

One of the best ways is to assist with teething pain is to use pure essential oils. This is a very good way to provide gentle support with soothing and comforting properties during the teething process.

It can also settle restlessness within your baby and aid sleep when pure essential oils are massaged into your baby's tummy.

Just remember:

The teething process is entirely natural and will come and go like many other things with new babies. By using a certified organic blend of the purest oils you can be sure you will be giving your baby support and help with teething pain in the safest gentlest way you can.

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Today's health conscious parents are far more concerned about natural healing. And when it comes to teething babies, natural is the only acceptable solution. Beautiful to wear and incredibly effective on teething infants and toddlers, the soothing analgesic support that amber teething necklaces provides is unparalleled.

Completely safe and totally non toxic, Baltic amber has been the most wide used remedy over thousands of years for healing and pain relief as well as supporting the body's own immune system. This is especially important in infants and toddlers as their own immune system is still in development. Working completely naturally, natural Baltic amber teething necklaces has become the solution of choice as it contains no drugs and has absolutely no side effects -- just great results.

Most important to know...As the Internet provides easy ways to sell fake product, you must be diligent and securing only natural Baltic Amber. This is the amber that has been used for centuries through Europe and Asia and has most recently gained tremendous popularity among discerning parents in the Americas. What makes natural Baltic amber the unparalleled source is the fact that it is fossilized resin which formed from ancient forests over 45 million years ago. As these amazing trees released their "sap" to the earth, natural organic matter absorbed and encased the fluid until it became fossilized.

History teaches us that amber has been used as a healing remedy since as early as 460 BC. Amber has been known and recorded to have been used to facilitate healing since around 460 BC. It was coveted by monarchs of ancient times and is still "the" collector's item today in museums because of it's inclusions.

While natural Baltic amber might not be available in your local pharmacy yet (as it has been in pharmacies all over Europe for several years, it should be the "go to" solution when your baby starts to teeth. The telltale signs of irritability, fever, and occasionally diarrhea mean teething is in the works. It's a big transition in life for your baby....make it a good one that's positive and painless.

As you research sources for your natural Baltic amber teething necklace, don't compromised quality for price. After all, your baby will know the difference and so will you! Make sure you purchase from reliable sources, especially from those companies that originate in the Baltic region where natural amber comes from. If you pay a little more, it means you're getting only the finest quality. We believe you will agree it's worth it!

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You might have irritable bowl syndrome, you might have crohn's disease, or you might just be lactose intolerant. What are your symptoms? Do you have frequent gas, bloating, diarrhea; are you often sick to your stomach? It's not something you can necessarily diagnose on your own. While these symptoms may, in fact, be part of a larger problem, they may also just be symptoms that you can easily cure yourself through a little bit of learning.

If it turns out that you are lactose intolerant, what can you do and what does it mean? It means that your body does not have the required enzymes present to break down the sugars found in milk products. Essentially, your body can't digest the sugar found in milk products known as lactose. The enzyme responsible for the breakdown of this sugar is called lactase, and if you have difficulty with lacotse, it's probably due to the fact that you don't have enough of this enzyme to properly break down the amounts of lactose in your diet.

Lactase is primarily made in the small intestine; manufactured by the cells in the small intestine lining. It is responsible for taking lactose and breaking it down into two simple sugars called galactose and glucose. Why does it need to be broken down? Simply because it can't be absorbed as it; it must be broken down to small enough particles in order to be properly absorbed into the blood.

When does lactose intolerance first start to develop? Typically, once the production of lactase in the body starts slowing down, a slight intolerance can begin to develop. This can occur as early as the toddler years. While this process has begun at an early age, many people may not start suffering the consequences until well into their teenage years and beyond.

The origins of lactose intolerance are numerous and include injury or sickness, certain diseases such as celiac disease and cancers; treatments of these diseases like chemotherapy, or even injuries. In fact, it is even something that can be passed down through the generations in your genes.

Usually, people with this problem develop symptoms shortly after ingesting foods containing milk. Feelings of pain and discomfort may begin as quickly as a half hour after eating, or as slowly as several hours later. It also depends on how much lactose-containing food the person ate and to what degree they are intolerant. They may experience any of the following things: pain, nausea, discomfort, diarrhea, bloating, gas. Of course, exactly what occurs will be different for each individual, depending on their body.

Controlling and minimizing the effects of your intolerance can be accomplished with a few easy adjustments. Perhaps less of the offending foods can be consumed. Some minor changes to your diet may be necessary to ease your symptoms. You can try to eat milk products with other food at meals. This may help to lessen the severity of your reaction. Another strategy is to consume foods which contain lower amounts of lactose. You can also try incorporating lactose free foods into your diet.

If you are still having trouble with milk products even after trying all of the above, you may want to try taking a lactase enzyme pill. These can easily be found in most stores and drug stores and are over-the-counter. In general, you would take the pill immediately prior to eating the offending food. If this tactic is not effective for you, then you may need to try more drastic measures. Eliminating dairy products from your diet may be the next step.

Just remember that you do still need calcium in order to repair bones and tissue and to keep your bones strong. So, in order to avoid osteoporosis and other issues down the road, make sure to get plenty of calcium and calcium rich foods in your diet.

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Your baby is change and grows in different way and creeps traveling along the furniture or maybe even go to 12 months! Along with all this activity come the ability and the beginning of food preferences. These new developments may affect the growth of your child especially his or her weight.

What makes a child which grows this age?

By the time the first birthday cake your child might almost satisfied with his or her weight at birth and grows about 10 inches (25 centimeters). However physical growth slows during the second half of the first year.

Your child's doctor will continue to monitor growth during routine visits usually envisaged in the 9 months and 1 year of age.

I should be interested?

Problems of parents on the growth often focus on eating habits. Does your skinny child - picky eater? You are worried that your child does not get enough to eat? Opportunities - that everything is fine. Most babies eat enough to satisfy their hunger which in most cases is enough to supply them with energy in which they need.

Your child's weight length and the home circle were measured from birth and trained to chart the growth of your child's doctor. It's - is where you should start looking if you have any questions about how your child responds. When you are looking at the chart the growth of their child to the doctor make sure to compare the growth of your child with his or her own pattern of growth not with the growth of other babies. While the growth of your child is stable there is probably no reason to worry.

If you really notice the growth which slows down or decrease in weight consider these questions:

* Has your child been sick? A few days not eating particularly if combined with vomiting or diarrhea can lead to weight loss which will be returned when he or she will feel better.

* Does your child is in motion? The Crawling traveling and going all burn many calories so weight gain could not be so great with this new mobility.

* Your child has just more interested in playing Pacifica or decrease spoon on the floor than eating? World - A fascinating place and your child learn new things each day. Keep diverting at least during meal times and pay attention to cues that he or she had eaten enough.

* You enter the right kinds of products? Since your child is getting better at eating you can begin to pay more attention to the structure and diversity of products that he or she eats. If your child is not interested in baby food more as a representation of soft products table and finger food that is safe and fun?

Although the growth rate actually slowed down between 8 and 12 months your child should continue to follow his or her own growth curve. Talk with your child's doctor if you have any growth-related problems.

What about the total child?

Plump may be old-fashioned "ideal" child but the child who receives weight quickly is cause for concern. Heavy infants are more likely to be overweight later in life so consider began a pattern of gluttony and inactivity.

Never give up the babies but pay attention to the cues your child that he or she is full. Also:

* Make sure that your child's calories come from nutritious sources - like fruits vegetables and fortified cereals - rather than sweets and junk food.

* Make sure that your child is not drinking high calorie soft drinks or too much juice.

* Play with your child to encourage physical activity making sure he / she has a safe place to move to.

* Limit the amount of time spent in the automotive field tramps and playpen.

As a parent one of the best things you can do for your child should eat well and be physically active themselves. Does your child have a better chance of growing suitable if good health habits - part of the lifestyle of the family? Moreover you will be a good role model for your little one but you will really enjoy the energy of life with your child (and fortitude to pursue after him or her).

If you are concerned your baby weighs more than the normal ask the doctor for your child advice.

What is next?

Is not it hard to believe that a year has passed? In 12 short months your baby has grown from a tiny baby whom you might rocked in the cradle in one hand and the baby in motion. Between 12 and 24 months your child will only grow by about 4 inches (10.2 centimeters). Though physical growth has slowed expect big

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Fruit juice for babies -- it sounds healthy enough, doesn't it? Yet giving juice to your baby is not as beneficial as many parents believe.

Health organisations worldwide, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Food Standards Agency in the UK, recommend that babies receive no supplemental fluids during the first 6 months of life. This means no juice OR water -- breastmilk or formula alone are sufficient for your baby's needs. If you give juice to your baby before 6 months of age, you may find that this "fills him up". This will then result in him consuming less breastmilk or formula, depriving him of the nutrients which are crucial to healthy growth and development.

Even in older babies, drinking too much juice may be harmful -- a baby who consumes juice before a solid meal will very likely eat less of his meal. This means he will be consuming less essential fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals than his body needs.

Another very important point to consider is that an excessive intake of juice can cause the body to absorb less carbohydrates -- this can sometimes lead to malnutrition.

Fruit juice can also be responsible for infant tooth decay, tummy pains and diarrhea.

The best option is to offer whole fruit to your baby -- nutritionally, it is far superior to juice and contains the fiber that juice lacks. When your baby reaches an age when supplemental fluids are required, then offer water instead! Many parents say that their babies will not accept water -- however, if your baby has not yet experienced the sweetness of juice, then he won't know what he's missing and is more likely to accept water quite happily!

If you still wish to include juice in your baby's diet, then you need to ensure that the juice you offer is appropriate for an infant.

Avoid juices marked "fruit drink", "fruit beverage" or "fruit cocktail" -- these are composed of less than 100% juice and often contain added sweeteners and flavors.

Any juice given to a baby must be pasteurized -- specially produced "infant juices" are the safest option and do not contain sulfites or added sugars.

Always offer juice in a cup, not a bottle - this prevents the fruit sugars in the juice from pooling around your baby's teeth. Only give juice with a meal - don't allow your baby to endlessly sip juice throughout the day.

Finally, limit your baby's intake of juice to between 4-6oz per day. This is equivalent to one serving of fruit and is sufficient for a baby's dietary needs.

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Breastfeeding is the most natural, beneficial way to feed your infant. Breastfeeding provides your child an initial protection from disease and a boost to the child's own immune system. Breast-fed infants experience less diarrhea than bottle-fed babies and breast milk is the ultimate form of nutrition for your baby. Breastfeeding will not only be of the most nutritional benefit to you baby, but studies have shown that babies who are breast-fed develop higher IQs than bottle fed babies. When a baby is ill or has diarrhea, breast milk is the most easily digestible form nutrition available.

Your baby could live exclusively from beast milk for the first 6 months of his or her life. The amount of breast milk you produce corresponds with the demand of the baby. As your child grows, your milk supply will increase accordingly. Well-nourished mothers should have little or no problems accommodating the growing appetite of her child. Breast-fed babies have a deep emotional bond with their mothers and will provide the mother with health and emotional benefits as well. Breast-feeding will reduce the mother's risk of post-partum hemorrhaging, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and anemia. Breast-feeding also offers a natural way to space the births of your children, as you will not ovulate while breastfeeding.

By breast-feeding your child, you will save thousands of dollars on the cost of formula and bottles. There is no more natural and environmentally friendly way to feed your child. Unless you have been diagnosed with HIV, have untreated tuberculosis, are dependent on drugs or alcohol, or have the need for certain medications regularly, consider breast feeding as the best, most economical way to feed your child. Speak with your doctor about any existing health conditions or other factors that may prevent you from breastfeeding.

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Baby teething can be a frustrating time for both the parents and the child. But it is a completely natural process and poses no danger to the baby.

The first baby teeth to emerge are usually the two front teeth on the bottom gum, known as the central incisors. These will normally start to erupt between the ages of 4 to 7 months. Some babies will start teething earlier.

Teething does not cause a high fever or vomiting and diarrhea. If your baby develops these symptoms, then you need to contact your baby's doctor.

Here are the basic teething symptoms and signs to look for in knowing that your baby has started teething:

  • Excessive slobbering

  • Excessive irritability and crankiness

  • Gums that are red and swollen

  • Your baby wants to chew on solid object

  • Your baby may have a lot of trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

  • A low grade temperature, usually not higher than 100.5

Teething does not cause a high fever or vomiting and diarrhea. If your baby develops these symptoms, then you need to contact your baby's doctor. For some lucky babies and parents, teething can actually be painless. For others, it will cause irritability and crankiness for weeks. The following are tips you can use to help make your baby more comfortable during the teething process:

  • Massage your baby's gums. Take a moistened wash cloth or use your clean finger and give your baby's gums a good massage. The gentle pressure from the massage may help ease the discomfort.

  • Give your baby a teething ring. Use the firm, rubber kind because the ones filled with water may split from pressure of your baby's bite. Never tie a teething ring around your baby's neck. This could become a choking hazard. If your baby prefers the bottle, fill it with water. Too much lengthy contact with sugary substances such as milk and juice can cause decay of your baby's teeth.

  • Keep your baby's gums cool. Offer a chilled washcloth or teething ring. Do not give your baby a teething ring that is frozen because the extreme cold may make your baby's gums hurt even more.

  • Clean the drool from the baby's chin frequently. Babies will drool excessively during teething. It is important to always keep a cloth available to dry the drool from his chin. Keeping the skin dry will prevent a rash from forming on the baby's face and chin.

  • Try over the counter medicine. If your baby seems to be in a lot of pain with teething, you may try over the counter medicine such as ibuprofen or infant's Tylenol. Make sure these are the infant dosages. It will say on the bottle if it is for infants. Never, ever, give your baby adult formulated medicine and never give him aspirin for pain. Always follow the recommended dosages as stated on the bottle. Just because it is over the counter medicine does not mean that it can't be harmful if too much is given.

Baby teething can be a tough time for baby and parents. Monitor your baby closely during this time and try to give him as much comfort as possible. Soon, the teething symptoms will be gone and your little one will be less cranky and smiling at you with their pearly whites.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

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When your baby arrives, the days will be so much happier. However, you must also be prepared for bad situations.

Your newborn baby is very likely to face some of the common health problems in her early days. Moms usually get overly worried and panic finding their precious newborns sick.

Below are some of extremely frequent problems your newborn baby may face, with some easy, simple and effectual solutions to them.

1. Problem: Sticky Eyes

Most of the babies suffer from this problem, wherein a thick, sticky, yellowish mucous is secreted from baby's eyes.


Sticky eyes are generally the outcome of blockage of lacrimal ducts (the tear ducts) in the eyes. Babies have fine lacrimal ducts so they are blocked easily.

All you need to do is dab some cotton wool in slightly warm, sterilized water (water boiled for 20 minutes and then cooled) and massage the corners of your baby's eyes. Use different cotton wool for each eye to prevent cross infection. You may even consider applying cool tea. Place a tea bag in boiling water and let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Let the water cool down and then wipe the corners of the eyes using cotton wool. You can also gently massage around the eyes with your finger to help free the tear ducts.

2. Problem: Spitting up and Vomiting


First, it is important for the parents to understand the difference between the two. Spitting up generally occurs soon after feeding or sometimes up to an hour after they are fed, while real vomiting means throwing up of a large amount of the feeding and it is often forceful.

Spitting up is a normal phenomenon and goes on its own as your baby's diet changes, i.e., with the introduction of solid foods in her 5th month.

Vomiting generally occurs due to inability to burp, when your baby is full, or when there is excess of mucous in stomach. Try burping your baby more often and feed her smaller amounts. Also, avoid playing with her vigorously. Another thing you can do in such a situation is to put the baby to sleep or give her few drops of gripe water. Even if she has vomited most of the feed, you do not need to feed her again immediately after she has vomited. Try to put your baby to sleep as sleep alone do wonders in making her well. You may wake her up a little sooner than usual for the next feed. However, if your baby is repeatedly vomiting, has green-tinged bile or blood in the vomit or is running a high temperature, take her to the pediatrician.

3. Problem: Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is a common problem in newborns, caused because of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms of gastroenteritis include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, chills, and aches. It is a contagious disease caused by bacteria and spreads through oral-fecal route. It usually occurs in babies suffering from immuno-suppression. The symptoms generally appear within four to 48 hours of exposure to bacteria and usually last for a day or two but in severe cases can persist for up to seven days.


The major critical consequence of this problem is dehydration due to excessive fluid loss by vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration can be fetal. You, therefore, need to administer adequate amount of fluids to your baby. You can give your baby an electrolyte solution created for children (ask your pediatrician for a recommendation). Various unflavored/flavored oral dehydration solutions, commonly known under the brand names Pedialyte, Infalyte or Kaoelectolyte are available. However, consult with your pediatrician before you administer these fluids to your baby.

Continue breastfeeding or formula feeding, as that too would help preventing dehydration, and often alone are enough to keep your baby hydrated.

Warning! Never give your baby any anti-diarrhea medication because it can have potentially serious side effects and generally is no good treating gastroenteritis.

4. Problem: Baby Jaundice or Neonatal Jaundice

Baby Jaundice or Neonatal Jaundice refers to yellowing of baby's skin and white of the eyes on second or third day of birth. It is a very common problem in newborns, affecting about 80-90 % of babies during their first week of life.


Baby jaundice is caused because soon after birth, baby's liver is not efficient enough to dispose off a yellow pigment called bilirubin, formed by normal metabolic breakdown of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. As a result, bilirubin accumulates in the blood giving yellowish appearance to baby's skin and eyes. Most of the babies do not require a treatment of jaundice, as it tends to clear up on its own when baby's liver starts functioning efficiently.

You may fasten the recovery of your baby by the following:

o Give your baby a little exposure to sunlight in the early morning or late afternoon. Never expose your baby to the strong rays of the midday sun as it may cause sunburn.

o Feed your baby as often as possible as it would help excretion of excess bilirubin via urine.

You should always call your healthcare profession as sometimes bilirubin levels may be very high and your baby might have a specific treatment, Phototherapy. In this treatment, a baby is placed naked (with her eyes covered) in a special crib and is exposed to controlled amounts of ultra violet light. Ultra violet breaks down the pigment levels in the skin and helps recover jaundice. In another version of treatment, the baby is wrapped in a fiber-optic blanket called a bili-blanket or bili-pad. You may hire a bili-blanket with your doctor's prescription and treat your baby at home.

5. Problem: Common Cold

Almost every baby suffers from runny nose very now and then. This is a mild viral infection that occurs very frequently in babies because their immune system is not very well developed yet.


There is no medicine, which can kill the virus causing common cold and cure cold. However, you can comfort your baby and prevent infection go worse by ensuring that she gets plenty of rest and by giving a plenty of fluid (frequently feeding the baby).

You can ease her congestion by:

o Administer a few saline drops in baby's nostrils to loosen up the mucous and after a few minutes suck the saline using a rubber bulb saline.

o Washing baby's nose with warm water containing menthol or eucalyptus oil may also help unclog her nose. You can even make her inhale steam, either plane or containing eucalyptus oil vapors.

o You can make her sleep with head slightly elevated by placing a towel under crib's mattress. This will help prevent postnasal drip.

o You can apply petroleum jelly outside her nostrils to lessen irritation.

o In case your baby is running temperature as well, you can give her infant's acetaminophen. Never give your baby aspirin because it makes babies susceptible to Reye's syndrome.

Warning! Never use nasal spays on babies unless prescribed by your healthcare professional.

6. Problem: Colic

Many babies have crying attacks in the evening, usually between 6 pm and 9 pm. They cry loudly, stretch their legs up and turn bright red. These attacks are termed as 'colic' and can last for hours.


Colic or crying attacks are generally caused when the babies have excess of gas in their tummies. In this case, you can consider doing the following:

o Ensure that your baby is not swallowing air from a bottle.

o Burp your baby frequently even while breastfeeding.

o Try giving your baby gripe water, other herbal remedies including as weak teas brewed from fennel, chamomile, or carom (ajovan) seeds.

o Some babies also get gas due to inability to digest lactose, a constituent of milk (lactose intolerance). Changing baby's milk can make the baby do better.

o If you breastfeed, try changing your diet since it has an influence on milk you produce. Try eliminating spicy foods, beans, potatoes, high-fiber grains and caffeine and see if your baby does better.

o If your baby is on formula, you can try Soy based formula as it is hypoallergenic.

You can make your baby calm by making her suck a pacifier, gently massaging, talking outside for a walk. You can also try feeding your baby since many babies cry and fuss from hunger.

7. Problem: Twitching, Acne and Dry Skin


Most babies tend to jerk while asleep. This kind of twitching arises because their nervous system is still developing and does not require any treatment; it tends to disappear once baby's nervous system is fully developed.

Many babies get acne, usually towards the end of the first month. This is particularly distressing to many new parents. The acne is most probably caused due to exposure of baby to her mom's hormones when inside mom's womb. Treatment normally requires cleansing baby's skin by clean, wet washcloth. If required gently wash your baby's face with mild baby soap once a day and avoid laundering the crib sheets in harsh detergents.

Some babies have a very dry skin that usually peels off especially on the hands and feet. You can massage/apply baby lotion. Put some baby lotion on cotton and gently apply on baby's skin. However, since in some cases, it may be a severe condition called eczema, it is advisable to seek your doctor's advice.

Hope you get these tips helpful!

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In 1975, a pediatrician named Allan Walker reported a startling link between formula-fed infants and the occurrence of infectious diseases like neonatal meningitis and food allergies. In that report, he suggested that the this link was due to antigen absorption through the intestinal walls, and that breastfeeding infants for the first three months of life would prevent this absorption and decrease their susceptibility to disease.

He concluded that the passive immunity provided by colostrum and breast milk might play an important role in protecting infants from infection and disease by blocking the passage of pathogens and toxins through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream. Dr. Walker's report initiated decades of further research, and we now know that he was right.

Colostrum and breast milk do much more than provide nutritional support. They also provide developmental support that is necessary for the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, and immunological support that is vital for the continued growth and strengthening of the immune system.

Colostrum is the first milk provided to breastfeeding newborns during the first few days of life. This special milk is yellow to orange in color, thick and rather sticky, and very easily digested. It is richer in proteins than mature breast milk--both nutritional proteins for utilization in the body, and non-nutritional proteins that remain in the gut to aid in its closure to pathogens and toxins.

Infants who receive colostrum early and often have mature digestive tracts that are more robust throughout their first six months of life, and strong immune systems that are better able to resist infection and disease. Colostrum is the perfect source of nutrition for infants, providing them with the nutrients required to ensure proper growth and the development of the brain and nervous system.

Colostrum changes gradually to mature milk during the first two weeks after birth. During this transition period, the breast milk will become thinner in its consistency and whiter in its appearance. The concentration of antibodies in the transition milk will begin to decrease, while its overall volume will begin to increase.

The antibodies and other immune factors in mature human breast milk do not disappear completely; in fact, immunological protection against viruses and bacteria continues to be passed along from the mother to the baby as long as the baby continues breastfeeding. Like colostrum, breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for infants, and tailor-made to their changing needs over time.

It contains an optimal balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat for energy, and it provides the digestive enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and hormones for a baby's optimal health and continued growth.

Most commercially prepared formulas are based on non-fat bovine milk, whey protein, or soy protein. These formulas must be fortified with carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals in order for them to match the nutritional content of colostrum and breast milk.

But the active antibodies and other immune factors contained in human colostrum and breast milk cannot be added to these formulas, and they cannot provide the same developmental stimulus or immunological protection. As a result, babies receiving fluids other than mother's colostrum/breast milk for first three days of life have an increased incidence of diarrhea during their first six months, and formula-fed infants are more prone to a variety of common infections to which they are particularly vulnerable.

Click Here to Find Out More About Bovine Colostrum At :


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Mothers have known for centuries the benefits of baby massage, the world over. In many Asian countries baby massage is a daily routine that is usually performed by mother and grandmother together. This age-old practice has long been known to help keep the baby happy and comfortable. Besides the physical advantages that the baby gets from the massage there is also the emotional bond that is developed between the baby and the mother.

One of the first senses that is developed by the body is the sense of touch; this sense begins to develop very early in the womb. The act of birth is very dramatic for the baby as it has full sense of touch upon leaving the environment of the womb and entering the world. It is also true that babies were born prematurely especially require a touch connection to their mother as her babies were born to a cesarean section is not fully understood the connection between the development of the baby sense of touch and vaginal birth but there does appear to be a significant correlation. In almost all cases of other than normal childbirth is then shown that baby massage is significantly important in the development of the baby's sense of touch.

In addition to the development of the sense of touch and the bond between mother and child baby massage is also been shown to increase the child's emotional well-being as well as helping to develop the ability to establish strong emotional connections to others. Many researchers also believe that baby massage is important in helping to develop an increased confidence level later in life although this has not been proven; there is strong evidence to show this.

One thing that has been shown to be significantly enhanced by the act of baby massage is the strength, condition, and texture of the skin. This is due to the increase in circulation that occurs during massage this circulation increase is also highly beneficial to the development of the baby's nervous system, and muscular system. Baby massage is also beneficial in the development of the baby's emphatic system which is especially important in the early stages of life due to its significance in the removal of waste from the body.

Babies who regularly experienced baby massage will also have an improved digestive system and are more likely to have a positive attitude towards feeding. These babies tend to have less constipation and diarrhea, and less vomiting. From a respiratory standpoint, baby massage is beneficial in preventing of coughing, nasal blockage and other conditions associated with the upper respiratory system.

You may also notice an improvement in your baby's attitude which includes fewer tantrums and reduced irritability. This is due to the calming effect that massage can have on the baby. There are a wide variety of reasons a baby can be cranky and one of the most common is simply a lack of attention. Baby massage is a great way baby to get a little extra attention and feel relaxed at the same time.

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The debate continues: to bottle feed your baby Enfamil or Similac infant formula? Well, in the hope of making this decision easier, let's take a look at what both products offer.

Mothers about to give birth have a tough decision to make: to breastfeed or bottle feed? Mothers who choose to bottle feed face another difficult decision: what infant formula to use? Enfamil and Similac are both firmly placed as being amongst the best, top-rated brands of infant formula available today. But is one better than the other?

Well, the above question is a little meaningless as both manufacturers make different types of infant formula. Enfamil make Enfamil LIPIL - this contains DRA and AHA; Enfamil LIPIL Gentlease - contains reduced lactose for babies with a lactose intolerance; Nutramigen LIPIL - designed for babies with hypoallergenic formula designed for babies with cow's milk protein allergy symptoms such as colic, rash, and diarrhea; Enfamil ProSobee - a soy-based infant formula; Enfamil Premature LIPIL - designed specifically for feeding rapidly growing premature and low birth weight infants; Enfamil with Iron, the list goes on. Likewise, Similac makes many different types of baby formula; Similac Advance - contains DRA and AHA; Similac Organic - certified USDA Organic and uses cow's milk produced without the use of growth hormones; Similac Isomil Advance - soy based infant formula; Similac Lactose-Free Advance - specially formulated for babies with lactose intolerance; Similac NeoSure Formula - helps meet the nutritional needs of premature and low-birth weight babies; the list goes on.

Therefore one should compare like with like. However, most parents, who bottle feed using Enfamil or Similac, will use Enfamil LIPIL or Similac Advance.

Why Enfamil is better?

Enfamil does contain more levels of DHA and AHA than does Similac; about 17mg compared to around 11mg.
Many parents have noted that Enfamil doesn't pack like Similac, which takes the guesswork out of whether you've sifted the powder correctly before scooping.
Finally, Enfamil is cheaper than Similac.

Why Similac is better?

Enfamil formula is made using palm olein oil; Similac does not. One study suggests that formulas with a fat blend including palm olein oil (e.g., Enfamil, Prosobee) cause less frequent and firmer stools.
Similac claim that their infant formula provides 50% more calcium absorption than Enfamil.
They also claim that their new, improved formula has fewer bubbles and therefore makes babies less gassy.
Finally, Similac claim that switching to Similac Isomil Advance will reduce fussiness, gas and spit-up in most babies in about 3 days.

Many parents complain that the brand of infant formula they're using causes constipation, gassiness, spit-up and colic in their baby. Often times switching brands eases the condition; often times it doesn't. Usually, it is choosing a different type of milk formula which is specifically made for the condition that eases the baby's discomfort. Unfortunately, the debate as to whether Similac or Enfamil causes adverse reactions for babies is contradictory and often quite heated. One camp will give a big thumbs up for Enfamil, whereas the other camp will rave about the benefits of Similac. Sadly, doctors and hospitals can fail to give guidance, as many are under contract to supply one brand or the other - hardly independent advice.

Whichever brand you choose, be it Similac or Enfamil or some other, you can rest assured that it has been passed safe by the FDA. All brands for sale contain all the nutrients that your child needs for healthy development. If your baby is perfectly happy with the infant formula you are using, then stick with it. But if not, then by all means change brands, but first try to ascertain what might be causing your child's discomfort and select the right type of infant formula that will relieve the symptoms.

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