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Teething can be an extremely stressful time for both parents and baby. But how do you know when your baby boy is cutting his first tooth? If your baby has suddenly become very squirmy and fussy during his feeding, is excessively drooling or has a severe diaper rash, chances are your little guy might be getting his first tooth. One of the first steps in helping your baby through this is to be sure to recognize the signs of teething.

The discomfort associated with your child's first tooth may begin long before the actual teeth appear. Babies are born with 20 teeth that are hidden under their gums. Simply by rubbing your finger over the baby's gums, you should be able to feel some type of indication of teeth right before the teeth break through the skin.

The front four teeth are usually the first to appear. The two bottom teeth normally come in before the top two teeth. They usually break through the skin at around six months. However, in some instances, these teeth can appear a lot earlier, while some may not show up until the baby is a year old.

Molars or the back teeth, normally appear once the baby is around thirteen to nineteen months of age. Normally, the canine teeth appear around sixteen to twenty-two months of age.

By watching your little guy closely, you should be able to tell when he begins teething. The most common symptoms associated with this are: fussiness when eating, overall irritability, excessive amounts of drooling, diarrhea and diaper rash and the desire to chew on everything.

There are a wide variety of remedies available. One of the most effective remedies is to simply distract your baby. If he is not thinking about the pain, chances are he will be a lot happier. You can also massage his gums with your finger. Experts suggest avoiding the use of gels containing benzocaine, since it can cause an allergic reaction. You can offer your child a teething ring that has been cooled in the fridge. If his pain seems to be severe, consult your doctor, who may recommend giving your child some infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Natural homeopathic remedies are also available, such as chamomile and licorice sticks. However, before beginning any homeopathic remedy, be sure to first consult with your pediatrician. Some of the homeopathic remedies relieve the pressure of the swollen gums, while others are beneficial in preventing tooth decay.

Pediatricians recommend that you do not give your baby a bottle when he is falling asleep. By allowing your baby to drink a bottle while he is falling asleep, the milk can stay in his mouth, causing early tooth decay. When your baby is first born, you can clean his gums with a soft, toothbrush designed especially for infants. Unless your dentist tells you otherwise, do not use toothpaste that contains fluoride until the baby is around the age of 2.

Baby tooth care is extremely important. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that you take your baby in for his first dental visit by his first birthday. They recommend that he be seen by a dentist when his first tooth comes in. Preventive care will help to protect his smile now and always.

Teething affects each baby differently. By knowing the symptoms and taking some measures to help eliminate them, your baby's teething experience can be less painful.

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Every parent should be well aware of proper infant nutrition. This means that their job is to ensure that their baby is getting the essential nutrients needed by infants during the first 12 months. These nutrients include protein fat, calories, vitamins and minerals. Every baby is different and their caloric needs depend on their size, rate of growth and metabolic activity. It is wise to consult with your pediatrician about infant nutrition to make sure that your baby is getting the right amount of nutrients for proper growth and development.

Breastfeeding is the recommended method for infant feeding during the first 6 months. It is naturally superior to infant formula and contains the nourishment that infants need to be healthy which include fat, proteins, lactose, vitamins, minerals and water. Benefits of breastfeeding include reduced risk of diseases and a decreased incidence of respiratory and ear infections.

Contrary to popular belief, cow milk and other cow milk-based products should not be fed to infants before they are 12 months old because their kidneys are not designed to handle high protein until that age.

As your baby grows older, his needs for nutrients change. Most parents introduce solid food between 4 and 6 months, although solid foods are not recommended until the 6th month..

Here are some signs that your baby is ready to try solid food:

  • Your baby's birth weight has doubled

  • Your baby shows signs of being hungry for more than the recommended daily amount of milk

  • Your baby shows interest in the food you eat

  • Your baby can hold his head and neck up well

Rice infant cereal and pureed fruits like avocados and bananas are the only solid foods approved before 6 months of age. Cereal grains such as oat, wheat and barley can be introduced to infants after the 6th month is reached. As your baby grows accustomed to solid food, you can start introducing varieties to his meal.

Plenty of parents follow the "4 day wait rule" wherein they allow 4 days between introducing new food to their babies. As new food is introduced, be aware of any allergic reactions such as rashes, diarrhea and vomiting. If any of these reactions occur, consult with your pediatrician immediately.

Making sure that your newborn gets the proper amount of nutrients indeed is a lot of work. It involves a lot of worrying and sleepless nights but seeing your baby healthy will be worth all the work

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There are a lot of joys to experience with a baby - teething is not one of them. Babies can actually cut teeth as early as three months. Like Mel Gibson in M. Night Shyamalan's Signs, it is important to figure out the signs - the sooner, the better. While the symptoms may vary from baby to baby, here are a few general telltale teething signs:

  1. Irritability - Cutting a tooth is painful, so naturally your baby may be fussy. You may find that your baby is irritable for a week or so, as the tooth slowly rises to the surface causing pain and discomfort. This extended irritability is a good sign that your baby may be teething.

  2. Drooling - Drooling, while common for most babies, can increase during the teething process. The more drool, the more likely your baby is teething. This excessive drooling can cause chin rash, which is caused from a baby's skin being wet from saliva. To avoid chin rash, be sure to use a cloth or bib to protect your baby's skin, and periodically wipe your baby's mouth and chin area.

  3. Chewing or Gnawing - Much like a puppy, a baby will want to gnaw or bite down on anything she or he can find. Whether it's your fingers or a toy, your baby is looking to lock down on something to relieve the pressure from under his or her gums. This mouth-seeking counter pressure is a very good sign that your baby is teething.

  4. Cheek Rubbing or Ear Pulling - If your baby is rubbing his or her cheeks or pulling their ears, this is not a sign of cuteness. The pain your baby is experiencing in his or her gums may travel to the ears and cheeks. This particular sign is often associated with a baby getting molars, which is why they fuss with their cheeks and ears.

  5. Diarrhea - This particular symptom seems to be up for debate. Some pooh-pooh on this symptom, but some parents swear that this is a common sign of teething. While there is much disagreement among doctors, it is believed by some that excessive swallowing of saliva causes this symptom. It is important to monitor this symptom, and call your pediatrician, if necessary.

  6. Tiny Fever - Some babies develop a small fever when teething, and therefore, it is important to be aware of this symptom in conjunction with other symptoms mentioned. It is important to monitor your baby's fever and contact your pediatrician if it persists.

  7. Not Sleeping Well - Sweet dreams are replaced with the nightmare of teething. The teething process doesn't sleep, which means your crying baby could be up at night too. If you find that your baby is up for Late Night with David Letterman, this could be a clue that your baby is teething.

  8. Cold-like Symptoms - Simple cold-like symptoms, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, may be an indication that your baby is teething. These cold-like symptoms may result from your baby's fussing more with their mouth their hands in their mouth more often. Like the diarrhea and fever, it is important to monitor this symptom, and contact your pediatrician, if necessary.

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Before looking for medicine for constipation, you need to confirm if your child indeed is constipated. What are the signs of toddler constipation? The following signs will tell you if your toddler needs to have more fiber in her diet.

- She has infrequent bowel movements, especially if she hasn't had one in the last few days and seems uncomfortable when passing stools.

- She has dry and hard stools.

- She has very liquid stools in her diaper. You may get this as diarrhea but actually; liquid stools can slip past hard stools in the lower intestine and can end up in your child's underwear or diaper.

What's the Best Medicine for Constipation?

What then can you do with your constipated child? What is the best medicine for constipation? Here are 5 things you can do to help your child have good bowel movements again.

1. Avoid giving her too many foods, which have binding effect such as bananas, cooked carrots or squash. Dairy products, which are consumed in large quantities, can also cause constipation. For your toddler, you may give her 2 to 3 daily servings of dairy products such as cheese, milk, ice cream or yogurt. Moderation can be a medicine for constipation.

2. Increase the fiber intake of your toddler. It is more difficult to find and let your child have over the counter medicine for constipation. You might as well prevent constipation and keep your toddler's digestive system healthy by teaching her to consume fiber rich foods. Fruits and vegetables known to be rich in fiber are prunes, broccoli, pears, beans and peas.

3. In order to keep your toddler's stool soft, rehydrate her. Water is one best medicine for constipation. There are also other fluids that can help her relieve constipation but there are limitations to a toddler's consumption or else they'll destroy her teeth or ruin her appetite. Prune or apple juice can be given up to 4 oz every day. Take note of the number of her wet diapers to see if she is adequately hydrated. She should have 4 to 5 wet diapers per day or, if she's potty-trained, should pee at least once within 5-6 hours duration.

4. Increase your toddler's physical activity. Encourage her to crawl, walk or cruise in order to let her blood flow into all her body organs. Good physical activity is also another medicine for constipation.

5. Massage your child's tummy. Massage is also a good medicine for constipation. Measure around 3 finger-widths just below her navel and apply gentle yet firm pressure using your fingertips. Press there until you feel a certain firmness or mass. Keep gentle and constant pressure on the area for 3 minutes.

Medicine for Constipation Alternatives

Lastly, don't force your child to potty train even before she is ready. Forcing her to use the toilet can just make her scared or resentful and could lead her to withhold her bowel movements. Try to look for the signs that your toddler is ready to be potty trained in order to avoid toilet anxiety, which can also lead to constipation. Consult your family doctor for more medicine for constipation.

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Some babies go through the teething process with no problem at all while for others it can be a painful process. Doctors disagree somewhat on the symptoms of teething. However, many parents report that their baby experiences fussiness, diarrhea, runny nose and fever when teething. Regardless, most parents and doctors can agree that babies do experience discomfort when teething.

Signs That Your Baby is Teething

o While all babies drool you may see an increase from three to four months of age. Teething stimulates drooling, which is often worse with some babies than others.

o Baby's gums may become more swollen and sensitive during the teething process. You may also see small bumps on the gums where the teeth will soon emerge.

o As the teeth rise closer to the surface, your baby's gums may become increasingly more sore and painful, leading to your baby being very fussy. The pain and discomfort is most often worse during the first teeth coming in and later when the molars come in because of their bigger size.

o To relieve the discomfort of teething, you baby may gnaw and gum down on anything she or he can get their mouth around. The counter pressure from biting on something helps relieve the pressure from under the gums.

o Many babies have a decrease in appetite when teething. When their gums hurt they just don't want to put anything in their mouth. Their appetite should return to normal as the teething process subsides.

o And just when you've gotten them to sleep through the night, your baby may wake up more often at night with the discomfort of teething.

What Can You Do to Ease the Pain?

The best way to ease teething pain is to give your child something to chew on. Some safe ideas are a firm rubber teething ring, or a cold washcloth. Never give your baby any item to chew that they can choke on such as a carrot or piece of apple. These might seem like good ideas but a piece can break off and become lodged in their throat. However, if your baby is old enough to eat solids, they may get some relief from cold foods such as applesauce or yogurt. Another idea is to massage their gums by rubbing a clean finger gently but firmly over your baby's sore gums.

If none of this seems to help consult your baby's pediatrician. Some doctors recommend giving a teething baby a small dose of children's pain reliever such as infants' acetaminophen or rubbing the gums with topical pain relief gel. But always check with a doctor on proper usage and dosage before giving any medication to your baby.
Sometimes the increased drooling can cause a rash on your baby's face. If so, gently wipe the drool away with a soft cotton cloth. You can also smooth petroleum jelly on their chin before a nap or bedtime to protect the skin from further irritation.

The good news is that teething is a temporary process. Most children usually have all of their teeth between the ages of two and three.

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My first child was colicky, miserable. I became a vegan while breastfeeding trying to curb the chronic condition. As for formula, we tried them all until settling on Alimentum, which worked until we introduced food. Then things took a terrible two year turn. Everything we fed the child caused diarrhea. My doctors, overwhelmed with new mom syndrome, patted me head and sent me along not so concerned. In fairness to them, they couldn't have known how big a deal it was until we had what I refer to as a month from hell. The child was going over ten times a day and couldn't seem to process anything and was losing weight. The doctors perked up and realized something wasn't right. From there it was visits to the gastroenterologist that finally yielded the fact that our first born was allergic to: wheat, nuts, soy, milk protein, egg whites, dog dander, and a few insects. So keep these things in mind if you're dealing with this type of child:

  • Obviously the most terrifying sign of a food allergy is anaphylactic shock. It's also the rarest form but be informed of some of it's signs: itchy, hives, difficulty breathing, vomit, coughing. Call for help immediately - this is not the time to home remedy. I know, my first child went into it after getting peanuts. It's terrifying.

  • Many food allergies are outgrown over time. These days we only have to worry about very extreme nut allergies with our first born. Not great, I know but it could be worse. It could be very extreme allergies of that entire list.

  • Colic isn't some magic aliment that cannot be explained. I get so angry when I read it has nothing to do with the digestive process or stomach area. My child would let out adult style gas or poop at the end of every colic session. Every one I've ever known with a colicky baby has said as much. Babies have never eaten any of the things we're giving them. No matter how mild, it's a shock to their bodies. And just like adults, some of them handle it better than others. And those with allergies can't handle it at all. More often than not, it most certainly is digestive.

  • Eczema is sign number one. Now eczema can be triggered by many things so confer with your doctor but with both of my kids it started with their formula intolerance. Don't even start foods until you've found a formula they can tolerate. My second is on soy, but my first was an Alimentum baby. Both started on milk formula. As hard as it is to waste expensive formula, if the child isn't tolerating it, check with your pediatrician and determine a new formula course and start it immediately.

  • Introduce foods slowly. I know it's exciting and fun to bring new tastes and smells into their worlds, but you have all the time in the world to do this. Take more than a week between foods. Even with my second child, when I tried to introduce peas I got the tell tale signs of diarrhea. Then it happened again when I tried garlic. So I've shelved both of those for now and will try again in 6 months. Had I been moving faster than a week I might have blurred together the introductions and not been sure what caused the change in him.

  • Diarrhea. Listen to it. It's real and it's their bodies trying to tell you something. Sometimes it might just be a cold or illness. But run through the list. If it's chronic make that call to your doctor.

  • There are no dumb questions. Call the doctor if you're unsure or need some answers. And be the squeaky wheel. By continuing to raise the point with my first child we finally did get answers and were able to form a course for a better eating life for the child.

  • Once you get to table foods, go easy on hard to digest foods like fried food, spicy foods, red meats even some veggies like broccoli. White flakey fish (like tilapia) are a great protein and much blander than most meats.

And remember they may just outgrow these allergies. But if not, arm yourself with information.

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Many people are not aware that prevention of dental diseases can be started as soon as a child is born. From the seventh to the ninth (last) months of pregnancy, the primary baby teeth are just about to be fully formed in the bone. Development of permanent teeth begins at birth.

Even before the teeth show, it is possible, and in fact recommended, that an infant's mouth to be cleaned. Lightly dab the gum pads in a baby's mouth with a clean damp, soft cloth. This will decrease the germs that form in the mouth, and begin the healthy practice of dental care.

An infant is also recommended to have a dental check-up in as early as 12 months of age. Pediatric dentists suggest that a baby's first dental visit should be before all 20 primary teeth have completely erupted. This first visit is for a complete exam and evaluation. It is also for parents to be educated with proper dental care for infants at home, and the recommended diet proper use of toothbrushes and fluoride for infants.

Once the teething starts and first tooth erupts, which occurs about as early as six months, others follow until all 20 baby teeth are in. During teething, a lot of babies experience discomfort that is seen when they become irritable, drool a lot, suck on their toys, blankets, or fingers, and lose their appetite. When a baby gets a fever, diarrhea, or flu-like symptoms, it is best to consult a pediatrician. Hard, cool teething toys and frequent drinks of water can ease the teething discomfort.

Below is a list to remember after the teeth erupt.

- Do not let sweet or sweetened liquids to stay in a baby's mouth for a long time. These lead to early dental decay.

- During feedings, always hold the baby and the bottle. Not only it could choke the infant, the milk or juice can bring cavities while in contact with the new teeth. When the baby falls asleep during feeding, remove bottle from his/her mouth. If a bottle is needed to get the baby to sleep, fill it will water instead of milk or juice.

- Do limit the use of sippy cups. The use of those can lead to cavities and other dental problems such as misalignment of teeth.

- Start a healthy eating habit by regulating intake of sweetened beverages and food. Do not spoil your baby with sweets, because it will eventually lead to dental problems with his or her primary teeth.

- Educate yourself with fluoride supplements for babies. This will help make your baby's teeth stronger and prevent tooth decay without using a normal adult's toothpaste.

- When a baby is learning to walk, or can walk already, do not let the child walk with a bottle or sippy cup in his/her mouth. Be watchful to dental injuries.

When a baby grows with proper dental care, the routine will become his/her practice until he/she grows old. It will be a healthy habit that will help create a positive self-image.

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This is one of the controversial questions that has turned the health market upside down. Over the past decade, food scientists and experts have recently been pointing to soy as a possible superfood over the past few years.

Soy products, while in their organic state such as soybeans, do have some beneficial aspects to them. However, the mainstream media has failed to mention that the other forms of soy have drastic dangers to us such as infertility in women, low sperm count in men, certain causes of cancer, intestinal problems such as nausea or diarrhea and are even known to increase learning dangers in children such as attention deficit, dyslexia, and growth problems.

How have these factual side effects slipped through the cracks?

Mostly because soy milk is not 100% organic because it contains added calcium and vitamins. This is the problem with anything that has been tampered, pasteurized, or processed - You are adding non-natural nutrient ratios and in turn creating an imbalance.

So how does Whey Protein add up in the battle of soy protein vs. whey protein?

The fact of the matter is that the "soy superfood" has been dethroned by something far superior as the latest research has proved: Raw Organic Grass Fed Whey Protein.

So what exactly is Whey Protein?

Whey is a protein that comes from milk. There are 2 main proteins in milk: casein and whey proteins. Whey is acquired during the milking process when milk is turned into cheese - this is where whey liquid is separated from the casein. OK enough of the molecular science, what does that mean?

Put it this way, this natural way of aging milk, created the number one highest quality source of protein in the world!

"That's right!"

Whey scored a 1.14 on the "Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score" but up until then the highest USDA score was only 1.0. Whey also scored higher than anyone thought possible! It's really that superior. But that's not all. Not only did whey protein score drastically higher than soy in Amino Acid abundancy, which are the essential building blocks of life, but it scored higher in biological value, net protein, protein efficiency, digestibility and countless others.

So is soy bad? Not necessarily. But most people over consume and take soy in different forms rather than its healthier original state. However, when it comes to soy protein vs. whey protein it is still really not a very close fight.

Simply put, raw grass fed whey is the number 1 superfood on the market these days and the highest rated protein out there. So if you can get everything you need from soy plus much more from whey then why even bother with soy?

It's a simple form of logic at this point: Put down the soy and pick up some whey.

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Give your child the best.

Although most parents know that breast feeding is the best choice, but the
perceived inconvenience, previous attempts failure and lack of knowledge on the
actual advantages that breastmilk have caused many newborns to be denied benefiting
from breastfeeding.

In the beginning, it may be frustrating and may take some effort to get it started
right, but once the perserverance has passed the test, you are on your way to make
a big difference in you and your baby's life.

Breastfeeding creates a special bond between you and your baby. Every mother's milk
has a unique smell to a baby. This enhances bonding between the mother and baby. In
fact this is a great help to promote behavioural development of the baby. Bottle
feeding is merely providing food and even then, not necessarily the best food.
All the right kinds of fat in breastmilk comes in higher quantity but is more
easily absorbable than formula milk. These include Omega fatty acids, such as DHA
and AHA, which enhance your baby's brain and vision development when they needed

Breastmilk contains more carbohydrates compared to formula milk to meet your baby's

Breastmilk contains less protein than formula milk, but this protein is of a form
that is more digestible for the sensitive stomach. All the protein from breastmilk
can be absorbed by your baby, unlike formula milk.

The proportion of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals in breastmilk changes with
the needs of your growing baby up to 6 months of age. Formula milk proportion stays
the same and are often less easily absorbable.

The amount of water in breast milk is just right to satisfy your baby's thirst,
thus, when you breastfeed your baby, you do not need to give water at all. The
proportion of water in formula milk is dependent on how much you put in.

There are more than a hundred ingredients in breastmilk that cannot be created with
human hands or brain. These are important for your baby's complete development.
The anitbodies in breastmilk help your baby fight against infection. These are
absent in formula milk. Bottle fed babies are more likely to suffer from diarrhea,
ear, lung and urine infections, increases anxiety and visits to the clinic.
The taste of breast milk varies according to the mother's diet while formula milk
taste the same all the time. Thus, breastfed babies are more ready to try new food
during weaning then bottle fed babies.

In the long run, breastfed babies are less likely to develop obesity, high blood
pressure and diabetes when they grow up.

The best part is the mother gets to return back to her pre-pregnant weight more
quickly because more calories are burnt when producing breast milk. Breast feeding
also protects the mother from breast cancer.

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Pepto-Bismol is a product used to treat minor digestive system upsets, which is currently produced by a company Procter & Gamble. It is known for effectively treating symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, stomach ache, diarrhea, indigestion and other discomforting stomachaches. It is, more importantly, also known not to be taken by children recovering from influenza or chicken pox, as well as during cold and flu season.

So, is it safe to give your kids Pepto-Bismol? Well, that is actually a very general question. Overall it is safe with the exception of a few situations. To know for sure if giving Pepto-Bismol to your kids is safe, during any given time of the year, ask your doctor.

Strength Pepto-Bismol can be harmful to your child, but there is a safe alternative. I am personally not sure why people give their kids Pepto-Bismol when knowing that giving kids aspirin or salicylate containing medicines increases the risk of Reye Syndrome, just for the purpose of resolving minor disturbing stomach problems. Pepto-Bismol has so called Bismuth Subsalicylate as main active ingredient, which is responsible for its distinct pink color. Again, allowing your child to take this ingredient in must be avoided while your child is recovering from chickenpox or the flu.

Two other factors that determine if it is safe to give your children Pepto-Bismol are your child's age and which type you are considering to give. Even though the regular strength Pepto-Bismol seems to work as a miracle drug for stomach upsets like indigestion, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, the benefit of solving these little upsets do not way over the risk of taking in Bismuth Subsalicylate, the main ingredient of strength Pepto-Bismol, being linked to the potentially life-threatening disorder Reye Syndrome.

Luckily, the FDA acknowledges this fact and only allows strength Pepto-Bismol to be available only with labeling instructions stating it can only be taken in by children over age of 12. Some doctors go even further recommending not even teenagers take it in.

So what is the safe alternative to strength Pepto-Bismol I talked about earlier? There is another alternative to strength Peptro-Bismol which are Pepto chewable tablets, especially suitable for children. These help to relieve sore stomachs, acid indigestion, heartburn, etc. thanks to the main active ingredient Calcium Carbonate. These tablets are okay for younger children, even at the age of two years, and they are not associated with the Reye Syndrome. Since it is basically a decent calcium supplement, it is perfect for those who rarely drink milk or other milk fortified beverages.

You may even say that chewable Pepto tablets are healthy for kids. Though, no matter where you buy these tablets, read the labeling instructions to ensure the tablets you buy contain calcium. You are the only one who can really double-check that and make sure.

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Is your baby approaching his or her first birthday and you're considering weaning?

The American Academy of Pediatrics currently recommends that "breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired."

If you and your baby are still enjoying the nursing experience, why not take a look at some of the advantages of nursing beyond that first year?

1) Immunological Benefits

Contrary to popular belief, mother's milk does not have an expiration date!

Your baby continues to receive all the benefits of human milk for as long as he is nursing. In fact, your milk changes to meet your baby's changing needs. For instance, did you know that the milk of a Mom whose baby delivers prematurely is different from that of one whose baby is full term? The milk of a Mom whose baby is older has more protein, fat and more lysozyme (which destroys E. coli and salmonella bacteria) than it did when her baby was younger.

Now that your toddler is, well... toddling about, he's exposing himself to more germs. He's mouthing everything in sight and it's getting harder to keep his toys clean. And what about those bits of carpet fluff and who-knows-what-else he always seems to find and quickly consume?

The immunological benefits of breastmilk may be even more important now. When your toddler does get sick and refuses food, he may even revert to almost totally nursing again. If this happens temporarily, you can rest assured that he's getting his nutritional needs met. If he's vomiting or has diarrhea, breastmilk is far superior to keep him hydrated than the popular rehydration drinks.

In addition, breastfed children tolerate vaccination better and are less likely to have adverse reactions.

In the Journal of Human Lactation, September 1995, several studies are cited which show that exclusive breastfeeding may continue well into the second half of the first year with no detrimental effects, and many positive effects. If you have a picky toddler or one with food allergies, your breastmilk serves as "nutritional insurance" for him and peace of mind for you!

2) Nursing makes discipline easier

A toddler's life is full of frustrations. Having to hear the word "No", wanting to do things that your uncoordinated body can't do, learning to communicate with Mom and Dad and learning to accept limits is hard on a little person!

Nursing is a way of quickly calming a toddler, and it makes every boo-boo better. At our house we refer to nursing as "Baby Prozac". It's also a way to ease the suffering of a child cutting molars.

Nursing is an effortless way to calm a toddler to sleep, making naptime and bedtime easier for everyone.

3) Extended nursing and Mom's health

Breastfeeding helps lower Mom's risk of certain cancers for several reasons. Firstly, the fewer times in a woman's life she ovulates, the less her risk. For some women, their fertility doesn't return until the end of breastfeeding. I've known Moms who went 2 years without a period because their tot was still nursing.

Secondly, breastfeeding lowers a woman's risk of getting breast cancer, and the longer she nurses, the higher the benefit.

Breastfeeding showers a woman's body with hormones that help make her a calmer, less stressed out, and more relaxed Mommy. I've talked with women who had to wean suddenly and they report that they were shocked at the change in their attitudes compared to when they were nursing!

I hope I've given you some food for thought.

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When a child suffers from constipation it can be a miserable experience. Not only will it hurt the child with the pain he or she is experiencing but it will hurt you just seeing them in pain.

What is constipation? It is a condition in which there is an improper movement of the bowels. When a child is able to pass a movement, the stool is typically dry and hard. In a normal movement is generally soft and there is no pain when taking a poop.

When a child is having constipation, they find it not only difficult to go but feel the urge and still cannot relieve him or herself once at the potty.

From when the food is eaten and to when it becomes a product of waste, your digestive system is in charge. When you eat food or drink any fluids all this gets to the stomach thanks to your food pipe. Once the stomach acid takes care of the food, it is then passed on to the smaller intestines and then on to the large intestine... these are known as bowels.

In the last stage of the digestive system, the food which is now considered waste will sufficiently be passed through the anus.

While the digestive process is going on, the nutrients and water will be absorbed by the body and what ever is leftover is considered waste.

Do not believe it when people tell you that not going to the restroom to pass poop everyday is considered constipation. Everyone is different and so are their habits. Should you be concerned about a person's bowel movements, make sure you know about that individual.

For children suffering from constipation, they often feel full and usually a bit uncomfortable. Their belly may seem stretched. When the child makes the effort to pass the stool, the experience can be a painful one. Once able to pass the poop, they often time feel like they need to do it several more times.

When hard poop is passed, it often times cause little tears around the anus and can have blood on the toilet paper. Children should tell their parents about the blood immediately so there can be a remedy at once.

Some kids can suffer from a worse condition that when the hard stool is passed, there is also a watery stool much like diarrhea. Mucus is also passed with hard stool in this condition.

Why Does Constipation Happen?

Constipation is becoming more prevalent due to inadequate diets that many people are following. Fast food, fattening foods, starches and sugars are all leading to constipation. This type of lifestyle leaves little room for the fiber people need. Parents need to reinforce healthy eating habits such as leafy green vegetables and fruits. Not only these but also whole grains and plenty of water or fluid intake. No sugary drinks.

The fluids allow for the stool to soften and be easier to pass. Not enough of this can lead to constipation. Getting an a fair amount of fiber ensures a person is able to pass stools regularly.

Why Are Children More Prone to Constipation?

With the technological age, children are constantly less active. They are playing video games and eating junk food more often than going outside to play and eating right. Children, who are ADD or ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are also prescribed medications that can cause constipation. These are not the only culprits but these children are more at risk to getting constipated.

One more culprit to constipation: Stress. This should be avoided whenever possible.

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A significant number of people who have acid reflux disease also claim to suffer from frequent IBS or irritable bowel symptoms. But is this coincidence or connection. The answer is there does appear to be a connection. There is at least one affiliation between acid reflux and diarrhea, and there could be more. In this article, we will briefly explore the implication of these connections.

The Connection

The first of the two connections is a natural one. This could possibly mean that both acid reflux and diarrhea are symptoms of a larger root problem. In this case, the problem is digestion. Medical sources note that acid reflux disease can occur when the intestinal and lower-stomach muscles involuntarily relax. This, also, can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea.

The other link between acid reflux and diarrhea is not naturally occurring, but rather drug related. Several current studies show that drugs taken to alleviate acid reflux are actually helping to cause diarrhea. There are two basic categories for acid reflux medical treatment - protein pump inhibitors (PPI's) and H-2 blockers. Some common brand name versions of these drugs you may recognize are Prilosec & Nexium for PPI's, and Zantac and Pepcid for H-2 blockers. Diarrhea has been found to be a side effect of taking both of these drug categories.

Continue reading to find out why these medications can cause diarrhea and what the treatment options are. You can also sign up for the free acid reflux newsletter at the bottom of the page for natural methods of treating acid reflux that won't cause diarrhea.

The Cause

H-2 blockers and protein pump inhibitors both have been shown to facilitate the excessive growth of the bacteria Clostridium difficile (C-diff). Excessive amounts of C-diff growing rampant in the large intestine, or colon, are responsible for causing diarrhea. And to make matters worse, antibiotics taken for separate problems (or related) can kill the "good" bacteria that are needed to ward of C-diff in the large intestine.

Colitis, a painful form of cramping intestinal inflammation, can result from too much C-diff. Compounding matters, these infections can spread very easily in populated places such as hospitals and dorms.

The Reason

Basically, taking drugs to combat acid reflux actually weakens the body's defenses. The stomach acid in a person's body is not just for digesting food, but also acts as a barrier to prevent unwanted bugs from entering our bodies. The drugs used to suppress stomach acid can actually weaken this form of defense, allowing access to certain bacteria (like C-diff) that would otherwise not be admitted.

This is also a reason that doctors often recommend more natural methods of fighting acid reflux before resorting to medicine. Some of these methods include losing weight (if applicable), eating smaller meals more frequently, eating less fatty foods, eating less spicy foods, limiting alcohol and smoking, and elevating the head when sleeping. These can often go a long way in controlling acid reflux if followed carefully.

Acid reflux and diarrhea are related, probably in more ways than one. If you haven't exhausted these possibilities already, you may want to try utilizing some of the lifestyle and diet related treatments listed above. If you're stuck using the medicinal treatments, then just remember to be aware of infections that can result from a weakened line of defense. And, maintain frequent contact with your physician as a result.

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Encopresis can turn into an incredibly stressful ordeal for the whole family, as well as a physically and emotionally painful one for your toddler. It's my strong opinion that a few simple and health approaches can be taken to stop it in its very early stages. I'm a mom who experienced the beginnings of bowel withholding and avoidance when my daughter was about to turn two. Since I've never been one to go blindly with the flock on medications, I felt I had no choice but to do my due diligence and study like a med student to help her through it as intelligently, and naturally, as possible.

I respect medicine and doctors, within reason, but also feel that we live in a time that alerts us to be more educated about all these new chemicals available for us to put in our bodies. Furthermore, it's one thing to choose it for yourself, and another to give it to your child. There are so many medicines out there now with such frightening hazards, a parent cannot help but think, "Exactly what is this, and how safe is it?" Even if a product claims to work naturally, or call itself "all natural," one has to pay close attention to what they're doing.

That said, let it be known that I am not a doctor or health care practitioner, so this article is not to be construed as such professional advice, and it is for informational purposes only. This is our personal experience and opinion surrounding the beginnings of Encopresis, which we very successfully stopped, completely, in less than six months, physically and emotionally. The purpose here is to encourage parents to look into working with the body (and mind) naturally rather than trying to take a seemingly easy way out with a drug or medication that might only mask over the problem for a while, (or cause another problem). It should be understood that it is a parent's responsibility to investigate and weigh any options they might choose for their child, preferably with the guidance of a like-minded doctor or health care practitioner.

I won't venture into defining Encopresis, because if you've arrived here, you already know what it is. It's not just bowel accidents (fecal soiling) - in my opinion, that more accurately describes what it turns into, if given the chance. So it would be fair to take a look into how a child ends up with soiling issues, and to know how to stop those conditions so Encopresis doesn't develop in the first place.

What Encopresis doesn't always define is the real "why," perhaps because it is unknown, or there could be varying reasons for different cases. For example, there are general physical reasons for constipation... Many professionals will say that there are physical reasons for fecal soiling too. Of course there are, (a stretched colon perhaps) but let's look at those reasons and find the origin of the problem. In our experience, the early stages displayed as many psychological as physical reasons. If this is not addressed right away, the child will hold onto bowels for days, repeatedly, and eventually the colon will stretch, and be unable to naturally detect (or hold in) a bowel at all. Then you have Encopresis to struggle with.

Our child had always had a mild case of constipation, which persisted until we finally decreased her dairy intake to almost nothing. Our doctor's advice to add more milk was in sharp contrast... But to this day, we still wonder if constipation was actually the first sign of what was to come.

During the time when our daughter was consuming the doctor-recommended amount of dairy, she had a bowel that was painful, and it left quite a psychological impression on her. She was almost two years old, and in her world view, she decided she didn't want to do that again - heaven's no. Besides, it seriously interrupted play time, and she was too busy to allow any fun-wrecking pain into her day. And so it began. She figured out how to hold it in, of course, with no mature knowledge of the consequences. Note that her reasons were both psychological and physical - it hurt and it interrupted unpleasantly - and both reasons were quite natural too, especially for a young human. Even adults want to avoid pain and having their fun interrupted! Multiply that by about ten million for some toddlers.

Physical fact: When a bowel is held in for days, the colon accommodates - it stretches. Over time, the stretched colon may lose its natural ability to sense when a normal-sized bowel is present due to the colon being larger, thereby undermining the sensations that would normally send the body signals to eliminate. Psychological fact: The longer a bowel is held in, the larger it gets, causing painful bowels, rectal fissures, possible bleeding, pain, resulting in less incentive to eliminate regularly, thereby causing more withholding. This apparently leads to an inability to hold a bowel in at will, causing soiling, and full blown Encopresis. According to many parents of children with encopresis, they cannot get their child to have a bowel, and when a bowel does occur, it's in the wrong place and time, and not under the child's control. Both parent and child experience enormous stress for the social inconvenience, and often, the child is reprimanded or ridiculed in one way or another, by somebody, and this does nothing to change the results.

From my perspective, it just makes sense to: first and foremost, address healing the fissures to avoid pain, restore tone to the colon, be attentive to diet by learning what can help and what can hinder, while offering age appropriate psychological coaching to encourage and educate the child. Trust me, a child's soiling or holding problem is not due to a body's lack of Miralax, and I want to emphasize working with the body.

Polyethylene glycol 3350, or PEG, seems fine for adult relief, or a cleanse before a colonoscopy, but it's made for adult temporary use, not long-term use for children. When I say long-term, I'm talking about a year, which our pediatrician suggested. PEG is in the same family as antifreeze (ethylene glycol) but of course it is NOT antifreeze. Still, that's disturbingly close enough for me; and any discerning parent might hesitate after simply finding out more or reading the label. Even its own label doesn't recommend it for anyone under age 17, so I'm perplexed by pediatricians prescribing it, with very little else for advice or guidance. The number 3350 is the molecular size/weight, which is supposed to be too large to be absorbed by the body, (which is why the FDA approves it as "safe") but what if leaky gut syndrome, or a bowel obstruction or blockage exists, and this chemical finds its way into your child's system?

Parents of children with encopresis are often instructed to do "clean outs" with their children, to the point of having orange, watery stools. My concern is that such a thing could fall into the overdose category. Some of the risks listed for PEG overdose are: blood in stools, rectal bleeding, coma and death. Some parents have suspected (and reported) what they feel to be neurological consequences like tics, twitches and behavioral changes in their children as a result of long-term and/or large doses of PEG. Additionally, if you use it to clean out your child to this degree, should it not mention the importance of replacing electrolytes? Dehydration can be quite serious, affecting many things that are important for neurological functioning. The product label may not mention this probably because the manufacturers didn't make it for that use, and don't want to be held accountable if it is used in that way.

Who really wants to take these chances with their child? It's worth it to investigate Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides, simple saline enemas, dietary changes and psychological coaching complete with a "poop attempt" schedule, chart and reward stickers. It may take a little time and effort, but anything worthwhile does, and this is parenthood - guidance is what you're here for. Your child's colon will be toned, healthy and able to eliminate a bowel regularly very soon. Furthermore, emotional trauma will be avoided if you and the child confront this head on. Show them how you can offer a gentle, natural, calm approach.

The Top Five Most Important Approaches

1. Let's talk about enemas. You may dread the thought of giving your child an enema, as much as your child will protest the first few times, but the good news is that they are gentle saline, not an internally ingested mask over the symptoms (that won't really address the core of the problem). Enemas stimulate the bowel to come out, with little chance of resisting it, while teaching your child's colon this sensation. It's non-irritating, and the body doesn't come to rely on it, as it might for something like PEG or laxatives. You may prefer a gelatin suppository for making it easier on yourself, but in our experience, we found gelatin a little irritating in comparison to saline, and sometimes suppositories didn't work, whereas an enema worked every time.

If your child goes a full day or two without a bowel, wait no longer. An enema will help avoid a larger bowel later and preserve the tone of the colon by not allowing it to stretch with a pile up. After a few times, you'll get better at giving them and your child better at receiving them. Be sure to purchase a child's enema with a flexible, small tip, and follow the instructions. Only a small amount of fluid is needed - less than half a bottle worked just fine for us. Suggestion for comfort: let the enema sit in a warm glass of water for about 5 minutes to make it closer to body temperature.

Psychological consideration: never "threaten" an enema, and don't talk about it unless it's actually time to give one. You don't want this perceived as punishment, or negative in any way. If they have gone 24-48 hours with no bowel, and the day is almost done, an enema can be given after a warm relaxing bath before bed. Explain to them that it's just water to make the poop come out easy, and use comforting tones and words. It's possible that it will be quite a fuss the first few times as you and your child learn to do this, but it will get easier. Keep trying to encourage relaxation, for yourself and your child! Remember, you will not have to do this forever... you're only helping to train your child's colon for a period of time.

2. Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides (AMP). This is only the healing part of the aloe plant, and it's even safe for infants, with no toxic overdose level. Drinking pure aloe juice, for example, could be quite irritating to the intestinal tract, whereas AMP is a long-chain polysaccharide, extracting only the healing properties of aloe. There are many educational websites that can explain this in detail and teach you about the endless benefits, but the importance of AMP here is healing painful fissures, helping to soften the stool a little, supporting regularity, and making bowels feel more slippery on the way out. Pain MUST be removed from this process or your child won't be open to relaxing and making a healthy emotional adjustment.

There are many quality makers of AMP to choose from. The price of one bottle may seem high at first, but it's nothing compared to doctor visits, OTC meds, and continued problems. Realize that a bottle of AMP will last the better part of a year. Not only is it extremely beneficial, it's incredibly low maintenance compared to other options. It may be the only bottle you'll ever need to purchase, unless you love it so much and wish to maintain it. One capsule a day, opened up and mixed in juice before breakfast is all that's needed for a 20-40 pound child, for example. You may offer two a day if it's really needed, but try one a day first.

In this case, it's important to order AMP with an L-glutamine base rather than a soy lecithin base, as many companies offer these two options. L-Glutamine has several perks, but the one you'd be most interested in is supporting tonal integrity of the intestines and colon. Each capsule typically has about 275 mg of L-glutamine, so keep in mind that you don't want a very small child to have more than that unless advised by a professional.

3. Probiotics, or friendly bacteria, are a must. There is no toxic overdose level on these either. Like AMP, the worst that might happen is diarrhea. I think everyone should make probiotics a part of their health maintenance, especially if antibiotics have ever been taken. It is paramount to offer probiotics in your child's diet if they have had difficult bowels. There are many brands and ways to offer these to your child, but yogurt is NOT the favored choice in this situation. Yogurt is dairy, and doesn't offer a full spectrum of probiotic strains anyway. Probiotics help your child's immunity by supporting healthy flora in the intestines, which helps digestion and nutrient absorption. They can also help make bowels more slippery so they come out easier.

4. Dietary changes. I know this can be a challenge with a toddler coming into their own, realizing that they can choose or refuse foods, so here are some things you can do without them noticing too much or changing things too radically. Reducing or eliminating dairy is probably the single most beneficial change of all, and a toddler can forget about it quickly enough, especially if they feel better. Do make sure there are other sources of calcium and vitamin D for your child - milk is actually NOT the best source. Slip a little prune juice in with other juices a couple of times a day. Pear juice worked for us as well. Cut your child's constipating peanut butter 50/50 with almond butter (unless of course there is any suspected allergy to almonds). Go easy on the bananas; they contain lots of supportive nutrients, but the iron they contain can sometimes constipate. Adding a little magnesium (like Baby Calm) to juice once a day can also make stools softer. A few drops of slippery elm does exactly what you imagine it might do - makes the bowel more slippery. In the unlikely event that all of these small adjustments don't change anything, consider a gluten-free diet. It's involved, and a little tedious, but it always results in great physical and mental health if properly done.

5. Psychological coaching must not be overlooked. There are many resources available to help. Some reputable guides for soiling can be purchased online, but try these other suggestions before investing. Add books about "pooping" to your child's library, including: Everyone Poops, The Long Journey of Mister Poop, Where's The Poop?, It Hurts When I Poop!, and Clouds and Clocks (if your child is already soiling). Set a schedule that you think works with your child's natural rhythm and let them know "It's time to sit for 10 minutes to try to poop," and give them one of the books to look at, or sit and read to them. For toddlers, potty training videos, like Potty Power, can go along with the rest of the encouragement, building confidence and making them feel like they're part of a community of sorts.

Tape a decorative "poop chart" to the bathroom wall and discuss what the reward should be when the chart is filled. They earn a sticker for each fearless bowel movement until the chart is filled. If your child shows anxiety or fear at the prospect of going through with a bowel movement, it's important to sit with them in the bathroom and talk about it, show understanding, support, and relay some of your own experiences in short simple sentences; be reassuring and calm. Sometimes a hug, or just talking about the creative poop chart is a nice distraction from their anxiety. Make eye contact, suggest slow, deep breathing and teach them about relaxing all the muscles. It's amazing what a toddler can do in this arena. We used to tell our little one that she had to relax her butt or "the door won't open" and she loved that! We even drew pictures of poop with personality, and talked about how they wanted to get out because they had lots of things to do. It was all very humorous, and it worked psychologically because it turned something she feared into something she thought was quite funny.

Of course you want to praise each bowel, consistently, and tell them how perfect it is and how proud you are that they did it without being too afraid. Never lose your patience, even secretly, as a child is often as intuitive as a person can get, and they can feel Mom or Dad's stress, frustration or impatience. Check your own feelings, and establish in your own mind that this will not last longer than a few months. Your time and attention, as well as your child's health and happiness, will be well worth it later.

I feel passionate about helping children with the most natural and gentle solutions possible, and I hope you will study these options and make the healthiest choice for your child before turning too quickly to the so-called "quick fixes," or over the counter options that don't exactly work with nature. My primary concern is toxicity that could lead to other problems in a child's wellness, and then encountering a doctor who says that problem and the medicine are unrelated... and the child ends up on yet another chemical, and another, and another.

I do respect doctors, but the above example can happen. It's still important to have a medical professional you trust, especially if things take a turn in a serious direction that you are not educated enough to handle. Just remember that they are human too; it's got to be hard for them to keep up with every little detail about every chemical, its risks, and millions of details about so many patients, or healthier options. They would have to go to school for at least two or more years just to learn about the tremendous array of natural options. They are given information that is aligned with their training, and they recommend and prescribe. Most of the time, all is well, but sometimes a parent has to work outside of the box. Regardless, it's always advisable to have a productive relationship with your child's doctor in case they have a need. Let your child's pediatrician know if you're uncomfortable with a medicine, tell them why, and ask them what they think about an approach you'd rather take instead. That way they can continue to advise you medically when needed, and your success may even open their eyes to something that they can use to help another child.

I hope this article has offered information about gentle solutions as well as a realization that, for some children, this issue begins simply as a normal reaction to learning all about poop! And of course, as a parent, you have the responsibility of guiding them to a healthy perception of it. A challenge like this is likely only one of many more to come, so every effort to be the best parent now adds up.

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One major step in your baby's development is the transition from nursing or bottle feeding to solid foods. It is during this time that food allergies can really change your baby's world. It is possible for children to have food allergy symptoms but not really a food allergy, but keep in mind six percent of young children and up to four percent of adults in the USA have at least one food allergy.

If you understand how allergies work, you may be able to recognize the early signs of allergy. It is important to know how to spot these symptoms, and also what to do about the symptoms should they arise. A food allergy is basically a case of the human body treating food as if it were an invader or threatening parasite. It launches an all out attack by the immune system. Sometimes the body will manufacture an antibody that can detect the food. If the baby eats the food again, his or her immune system will release substances, like histamine, to fight the "invader." These substances are the cause of allergy symptoms. Symptoms of allergies can be mild or severe.

Allergy symptoms can manifest in several different ways. Examples of allergy symptoms are hives, swelling and trouble breathing. Usually these symptoms show up within two hours of eating a specific food. If your baby has a severe allergic reaction, it may even be life threatening. Symptoms such as eczema, gastroentestinal problems and diarrhea can be chronic.

Bear in mind that your baby can develop a food allergy even if he or she has eaten the food before and not had any problem. If he or she has inherited the tendency to be allergic to, for example, fish, he or she may have no reaction the first few times he or she has fish to eat. Your baby will show symptoms eventually. Early exposures to the ingredient may have come when the ingredient was combined with something else. For example, nuts can be barely detectable in a cookie.

There are eight food groups which are responsible for ninety percent of all food allergies, and it is possible to be allergic to just about anything. These are eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, brazil nuts and cashews) fish, and shellfish.

You should call 911 or your local emergency number immediately if your baby seems to be having breathing trouble or experiencing swollen face or lips. Severe allergic reactions must be dealt with right away, as your baby's airways may close if you don't do something immediately.

If your baby consistently shows symptoms after consuming a certain food, usually within the first two hours, talk to his or her doctor. You are the best and final authority on your child and his or her behaviour.

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Obesity has not only increased in humans, it has crossed over to our pets as well. Pet weight management is equally important to pets as it is to humans. Obesity can lead to serious health problems and reduce your pet's life span. Managing your pet's weight and promoting health should begin the day you bring your pet home.

Have a meal plan: Research your pet to determine how much food is recommended for the breed. Make sure his food is only available at predetermined meal times, do not leave a dog or cat bowl continuously filled.

Use a Probiotic supplement: A probiotic supplement is often used when an animal is on an anti-biotic, or is experiencing diarrhea. However, probiotic supplements can also be used on a daily basis to improve and maintain gastrointestinal health which will help with weight management issues. Using a pet supplement like Probios Soft Chews each day will increase nutrient absorption and keep your pet's intestines functioning at top speed!

Diet pet food There are several different pet diet food products available designed to provide optimal cat and dog nutrition to enhance your pet's health, while also promoting the move to a healthier weight. You can also look into creating a homemade diet for your pet. Before doing this, consult an animal dietitian or your veterinarian so you are sure to provide the proper amount of nutrients.

Avoid scraps and excess treats: You may think that you are doing your pet a favor by tossing down some table scraps, but in reality you are doing more harm than good. Human food contains a lot of fat, preservatives, and hormones that are not healthy for our pets. Also keep in mind that feeding your cat/dog scraps will introduce them to human food and encourage them to search and beg for it.

In terms of treats, reward your dog with a healthy treat to reinforce good behavior. Our pets are creatures of habit and will associate a treat with whatever they are doing at the time they receive it. For example, if your pet looks at your dinner plate, or the treat jar, and barks or whines and is then is rewarded with a scrap or treat, you are encouraging them to beg. Come to think of it, this is the same behavior a toddler will exhibit!

Correcting the begging behavior: To correct this behavior it is critical to be consistent. The first step is to cease feeding your pet from your plate; the second is to ignore begging and act as though your pet is not there. If you have an aggressive beggar that jumps on you or the table, or is a talker, remove them from the room when they are in the act of begging and do not allow them to return during your meal. Remember that your attention is a powerful tool in training your pet. Eventually your pet will realize that this behavior is undesirable.

Exercise: If your cat or dog is overweight it is important to assess how much exercise your pet gets each day and decide how much of their weight is due to food, and how much is due to inactivity.

Implementing an exercise routine: Increasing your pet's activity should be done slowly, so as to not over work him or her and cause injury. Depending on how overweight your pet is, their current activity level and breed, implementing exercise will differ. Starting with a 10-15 minute walk is great; make sure you consult a vet and research your breed before starting any vigorous work out.

As you can see, the ways to promote pet weight management are quite straightforward and somewhat easy to implement. Giving the proper food in the right amounts, using a pet probiotic supplement and maintaining an exercise regiment will go a long way in keeping your dog healthy and happy.

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Teething in your baby usually starts during four to seven months. The two bottom usually appear first, followed about four to eight weeks later by the four upper teeth (center and lateral incisors). Around one month later your baby will start cutting their lower incisors, followed by the canine teeth.

What Are Some Signs of Teething?

Crying - Some babies suffer through a lot of pain while teething, while a few babies don't. Consult your doctor about how, when, and what pain relievers to give your child.

Biting/Chewing - Do you notice your baby chewing on their fingers, blanket, toys, or you?! It's because your child is probably teething. Doing all these things are natural because it helps relieve the pressure they feel under their gums.

Drooling - You better get that bib ready, because if you child was like mine, they will be completely soaked in no time. Occasionally, wipe off the drool to keep their lips and chin from becoming chapped. Also, try to keep plenty of fluids in your child as it will be coming out, just about as fast as you can put it in!

Not feeding - If you're breast feeding or just bottle feeding, your child may choose not to feed as well, or maybe none at all if they are teething. Sucking worsens the pain they feel. This is perfectly normal, and nothing to worry about unless they refuse to eat anything for several days. I would recommend calling your doctor if it last longer than 2 or 3 days.

Waking up/Not Resting Well - Your baby may be as restless during the night as they are during the day, especially if they are still working on that first pearly white.

Bringing the Hand to the Mouth - The repetitive action of them pointing at their mouth, or sticking their fingers in their mouth is a sure teething sign.

Mild Rash Around The Mouth - This is cause by excessive drooling. Gently wipe the drool off with a soft dry rag.

Nasal Congestion & Cough - This is caused by the excess drooling.

Red Cheeks

Other Teething Signs...

The jury is still out among doctors if a low grade temperature (not over 100 degrees) diarrhea, and skin rashes are teething signs, but I bet almost every mom will agree that they are. During these times, follow your doctors instructions when it comes using ibuprofen or acetaminophen, but make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids to insure they don't dehydrate from the diarrhea.

When Do You Need to Contact Your Doctor?

The symptoms associated with teething are also some of the same symptoms associated with a cold or a virus. Contact your doctor if these symptoms seem unusually bad or prolonged. Do not simply write off a fever, diarrhea, coughing, and respiratory problems as teething signs. Teething does not require emergency care, but again, if you are concerned that these symptoms may be something other than teething, consult your baby's pediatrician.


Whatever teething signs your baby is showing, your going to want to try to ease the pain! Pressure feels good to the baby, so give them something safe and hard to chew on. Massaging their gums with a clean finger will also feel good to your baby. Offer them cold food and drinks, such as cold water, chilled milk, apple sauce or Pedialite popsicles. Again, sucking can cause discomfort. Try using a different shaped nipple, or use a cup for drinking.

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Diaper Rashes are often caused by excessively moist or dirty diapers. It is a skin inflammation that mostly occurs when the tender skin of a baby reacts to the continuous wetness due to urination or diarrhea. Since it is only a skin inflammation and not a disease, it can be effectively treated at home without any professional medical intervention. However, one needs to be watchful to spot the tell-tale signs of a diaper rash and take immediate action to stop it.

The symptoms of a diaper infection usually include redness of the affected area. The skin may develop blisters, and in some acute cases, may even crack. At times, there could be tiny ulcers in and around the area.

Babies suffering from diaper rash, are often quite fussy, showing signs of extreme discomfort by frequent crying.

Immediate steps must be taken to relieve the child of such pain. The child should firstly be kept diaper-free for as long as possible during the day. The skin should be properly aired in order to make it moisture-free. When wearing diapers, baby should be changed often, and the baby's bottom should be washed only with water, since soaps(even mild ones) may create irritation. The baby should be dried properly. Talcum powder should be avoided on all costs. In its place, some creams or ointments may help the skin repair and should be applied at each changing after cleansing.

Most diaper rashes will disappear if the above tips are carefully followed. However, there could be some rashes that might get worse(a fungal infection). In such cases, help may be sought from a doctor. The doctor will prescribe creams or ointments which contain anti-bacterial medicine to alleviate the problem.

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Milk (lactose) intolerance is quite a widespread health problem, which develops when enzymes responsible for lactose digestion are missing or do not function well. Lactose is generally found in milk products and that is why people who suffer from this condition face gastrointestinal problems (abdominal cramps, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, gas etc.) after consuming these foods.

It is generally not easy to spot this condition in babies, because some of the above mentioned symptoms may be quite common for infants. Thus, babies may feel unwell in case of overeating and develop diarrhea for a certain period of time. That is why it always takes time to analyze all the symptoms and diagnose a baby with this disease. An infant may be diagnosed with this condition if it feels irritated, uncomfortable, bloated, hungry and has watery or pasty stools each time after consuming lactose-containing products.

According to the research published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids under 3 years old do not develop lactose intolerance often. If they do, their parents should feed them with alternative products that do not contain lactose to prevent discomfort and potential health complications. The diet should be chosen with regard to the severity of the disease. In most cases, doctors recommend to consume soy-based milk, because this product contains calcium, which is essential for babies. They need it to develop strong bones and teeth. You can also use almond or rice milk if your baby is allergic to soy.

There is something you can do to prevent the above mentioned symptoms from developing in your lactose-intolerant baby. Apart from feeding your son or daughter with lactose-free products, it is highly recommended to limit the number of feeds. Thus, it is desirable to feed your baby every 4 hours. Do not overfeed your kid as well. Otherwise, it may result in worsening of the symptoms. Some kids who cannot digest lactose properly, can consume a small amount of milk products without developing any severe symptoms. Others, however, experience discomfort after a small dose of such foods. So, it is better to trace the way your baby feels and behaves in such situations and report the results to your doctor.

Lactose intolerance in kids is often reported to be the result of bowel surgeries, intake of antibiotics, food allergies, upset stomach, Celiac and Crohn's diseases etc. If this disease has developed in the result of any of these problems, then it is referred to as reversible or temporary. However, it is often not possible to define the exact cause of this health problem. So, if you have any concerns related to your baby's health condition, then do not hesitate and seek the advice of your pediatrician. In case the symptoms are untreated, it may lead to the worsening of your kid's health.

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Once your doctor has discovered and dealt with the cause of your baby's diarrhea, there are certain foods you can offer that may help "bind" your baby as his delicate intestines recover -- and some other foods that you should definitely avoid!

Remember - You should always discuss any episodes of diarrhea with your child's doctor, as diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration in young babies.


  • Infant rice cereal

  • bananas

  • breast milk/formula

  • cooked carrots

  • dry toast

  • pasta

  • cooked, white potato

  • white grape juice

  • yogurt (bio yogurt in particular, which contains the "gut-friendly" bacteria Lactobacillus. Research has shown that Lactobacillus can be effective in stopping diarrhea. Some paediatricians may also recommend acidophilus supplements, which are available from most vitamin stores)

  • applesauce


  • Cow's milk-based formula -- some doctors will suggest switching to soy formula for a couple of weeks, because your baby's intestines may have trouble digesting cow's milk following a nasty bout of diarrhea

  • dairy products, with the exception of yogurt (for the reasons given above)

  • cherry juice

  • apple juice (it may seem confusing, but applesauce firms your baby's stools whereas apple juice loosens them. This is because applesauce is made from the whole fruit and therefore contains the pectin and fibre that firm stools. Apple juice, on the other hand, contains a natural sugar -- sorbitol -- which is known to cause or aggravate diarrhea)

  • pear juice

  • peaches

  • apricots

  • pears

  • plums

  • peas

  • apricots

  • prunes


Don't stop breastfeeding if your baby has diarrhea -- it actually helps hasten your baby's recovery. But consider avoiding things like coffee and cola, which may pass through your milk and make your baby's diarrhea worse!

A good rule to follow is to feed your baby little and often as he recovers from diarrhea. Babies' intestines heal relatively slowly, so it may take a while for his stools to firm up completely. If you are at all concerned about persistent diarrhea in your baby, then you should discuss your concerns with your child's doctor.

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