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Also known as plumeria, semboja and samoja, frangipani is a popular plant which is highly regarded for its exotic, beauty and fragrance as well as its healing properties. Its flowers look really beautiful but they are often used to decorate the graves. They grow easily and they don't require special treatment though their leaves easily wither.

When a frangipani flower is worn on the left ear, it symbolizes singleness. When it is worn on the right ear, it gives a notion that a woman is married. In the Philippines and Indonesia, frangipani is often used in decorating the graves. In Feng Shui, frangipani symbolizes love. In India, it defines immortality because of its capacity to bear flowers and leaves even after it has been lifted from the ground. It is considered as the national flower of Laos and it is often planted in the courtyards of Buddhist temples as well as the graveyards.

Health Benefits of Frangipani
Research shows that frangipani contains a number of powerful chemicals that are beneficial to the human body. Aside from its essential oil contents, frangipani is also packed with fulvoplumierin compounds which are known for its anti-bacterial effects. Fulvoplumierin are compounds found in the stems, leaves and roots of frangipani plants which are effective in preventing bacterial growth and inflammation of the respiratory organs, fighting hepatitis, preventing diarrhea and inhibiting the growth TB germs.

According to research, frangipani is also effective in strengthening the immune system and fighting off stress. Frangipani is claimed to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of depression, dry skin, sprain and heart disease.

In India, frangipani is used to relieve cough, fever, diarrhea and dysentery. It is also used in preventing the occurrence of fainting due to excessive heat, in treating constipation, in addressing the irregular discharge of urine and in obtaining adequate amount of high quality sleep. Its flowers are known to be effective in stopping cough, regulating the shed of urine and in lowering the temperature. Meanwhile, its trunk contains compounds that are useful in regulating bowel movements.

When frangipani flowers are cooked, it creates a savory flavour which brings about a number of health benefits and therapeutic effects to the body. Frangipani contains chemicals that make excellent toothache drug. Some of its chemical contents are even capable of relieving cracking and swelling on soles. It can even be used to treat ulcer and when taken as tea, it creates a cooling effect which is good for digestion. Some cultures use frangipani to heal sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhoea.

For centuries, frangipani is widely used in Indian societies because of its healing benefits. Its floral scent is used in aromatherapy as it helps in rejuvenating the mind and body of an individual. The inhalation of the scent promotes deep internal cleansing which refreshes the soul, body and mind of an individual. Aside from its relaxing and de-stressing effects, frangipani is also known to create a calming, spiritual and soothing atmosphere.

It is used in aromatherapy because of its heavy, sweet and green aroma that is found to be alluring and sensual. Its seductive and long lasting fragrance makes it one of the main ingredients in a number of gels, hair packs, conditioners and shampoos.

Aside from its magnificent scent, frangipani is highly regarded for its amazing benefits to the skin and hair. Frangipani can also be used in cosmetics, massage oil, bath and beauty products as it serves as a perfect skin care because of its age defying effects. It helps in revitalizing the skin and hair, and gives optimum moisture. It is easily absorbed by the skin thereby making the skin healthier, smoother and softer. It also provides protection against the harmful UV-rays of the sun.

It is even used in terminal care because it creates inner peace and self-awareness as well as in reducing the patient's stress and reviving their spirit. Furthermore, it creates an aromatic environment that is found to be relaxing, soothing, invigorating and energizing.

Frangipani is sometimes used as ingredients in lotions and creams because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, it is featured in many ointments and concoctions due to its anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in relieving back pain, headache, tinnitus and inflammation.

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Nausea is a symptom of a health condition so to treat nausea you have to discover the real cause. Nausea is generally accompanied by vomiting but there can be exceptions, too. The problem that appears when nausea is combined with vomiting is the risk of the dehydration.

Nausea can be cause by many factors as digestion problems, food poisoning, over eating, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, traveling in crowded buses or trains, food intolerance, and not only. Nausea often occurs during pregnancy.

Nausea is also a sign of different illnesses like weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gallstones, pancreatitis, cancer, headache, fever, diabetes gastroenteritis or depression. Fortunately this symptom can be treated through natural treatments too. For example -

1. You can consume non-carbonated syrup. Take 1-2 tablespoons of non-carbonated syrup and your stomach will be cooled down immediately.

2. Gingerroot is another remedy. Take 2 capsules and you will get an immediate relief. Ginger is recommended, too. Put a little fresh ginger root in a cup of tea.

3. Slippery elm, herbal candies and red raspberry are known as very beneficial treatments for nausea.

4. Teas prepared from licorice, chamomile or peppermint offers a great relief. It is recommended to drink 3-4 cups of tea prepared from these herbs daily. You can also chew some peppermint. For the pregnant women it is recommended the apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey. They can also have some glucose biscuits or some crackers in the morning. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one of honey are mixed in a glass of cold water. Take this mixture every night before you go to bed.

5. Mix about 30 gm of wheat germ with some milk and take it every hour and you will get rid by morning nausea.

6. Rice water is another natural remedy. 25 grams of rice are boiled in 50 grams of water. Drain the rice and drink the water.

7. A half teaspoon of ground cumin seeds is very beneficial, too. It helps you to get rid of vomiting and nausea.

8. Ginger ale, green tea, fennel seeds are well known for their beneficial effects in this case.

9. Drink lemon juice. You can add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten it. It helps you to get rid of the vomiting feeling. You can also eat lemon with a little salt or you can smell a lemon (cut the lemon to get a greater effect).

10. A banana eaten before meals is very helpful for pregnant women who suffer from nausea.

11. Natural juices made from different fruits as grapes, oranges, apples have proved to be very helpful in treating this unpleasant condition.

12. Boil some rosemary leaves in 100 ml water and add a teaspoon of honey. Let it for three minutes and then drink the mixture. Do this daily and you will avoid this unpleasant symptom.

13. Another natural treatment consists in mixing ground cucumbers, little sugar and water to obtain a concoction. You can also try to have some miso soup. The effect will be more beneficial if you put some ginger in this soup.

14. Eating raspberries at the first hour in the morning can be of a great help, too.

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Warfarin and its counterparts are commonly prescribed prescription medications today. Warfarin is a blood thinner, and is used primarily to prevent blood clots in patients with cardiovascular disease, or who are otherwise at a higher than average risk of stroke or heart attack.

Warfarin prevents clots from forming or from growing larger by stopping the formation of substances that cause clots. Because warfarin thins your blood, it's important to stop taking it before any surgical procedures. Check with your doctor regarding his recommendations before your surgery.

Warfarin's side effects include

o headache

o upset stomach

o diarrhea

o fever

o skin rash

Recently, there has been discussion that some beverages may inhibit the blood thinning properties of warfarin. The beverages in question include cranberry juice, grape juice and tea. The theory was that the beverages inhibited the human enzyme upon which warfarin works to prevent the formation of clots. This led patients to wonder if it was safe to consume these beverages while taking warfarin and similar drugs. Similar concerns were raised for patients who might be taking an anti-fungal such as fluconazole; the drug commonly prescribed to treat yeast infections.

A study was conducted to measure the effects of these three beverages on the effectiveness of warfarin. To conduct the study, researchers performed experiments both in vitro and on human participants, using flurbiprofen, a common anti-inflammatory drug. The flurbiprofen mimics warfarin's action in the body, so it was thought to be a safer alternative for the participants.

The human participants were given grape juice, cranberry juice, brewed tea, or a placebo cranberry juice for control. The patients were also given either flurbiprofen to determine any interactions. In addition, the patients were given fluconazole along with flubiprofen to study its possible interaction, too.

The study used 14 healthy volunteers and studied them weekly over a 5 week period. At each visit, the volunteer would receive a different combination, so that each combination could be compared on each participant.

In addition to using human participants, researchers also studied the reactions created by these various combinations in the lab. Under these conditions, scientists can more closely monitor exactly how the substances might affect each other.

The studies concluded that the beverages in question did not inhibit the effectiveness of warfarin in terms of its ability to thin the blood in the human studies. However, the in vitro trials showed a slight inhibition when the flurbiprofen was combined with tea or grape juice -but this finding was not replicated in the human studies.

What the studies did find, however, was that fluconazole did appear to inhibit the effectiveness of warfarin in both human trials and in vitro tests.

So, this study concluded that those who drink juices and tea need not worry that their beverages will interfere with the drug's ability to do its job. You should speak to your doctor, however, if you are prescribed fluconazole while taking warfarin, as the interaction may cause warfarin to be less effective.
But, you can feel safe drinking your usual beverages without fear that you'll have an interaction. And, in fact, if your beverage of choice is green tea, you may actually be working your way out of taking that warfarin in the future.

Green tea's potent anti-oxidants have been shown to help improve blood pressure and lower cholesterol. An improvement in blood pressure and cholesterol can mean a significant improvement in any cardiovascular disease that you might have.

Abnormally high blood pressure puts pressure on the arterial walls, which often causes them to have little nicks. Blood clots are formed as your body attempts to repair these little nicks. But, if the blood clots grow too large or break off, they can block an artery to the heart, causing a heart attack. Or, if they block an artery that supplies the brain, they can cause a stroke.

Warfarin is prescribed to help prevent these clots from forming, but if blood pressure and cholesterol are lowered naturally, the need for a blood thinner can sometimes be eliminated. Of course, you should never discontinue any medication without consulting your doctor, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to manage your blood pressure naturally?

In general, adding green tea to your diet is a healthy idea. It has been shown in study after study to help prevent premature aging and a whole host of diseases, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and some cancers. It may also help you keep your weight under control, which also helps keep you healthy and strong.

Try adding two to three cups of green tea per day to your diet to start seeing the healthy benefits. You'll find green tea available in a wide variety of flavors, in both loose form and tea bag form. You can drink it hot or iced - and add milk if you wish. Any way you drink it, you can be sure you're doing something healthy - and that won't interfere with medications you're already taking.

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The purpose of drinking a green drink is to give the body nutrient-rich ingredients that will help maintain a better pH balance in the body.

It comes in a powder, and can be mixed with either water, juice or other types of healthy beverage, in order to consume it and reap the benefits.

Although the taste is not the best, there are also some recipes that have been made for green drinks in order to reap all the benefits without having to force it down.

Green Drink Benefits

Strengthening the immune system - The amount of nutrients contained in green drinks is very high. That is a green drink benefit because it will strengthen the immune system. The antioxidants contained in greens are known to prevent cancer and other illnesses. This means that it will also be easier for the body to fight the common flu and cold.

Digestion - The ingredients will help the body digest the food easier as well as help the body get rid of waste in a healthy way. The green drink acts as a detoxification and cleansing for the body.

Increasing energy - They also provides more energy and the body is getting all of the nutrients it needs.

Oxygenating the blood - Another benefit is that it contains chlorophyll which will help the red blood cell and haemoglobin; as well as help the blood transport more oxygen; this gets rid of toxins and helps the heart work better.

Supports the muscles - The proteins contained in these drinks are easily absorbed by the body and some greens contain a lot of protein which will aid the body in building more muscle mass.

Convenience - The reality is that most people live busy lives and do not have time to eat all the greens they would need in a day. The convenience of drinking it is another green drink benefit as it is quick and easy. It is also very convenient when traveling or at work.

Safe for kids - A lot of supplements may not be safe for kids, but one of the great benefits is that it is completely safe for kids. It may be easier to get kids to eat the greens they need by mixing it up in a smoothie of some sort.

No side effects - Another benefit is that they have virtually no side effects other than possible diarrhea or weakness in the beginning because of the cleansing process; however, these quickly go away. Other than this no side effects have been reported by products like Green Vibrance.

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Contaminated water found at... Unhealthy water at Marina Beach - Do not swim!... Bottled water no purer than tap water... Over 90% of all rivers and lakes contaminated with this parasite...Don't drink the water or eat ice cubes when traveling to foreign countries...

These are headlines frequently read in the newspaper and magazines about the status of not only our water but also the water of other countries. And that is exactly why most of us simply don't take a chance on what we put in our mouth. Instead, we bring bottled water with us everywhere. When we travel, we don't use tap water for anything except washing our hands or rinsing a coffee cup that we won't be using again. We use bottled water for moistening and rinsing our toothbrush when we travel. We use uv-filtered water for making ice cubes and for cooking.

Many of us have resorted to taking personal water filters with us everywhere - on camping trips, on mini vacations, to the beach, to the health club, and to conventions because we don't know what's in the water we will be served.

In fact, that's the main problem. We simply don't know what's in the water on tap.

Years ago, the only people concerned with water were those who camped out in remote wooded areas, mountains or deserts. Their concerns were well-founded. In the early 1990's a research report in one of the popular outdoors magazines reported that over 90% of U.S. streams and rivers were contaminated with a parasite called Giardia lamblia. Giardia invades the intestinal tract and causes an intestinal infection that brings diarrhea to its victims. And diarrhea certainly isn't what any camper wants when he's out there in the middle of nowhere. Diarrhea can cause electrolyte loss which can lead to death if not taken care of properly.

But it's not just Giardia that has been found in the water in the U.S. Another parasite called Cryptosporidium (causing abdominal pain and diarrhea for about 10 days, caused death in 100 people in Milwaukee in 1993. Treatment utilities surveyed discovered Cryptosporidium in over 80% of the rivers and lakes that supplied the 66 major systems. Entamoeba histolytica is another water-borne pathogen that can cause not only diarrhea, but also liver abscesses.

In 1991 and 1992, more than 53,000 water treatment systems violated EPA rules according to the Natural Resources Defense. This amounted to 25,000 incidents of contamination, yet EPA issued fewer than 4000 fines. These types of incidents seem to be on the rise.

Those alarming incidents of water contamination do not just include contamination by parasites. Water is notoriously high in manganese, arsenic, nickel, vanadium or other heavy metals depending on the location. For example, right here in the Sacramento area, there are "pockets" where high manganese levels are found in the well water. High levels of manganese can cause destruction of nerve cells in the brain. High levels of arsenic and nickel can cause internal organ damage. High levels of vanadium can cause diabetes by destroying cells of the pancreas. We depend on the city to test our water regularly, monitoring it for safe levels, but do not get water that meets our own personal and even city's expectations.

Parasites and heavy metals are two of the three primary contaminants in water. The third is chemicals. How many times have you heard about activist groups concerned about the levels of chlorine and fluoride found in the water that can impact our health negatively? One of the most recent questionable chemicals found in water is MTBE, which stands for methyl tertiary butyl ether. MTBE is an additive in gasoline that was designed to purify the air, one of the byproducts of the oil refining processes. Studies showed it really did not curb air pollution, after it was added to gasoline in the late 1970s. The problem is that MTBE is 28 times more soluble than benzene, more likely to stay in water, and according to the EPA ruling in July 1999, MTBE had to be reduced in use as a gasoline additive because it is a known animal and human carcinogen that poses problems in drinking water.

U.S. Geological Survey tests found that 27% of urban wells and springs tested positive for MTBE and even shallow groundwater in reservoirs and drinking water is contaminated. Most likely, the chemical is leaking from underground storage tanks and pipelines. MTBE, unfortunately is more than 30 times more soluble in water than other toxic compounds found in gasoline. Over-filling at gasolines can easily contaminate surface water and underground drinking water.

The only solution is point of use water filtration devices. Every one of us must take responsibility for our own water supply, and insure that it is clean.

Water filters come in all different sizes, shapes and varieties, ranging from carbon filters which pull out chemicals, including chlorine and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl compounds). Some include reverse osmosis water filters, others are distillers, and some are ozonators which kill parasites. There are water filtration units that can be attached to the shower head, under the sink and on the plumbing for the entire house. If you go camping or travel frequently, a water filter can be taken with you that fits inside a lunch box or backpack. Whatever you need in a water filter can be found; whatever you do, get one!

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The longstanding tradition of using green tea has been an alternative approach for some people who prefer the natural way of enhancing the functions of their body. However, herbs contain active components that can bring about negative side effects and may cause adverse outcomes when used together with other herbs, supplements or drugs. Below are some of the well-known green tea side effects and the various factors that make the benefits far outweigh the negative effects.

One of the most commonly recognized green tea side effects is insomnia. Since green tea contains caffeine, it stimulates the central nervous system and causes sleeplessness. Aside from this, caffeine also acts as a diuretic and can aggravate urge incontinence, increases the production of stomach acid, causes constipation due to the tannin component in tea, increases heart rate and blood pressure, and increases blood sugar levels.

Less serious green tea side effects have also been reported with the consumption of the beverage. These include the following heartburn; upset stomach; loss of appetite; constipation or diarrhea; nervousness, irritability, or anxiety; and headache.

High doses can also cause severe green tea side effects like caffeine toxicity. Prolonged consumption can also be habit-forming and can lead to tolerance and psychological independence. Abruptly quitting green tea consumption can likewise lead to withdrawal symptoms.

While all these green tea side effects are attributed to the drink's caffeine content, the fact is that the caffeine count in green tea is substantially lower compared to coffee and other types of teas. Experts are one in saying that to avoid the various side effects, green tea must be consumed in moderation. Also, most of the green tea side effects that are not considered severe can be avoided by adding milk to tea to reduce the potency of tannins.

Despite all the negative consequences that are associated with drinking green tea, there are a lot more reasons why many people still stand by the efficacy of the brew. Some of the extremely important and well-recognized benefits of green tea include the following:

· May help prevent certain types of cancera

· Reduces the risk of heart diseases

· Helps strengthen blood vessels that sends oxygen and valuable nutrients to the heart and brain

· Lowers total cholesterol levels and improves the ratio between the good and the bad cholesterol

· Safer and more effective alternative to other weight loss products

· Promotes weight loss by increasing metabolism without overstimulating the adrenal glands

· Potential cure to obesity

All these positive aspects can make one safely say that the benefits of green tea indeed prevail over green tea side effects. This is especially true when you consider that the side effects can be avoided by drinking green tea with restraint.

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Friendly bacteria benefit the human body in so many ways. Briefly summarized, they:

  1. ACIDIFY THE COLON: The ideal pH of the colon is between 6.7 and 6.9. Acetic acid and lactic acid are some of the byproducts that help create this. The acid environment inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria such as salmonella, which causes food poisoning; shigella, the main cause of diarrhea; and e. coli, which can cause intestinal disease and kidney failure. Good bacteria also produce a volatile fatty acid which, along with the other acids, make it difficult for fungus and yeast (candida) to survive.

  2. NORMALIZE BOWEL MOVEMENTS by decreasing the time it takes for waste products to move through the digestive system. They also stop diarrhea and correct constipation.

  3. IMPROVE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. Good bacteria help stimulate the formation of antibodies which protect our bodies against infectious disease.

  4. HELP PRODUCE VITAMINS. Good bacteria help produce vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting and the formation of new bone.

  5. AID IN PRODUCTION OF LACTASE. This is an enzyme necessary to digest milk and milk products. Without lactase, milk allergies are a sure thing.

  6. REMOVE TOXIC ELEMENTS. Lactobacillus acidophilus deactivates various toxic compounds produced by other organisms or in foods.

  7. Are instrumental in reducing cholesterol. A high-fiber diet and good bacterial flora can lower cholesterol levels, protect against colon cancer, and even improve fat digestion by providing more bile acids.

  8. Help eliminate gas problems. Proper bacteria in the colon eliminates bowel gas and sweetens the breath. Bad breath (halitosis) is frequently caused when "bad" bacteria take over in the colon and produce foul-smelling waste. These gases can be expelled or reabsorbed in to the blood and carried to the lungs and exhaled. All the breath mints in the world won't correct bad breath caused by bowel problems. I knew a former neighbor who just reeked of bad breath and body odor. His wife kept asking me what supplement I could give her husband to stop his stinky breath. This woman had tried every over-the-counter remedy for halitosis known to mankind and nothing had worked. Knowing this man and his diet, I knew that his bowel was just loaded (he had what I call an "ol' poop belly" --huge and hard) from years of incorrect eating. He was not willing to consider bowel cleansing as I'm suggesting here, so he and his bad breath (and his disappointed wife) just went on as usual. We will discuss autointoxication in Chapter.

Again, a proper balance of friendly bacteria is essential for optimal health and a good digestive system. An imbalance may make the body susceptible to such ailments as digestive problems, skin problems, acne, reduced immunity, arthritis, liver and gallbladder problems, failing memory, hypertension, fatigue, and migraine headaches, to name just a few.

Many people think the only reason to take lactobacillus acidophilus as a supplement is if they have some type of bowel or digestive problem. The truth is the friendly bacteria in your bowels have some far-reaching effects you've probably never dreamed of. These hard-working organisms produce a variety of substances that can prevent cancerous tumors, inactivate viruses, produce natural antibodies and vitamins, and reduce cholesterol. New research has linked theses bacteria with even more wonders.

A final note on "gardening". Keep in mind that lactobacilli acidophilus are living organisms, and as a result they are highly susceptible to dying off and losing their effectiveness. Most cultures you purchase need to be kept refrigerated or frozen to maintain their viability. There are some brands that do not have to be refrigerated (which is convenient when traveling), and they activate in the gut. They should be taken on an empty stomach 20 to 40 minutes before meals when your digestive acids and juices are not being produced in large quantities. I suggest taking these living organisms first thing in the morning on an empty stomach so it coats the intestinal tract.

Oh yes, you will need to forgo your morning cup of coffee because it will destroy all the good bacteria in your intestinal system!

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Just like any medication, multivitamin side effects will always be a part of taking multivitamin supplements, especially when taken the wrong way and when a low quality brand is used.

Multivitamin side effects range from mild to severe and while some multivitamin side effects can be really harmful to the health, there are some measures you can take to ensure that you avoid falling victim to the adverse effects of multivitamin supplements.

Here are some things you can do to avoid the side effects associated with the use of multivitamins.


Kidney stone formation is one of the problems associated with the use of multivitamin supplements. Calcium and vitamin C are the common causes of kidney stones. To prevent this kind of multivitamin side effect, make sure that only the natural form of calcium and vitamin C, as well as other nutrients, are used in the multivitamin supplement to ensure proper absorption and utilization by the body.


Multivitamins are intended to keep the body healthy. However, when fillers, binders, additives, and synthetic ingredients are used, these have a negative effect on the body, making our life shorter than it should be. These also affect the absorption of the nutrients by the body, making us get less of what we need. It is best to choose a multivitamin that is made with natural ingredients.


Diarrhea is another of the multivitamin side effects that can be harmful to the health. It can lead to dehydration and alteration in different body functions. Diarrhea can arise from a negative interaction of the ingredients used, so make sure that proper research has been done to ensure that each ingredient only reacts positively toward one another.


Too much of anything is never good for the body. Too much magnesium can cause watery bowel movement while excess potassium can alter heart rhythm, resulting to heart block. Zinc, in excessive amounts, also has negative effects like gastric bleeding, abnormalities in heart rhythm, and staining of teeth. Make sure that aside from the right combination of ingredients, the right amount is in the multivitamin supplement to avoid side effects.


Some multivitamin brand might instruct you to take it before meals while some would tell you to take it after meals. Follow what the manufacturer says as they are more knowledgeable about the product. If you want to avoid the hassle of having to take it with regard to meals, you can always look for a brand that uses enteric-coated tablets. This also ensures that the nutrients are protected from stomach acid.

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Do you often get constipated? If you have been used to spending days or even weeks enduring infrequent bowel movements, hard to pass stool, and the uncomfortably full feeling down the rectum, looks like you are inflicted with a serious digestive condition. In severe cases of constipation, feeding the body with platefuls of fruits and green leafy vegetables to induce the sweeping action of fiber nutrients down the intestines, or perhaps intoxicating the colon with unimaginable volumes of water to soften the stool simply will not be enough to relieve you of this distressing ailment. In fact, what triggers constipation is not limited to deficient fluid intake, or the lack of fiber nutrients for that matter. Aside from poor dietary habits, chronic constipation is caused by underlying systemic woes such as metabolic disorders, allergic reaction to certain food, hormonal imbalance, liver dysfunction, and excessive absorption of calcium among others. Bowel disorders may also be induced by the intake of prescription drugs like antibiotics and medicines that work to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

So what do most people do in these instances? Probably run to the nearest drugstore to buy over the counter laxatives. That might just provide you temporary relief from your misery and most likely expose your digestive tract to the side effects of diarrhea and extreme flatulence. Moreover, this could be habit-forming in the long run to risk killing good bacteria thriving in the intestine and cause even more digestive troubles.

There is a healthier alternative to the treatment of chronic constipation that can be derived from the organic compounds of flax seed. At the onset, ground flax seed is a natural laxative containing at least 4 grams of dietary fiber for every 25-gram serving. Of course, it is common knowledge how fiber soothes and coats the intestinal tract to promote bowel movement as well as loosen hard to pass stool lingering with the colon. Furthermore, flax is a good source of essential fatty acids or EFAs particularly Omega 3, which will not only cleanse the digestive system and restore proper bowel functioning, but also regulate other vital systems of the body in order to treat related systemic disorders.

Ignoring this condition or simply getting by with the discomforts of constipation could likely infect the colon with the harmful toxins present in fecal matter sticking to the large intestines and risk the development of colon cancer. They say that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. So whether you are suffering from constipation or not, better feed your body with at least 25 grams of fiber each day. And what better way to nourish your body with dietary fiber than a tasty serving of ground flax seed [http://www.goldflaxseed.com/site/1411640/product/sprkl12oz] sprinkled over meals and beverages? It is packed with soluble fiber and EFAs that will keep those digestive engines running while enhancing your overall systemic health as well.

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Weight loss pills enable people to lose weight. A weight trim pill increases the metabolism of your body, burns body fat, and helps you shed pounds by suppressing your appetite. When it increases the metabolism, your body can burn energy efficiently. In addition, you can follow a low caloric diet because it suppresses your appetite.

Types of Pills for Weight Loss

Pills for losing weight are available in different types. These pills vary in terms of their main ingredients. For instance, some pills consist of chitosan. This ingredient prevents your body from absorbing fat. Similarly, other pills contain green tea extract that is best known to suppress appetite. Some pills are designed to burn body fat. These pills may contain pyuvate, hydroxycitric acid, caffeine, and ephedrine.

People usually prefer the type of pill that best suits their weight reduce goal. For example, if they think that they can lose weight easily by controlling their appetite, then they go for appetite-suppressing pills.

Are Pills Effective For Weight Loss?

Many people have concerns about the effectiveness of these pills. Some simply do not use these kinds of weight loss supplements because they can be harmful for the health. Besides their opinion, there is not a lot of scientific evidence on its effectiveness. Moreover, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved these pills as the best way to lose weight.

However, these pills help you lose weight quickly. If you cannot wait a lot to see the desired weight trim results, you can consume these pills after consulting your doctor.

Some Considerations

• Companies that offer weight loss solutions exaggerate a lot in their product advertisements. You can expect the same from companies that market pills for weight trim. These advertisements are usually filled with personal testimonials of various customers. These customers can actually be paid actors who do not have any experience in terms of consuming these pills.

• You cannot rely only on weight loss supplements to lose weight. Along with consuming pills, you have to exercise regularly and eat healthy food. If you maintain a balance, only then can you lose weight with these pills.

• Since pills for weight reducing are not as natural supplements, they can cause side effects. Some examples of such side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, jitteriness, bloating, and flatulence.

Once you have all the information about these pills, it is easy to decide whether you should consume these pills or not. The best solution on this is to ask your doctor for their recommendation.

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Have you ever wondered if the negatives of caffeine found in green tea outweigh its benefits?   

1] According to the USDA loose leaf green tea has about 32 mg/100ml of caffeine. That is roughly 1/2 the amount you would get from coffee.   

What is wrong with caffeine?   

It stimulates the central nervous system, the heart, and the respiratory system to the extent that high levels of it are now banned for many competitive athletes.  Negative effects include irritability, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, diarrhea, headache, or loss of appetite.   

2] However, small amounts of coffee can actually be beneficial because of the antioxidants in it. According to the Iowa Women's Health Study coffee drinkers risk of death by cardiovascular disease was 24% less than non coffee drinkers.  

In fact, coffee is the main source of dietary antioxidants for most Americans.  

Why not drink just coffee?

3] Coffee's benefits are real but not nearly as extensive as those of green tea. Besides the caffeine, green tea has a powerful antioxidant mix of its own from the catechin family of flavonoids. These catechins make the platelets in your blood less prone to clotting which in turn make you less likely to have a stroke or develop heart problems.   

The evidence is also mounting up that the catechins may help prevent breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and others.  

An English study in 2000 found that women who drank at least one cup of tea per day had higher bone mineral density than those that didn't. A Chinese study two years later reported similar results.  

4] In addition, it has been touted as causing weight loss but studies show you would have to drink an excessively large number of cups daily to have even a small effect. Do you remember the negative side effects of too much caffeine mentioned above?  

Drinking too many servings also adds to the caffeine you get in not only coffee but various foods such as breakfast cereals, baked products, fast foods, other beverages and dairy products. That is a potent cocktail of possible side effects.  

What's the Solution?

5] Green tea in moderation is the best way to get its benefits without the various adverse elements. There are different ways to decrease the caffeine such as using the same bag or leaves multiple times but the catechin levels drop also. A better way to get a healthy dose of catechins is with a balanced multivitamin supplement that has green tea extract in combination with other nutrients that add to its benefits.

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Foods that relieve constipation should be eaten on a regular basis by anyone that has bowel impaction or problems going to the bathroom without straining. Straining when going to the bathroom has actually caused a heart attack in many people over the years.

You do not have to be a victim if you just eat more of the foods that relieve constipation, and less of the foods that cause constipation on a daily basis. A heart attack is not the only health problem you can develop as a result from being constipated.

Chronic Constipation can lead to many other health problems:

--- Bowel Impaction
--- Re-absorption of toxins into the bloodstream
--- Headaches
--- Malnutrition
--- Indigestion
--- Hemorrhoids from straining
--- Varicose veins
--- Diverticulosis
--- Irritability
--- Bowel cancer
--- Auto immune diseases
--- Abdominal pains
--- Depression
--- Weight gain

I know I sure don't want any of the symptoms listed above. If you suffer from any of the symptoms on the list, then you would greatly benefit by eating more of the foods that are on the foods that relieve constipation list below, and avoid doing the things, and eating the foods that cause constipation that I have also listed below.

Foods that relieve constipation

--- Psyllium husks
--- Ground Flax seeds
--- Okra
--- Prunes
--- Dates
--- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
--- Potatoes
--- Lettuce
--- Onions
--- Carrots
--- Green peppers
--- Apples
--- Pears
--- Oranges
--- Grapefruits
--- Grapes
--- Strawberries
--- Beans
--- Other fruits and vegetables

Causes of constipation

--- Eating refined foods like white flour that contain no fiber.
--- Eating a lot of Cheeses
--- Pizza
--- Cookies
--- Drinking sodas and sugary drinks
--- Eating a lot of Meat (meat has no fiber in it)
--- Getting dehydrated
--- Overeating nuts and seeds (soaking Raw nuts overnight in water will help but they are not as tasty)
--- Drugs or Medications
--- Improper diet
--- Not going when you feel the urge and "holding it in" because you are not close to a bathroom or think you are too busy.

Over the years we have discovered that the same foods that relieve constipation, are also the same foods that are very healthy for you. The reason they are so healthy is that they contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and they are high in fiber. Also if you eat them raw (except beans and potatoes) they will also contain living enzymes that aid in digestion.

Let me just go over with you a few of the worst foods to eat if you are trying to relieve constipation.


Cheeses are very clogging to your digestive track. Every time I eat cheese, or meals containing cheese, it feels like my stomach turns into a knot, and I usually feel clogged up with stomach pains for a few days until it has worked his way back out of my system.

However I have been on a healthy diet program for a long time now, so my digestive track is used to processing and eliminating my foods without them getting clogged up in my intestines.

But, if you have been eating cheese and other clogging foods for a long time, you might be used to the feeling of having a clogged up digestive track, and most people in the United States have been eating this way their whole lives so they don't know what it feels like to not have digestive pains of some type.

White bread

Just about every sandwich, every burger on a bun, dinner roles, cakes, cookies, pies, pizza, pasta, and fast food biscuits, can cause constipation, especially if they are eaten alone without enough of the foods that relieve constipation also being eaten at the same meal.

This is because they contain very little fiber in them. Any time you eat constipating type foods, you should balance it out by eating foods that are high in fiber that I have listed above.


Pizza is another food that usually takes a long time to move through the digestive tract. Pizza is also another food that has almost no fiber in. Cheese and white bread are two of the main foods that will clog down your digestive tract. And pizza contains both.

How to avoid constipation:

--- Stay hydrated by drinking enough pure water, raw fruit juices and raw vegetable juices.
--- Stop or cut way down on eating refined foods. (They glue us down inside)
--- Eat a lot more of the foods that relieve constipation that I have listed above.

If you are constipated, then you have food that is stuck in your intestines. This food that is stuck in your intestines starts to rot more and more the longer it is in your body.

Constipation is unhealthy for the body, especially if you are eating toxic, artificial chemical containing foods, or foods that you are intolerant to. Many people have food allergies that they might not know about that can cause many different types of symptoms.

To avoid constipation, make sure that you are not eating refined starches that have had the fiber removed like white rice, pastas, breads, tortillas, and biscuits. Also when eating any type of starch, you want the meal to have enough oil in it. Extra virgin olive or coconut oil are good clean sources of oil to use.

The more oil in the meal the less chance of constipation. But too much oil will zap your energy. Also you will want to eat enough fiber containing vegetables (but not fruits) with any starch-based meal.

If you eat more raw fruit smoothies for breakfast, then the high water content (the pulp of the orange, grapes, or Grapefruit) and the fiber in pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and cranberries should keep things moving and rinsed out.

Also smoothies are blended into a liquid, which also helps to avoid constipation. Another good meal to eat to relieve constipation is to make a soup with many neutral vegetables, add some okra (okra is kind of slippery in texture) and then blend it into an emulsion with some Extra Virgin Olive oil or Coconut oil. These liquid type meals rarely ever get stuck inside your digestive tract.

If you eat more of the foods that relieve constipation, and cut out the constipating ones, you will have better chances of not developing bowel impaction. If you already have bowel impaction, you might be able to slowly reverse it by eating more of the foods that relieve constipation.

What exactly is bowel impaction?

Bowel impaction is where a mass of food gets stuck inside your intestines and turns into a hard lump that doesn't come out. This lump of hard fecal matter then starts to rot. Then other foods that you eat later still has to be eliminated eventually, so they just have to go around the hard mass to get out. Your body might then develop chronic diarrhea to try and deal with the situation.

Bowel impaction can lead to the bowels becoming enlarged, which can then put too much pressure on the veins that are near the colon that are coming from various organs and muscles in the body.

Your organs need a fresh steady blood supply to function properly. You want all of your organs to work as they should if you want to stay healthy. Also high blood pressure can be because you have too many of your veins being pinched off. This is how varicose veins are formed. This is also how hemorrhoids are formed.

Just think of a water hose, if you pinch of the end of it, the pressure builds up and makes the hose expand. If you have high blood pressure because of veins being pinched off, then your heart will have to work harder to pump the blood through them.

By eating more of the foods that relieve constipation on a daily basis, you will feel better, you will become more regular in your bowel movements, and you will not have to worry as much about developing a more serious disease in the future that is caused from being chronically constipated.

I know that eating refined foods, candy, cakes, crackers, cheese, and pizzas are very tasty, but they cause constipation in many people. It is just not worth it to destroy our health by eating an unhealthy diet on a consistent basis. Also, once you cut out all the junk, and only eat healthy foods for a period of time, your taste buds will adapt, and the healthy foods will actually start to taste good.

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Is high dose fish oil good or bad? I will tell you some of the good things first. High doses of this oil have been known to help people with heart disease. Another use would be for people with rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.

There was some concern that high doses of this oil could lead to internal bleeding. However a study of people with heart disease who took 8,000 mg per day of this oil, in addition to aspirin (an anticoagulant) found no increase in internal bleeding.

A friend of mine caught Ross River Fever, a disease passed on by mosquitoes, while he was in Australia. He gets excruciating pain in his joints. He treats this pain with 8,000 mg of Omega 3 fish oil each day. He says that the fish oil supplements enable him to get through the day with the minimum of pain. Ask him if high dose fish oil is good or not? :o)

I am about to put him on to the green lipped mussel powder. This powder has been put through a new process that retains a maximum quantity of key organic compounds and makes it more efficient in it's anti-inflammatory properties.

This green lipped mussel powder when used in conjunction with the Omega 3 fish oil, that has double the anti-inflammatory properties of other highly concentrated oils, will significantly improve the users health generally.

Now, fish oil is a natural blood thinner, and if you are already on aspirin or a prescription type anticoagulant, then you need to consult with your doctor before starting on a course of these Omega 3 supplements. Even then, I would caution you to not take more than 2,000 mg per day of these supplements.

The FDA cautions about taking more than 2,000 mg of these Omega 3 oils per day. They are concerned about the contaminants that are present in some oils. That is why you never buy an oil that has not been purified by molecular distillation to remove the impurities, such as lead, and mercury. Once these toxins have been removed then the remaining oil is the cleanest you can buy.

High dose fish oil can give you diarrhea, bloating, flatulence and nausea. Most of this including the diarrhea will go away when you lower the dosage.

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When it comes to learning more about this amazing supplement, the first question many people ask is about green lipped mussel side effects. This isn't an unusual question, especially for those who have a sensitive digestive tract or who are taking medications. Here are a few things to consider when you research this incredibly beneficial substance.

How Can This New Zealand Mussel Benefit You?

Among the more positive effects of this shellfish include its famous inflammation fighting properties. This is due to a chemical called glycosaminoglycan. These mussels contain a vast amount of this chemical. Thus, make it ideal for those suffering from inflammatory conditions such as swollen joints, arthritis, gout, or irritable bowel syndrome.

In addition to this, these New Zealand shellfish are also beneficial in that they contain a wealth of other vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Other benefits include strengthening and improving the immune system, increasing blood flow, improving skin, and even treating infertility.

What About Negative Green Lipped Mussel Side Effects?

They are few and mild, if any, people generally report side effects of gas, diarrhea, or nausea. For most people, they don't experience any side effects at all.

Unfortunately, no supplement is perfect and this extract isn't for everyone. A pregnant or lactating woman needs to avoid this substance. Those with shellfish allergies need to check with their doctors before taking this supplement.

Are All Mussel Extracts Created Equal?

Health supplements can often vary in quality. There are companies that only put trace amounts of this extract in their products and instead include mostly cheaper alternatives. There are also companies that employ faster and better manufacturing process that preserves all the nutrients of green lipped mussel into each capsule.

Always look for a product that contains pure mussel power or extract. And a company that is willing to invest on a team of trained experts to ensure their products is of the highest quality.

This allows you to get the most out of the green lipped mussel without having to go out of your way to purchase expensive raw food.

Now that you have learnt more about the mild green lipped mussel side effects. As long as you are not allergic to shellfish, not pregnant or breastfeeding, you can enjoy the benefits of this mussel. You don't have to let yourself suffer through the agonizing pain of arthritis or inflamed skin. Talk to your doctor today about how this amazing substance might be the health food breakthrough you've been looking for.

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As the name suggests, peppermint tea is an infusion of peppermint. Botanical name of this herb is Mentha piperita. Peppermint tea is also known by the name of mint tea, at times. The tea is caffeine-free naturally and has different health benefits. Peppermint tea is believed to have healing properties and cures different stomach illnesses like irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and even headaches.

Peppermint tea is widely consumed in different parts of the world for its several benefits. Herbal medicine practitioners recommend the tea to get rid of several stomach-related infections and problems. In addition to its fragrance, that can be used to keep away bad breath, it relaxes lower esophageal sphincter. Relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter pushes the contents of the stomach upwards into the esophageal tract. Therefore, patients suffering from GERD are advised to stay away from the tea. the tea also has properties to relax and calm down the intestinal muscles, thereby reducing spasms, diarrhea, and indigestion. It also helps to expel intestinal gas.

Intake of peppermint tea has several other benefits. Not only it controls flatulence and diverticular disorders, it also treats irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, and vomiting. In addition to all this, regular intake of the tea improves digestion and reduces heartburn to a considerable degree. It is also believed to dissolve gallstones and suppress gallstone-induced pains. Herbal medicine practitioners also believe the tea to be useful in reducing severity of herpes outbreaks and controlling muscle aches and chronic pains. In addition to fighting bad breath, peppermint in hot tea form clears congestion, cough, and cold along with treatment of allergic rhinitis symptoms. Mild asthma can also be tamed by regular and prolonged intake of peppermint tea. It is also known to reduce stress to a considerable degree.

Peppermint tea is highly beneficial for teachers, actors, speakers, singers and other professionals who have to use their voice, as it soothes the dry, itchy throat. Adding honey to the tea and sipping hot can do wonders and never let your throat dry or itch. the tea is also said to be beneficial for improving hair quality, as it provides them shine, fragrance, radiance, and strength. Regular intake of peppermint tea lowers estrogen in women and is therefore considered beneficial for women suffering from hirsutism. Regular and prolonged intake of the tea decreases the amount and density of unwanted hair from facial area by lowering estrogen; however, to experience this effect of peppermint, it is recommended to take more than 5 cups per day, which might not be suitable for all people.

As the herbal medicine practitioners explore and research more on this herb, more of its benefits will come to light. But the fact is that peppermint tea already has so many medicinal benefits, that it can be used to treat wide variety of illnesses in humans. So, sip in, and enjoy!

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If you are one of the many millions of people that are taking Cardiotonic Glycoside, there are a few things to consider and be aware of.The therapeutic range is 0.5-2.0ng/ml. higher than this value is toxic and lower than this range is non-therapeutic. As long as the level is in this range it is providing the benefits of the drug. Therefore, it is imperative that appointments to the physician are kept and blood work to check the levels of Cardiotonic Glycoside. The symptoms of Cardiotonic Glycoside toxicity include fatigue, nausea or vomiting, changes in heart rate and rhythm, loss of appetite, diarrhea, visual disturbances (yellow or green halos around objects), confusion, dizziness, nightmares, agitation, or depression. Immediately consult your physician for any of the symptoms.

Hopefully all patients that are onthis Heart medication are well informed that if the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute that they should NOT take Cardiotonic Glycoside. As an ICU nurse, I find that in many instances that the patient did not know that they should check their pulse before taking the medication. The medication should be discontinued by the physician. If you are assessing a patient and you notice that the patient is having these symptoms and is taking Cardiotonic Glycoside, immediately notify the physician for further orders.

Glucose is used to treat ventricular arrhythmias if needed. Saline is used to treat potentially life threatening episodes of toxicity. The patient is usually placed on telemetry monitoring and monitored for any arrhythmias that may occur. Monitor the patients lab values and report significant values to the physicians. Inform patient to convey to the nurse any symptoms that they may have. Once the patient is stable and the Cardiotonic Glycoside levels have come back down, the physician will evaluate the patient before re-starting the treatment.

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 If you own a pet bird, or if you've ever done any research about what makes a healthy diet for pet birds, you have surely run across foods that are listed as being almost always fatal to birds. But have you ever wondered why these foods are so detrimental to birds? Here are five foods birds should avoid, and the reasons behind their toxicity.  

Peanuts- Unshelled peanuts are often carriers of Aspergillus, a very common fungus (or mold) that causes food spoilage.  Once your bird has ingested this fungus they will often experience respiratory problems that may not at first be apparent. The good news is that Aspergillus is not transmitted from one bird to another, but if the environment in which your birds live is contaminated, the other birds are likely to also become sick. Aspergillus does not respond favorably, if at all, to treatment, and so an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Most bird owners, and with good reason, choose not to take any chances and refrain from feeding peanuts to their birds.  

Avocados- How can such a beautiful green fruit that is so delicious to humans cause such harm to birds? The Persin component in avocados is responsible for the irreparable destruction of the cells of the heart muscle which essentially causes the heart to fail. Toxicity has been shown to be caused by ingestion of the fruit, skin, stem, seeds, and leaves with the leaves being most potent. There are no tests known at this time that will definitively diagnosis avocado poisoning, and there are also no known treatments once the avocado has entered the bird's system. Affected birds usually die within 24 to 48 hours.  

Chocolate- The chocolate that a lot of us can't live without is something your bird can't live with. Chocolate contains a compound called Theobromine, which when ingested by birds can create havoc very quickly because their metabolism is so fast and efficient. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include hyperactivity, arrhythmia, diarrhea, vomiting, and death.

Caffeine- Great care should be taken with foods and liquids that contain caffeine. Think carefully about what you leave on the table, cabinet, or countertop when your bird is out of the cage. A momentary distraction such as answering the doorbell, telephone, or an email can be just long enough for your bird to drink your soda, coffee or tea ingesting enough caffeine to be fatal. Caffeine speeds up the heart rate causing seizure, heart arrhythmia, and eventually death.  

Sugar- A diet with large amounts of sugar encourages the growth of yeast, which increases the possibility of yeast infections in your bird. This is an atmosphere conducive to fungal growth (or Candida). This could cause your bird to suffer loss of appetite, depression, lethargy. These all weaken your bird's immune system making them high susceptible to disease and infection. It's best to let your bird get its sweetness from natural sugars in fruits and vegetables.

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Liver Disease also called as hepatitis disease is the largest organ inside the human body. The liver performs functions like converting food into energy, cleansing alcohol and other poisons from the blood. The liver secretes a yellowish-green liquid which is called bile. This fluid is helpful in digestion.

There are many kinds of this and it would be really difficult for one to identify or discriminate the disease. Though few people can identify and feel that they are suffering from some form of the disease, it is abhorrent to treat it with home remedies and must consult a reputed doctor immediately for treatment. Let us look into few symptoms of liver disease.

Symptom 1:

Jaundice, is one of the main symptoms of liver disease. Unrelenting occurrence of jaundice is an indication that something is absolutely wrong with the gall bladder or the liver. Occurrence of Jaundice can be understood by the change in the color of the skin. The color of the skin turns pale yellow or orange and the white part of the eye too turns yellow. Jaundice results when there is a disturbance in the production of bile. The symptoms also include occurrence of flu. There are two types of jaundice Yang Jaundice and Yin Jaundice.

Yan Jaundice has symptoms that include Thirst, Palpitations, constipation, urinary problem, abdominal distention and yellowing of tongue. This type of jaundice occurs due to excessive damp, moist heat.

Ying Jaundice has symptoms that includes the overall body including the face turns yellow followed by fever, nausea, poor appetite, lassitude, fatigue, abdominal digestion, chest repression, loose stools, hypochondriac pain, cold hands and feet, palpitation, edema and breaking breath.

Symptom 2:

Other most common symptom of liver disease is drop in appetite. This causes sudden weigh loss in the patient and results in anemia with hepatocytes. The patient gets weaker and weaker with continuous vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. If the patient is suffering from gastric ulcer already, they might see blood at times while vomiting.

Symptom 3:

Light coloration of the stool is also symptoms of liver disease. This occurs when the bile pigment is blocked due to scarring, stones or inflammation. Irregular or irritable bowel movement is also some of the symptoms of the liver disease.

Symptom 4:

Symptom of liver disease also includes blotting or distention of the right side of the abdominal part below the lower ribs due to hepatomegaly or ascites. If distension gets sever then the patient might feel pain while breathing, due to pressure in the diaphragm.

Symptom 5:

Polydypsia and polyuria, which means excessive thirst and urination is also an symptom of liver disease. However one must diagnose correctly since Polydypsia and polyuria are symptoms of many other diseases too.

Few other symptoms of the liver disease include headache, problem of skin, allergy, feeling dizzy, tinnitus, ticks, spasms and tremors. Sudden seizures, stroke, redness and itching of eyes, Short temperedness and constant irritation, Tension and pain in the back, Hypochondriac pain, Loss of flexibility of tendons and ligaments, Depression, Mood Swings and the list goes on.

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One of the many great places that I have had the good fortune of visiting is the Brazilian Nordeste (northeast). This dry, scrubby, beautiful land with poverty-stricken people offers a stark contrast to the lush rainforest of the Amazon and the rainy chunk of southern Brazil where wealth prospers and European descendants of German, Italian and Polish stock sometimes reminisce about how their lives would be if they had successfully separated from the rest of Brazil.

Equator of Bust

I was on a mission to make it as close to the equator as possible and sample the exotic fruits and females of the region. Yet to my surprise, a stale piece of aracaje (something like a Cajun hushpuppy with shrimp and spice inside) had other plans for my digestive system. I was on the road in a Brazilian charter bus when I decided to eat this little piece of Bahian culture at a truck stop that was offered to me by a happy woman of African descent in a traditional white Bahian dress. Bahia was home to the largest slave port in the Western Hemisphere once upon a time and it stills holds true to its ethnic and cultural roots in many ways.

Singing and S

By the time I had reached the state of Piaui, I knew something was terribly wrong with my belly. It started to churn and flip like a wooden roller coaster and I knew I had to find a bathroom and fast. It was exactly at this moment that I also realized that the vast majority of all the passengers on the bus were singing evangelical Christians and the bus had a flat tire in the hottest strip of desert I had ever been in. There was no toilet paper in the bus' tiny bathroom. I did what I could while they sang about their Savior.

The illness slowly drained my electrolytes and body fat as I made my way to the final stop on my destination, Sao Luis de Maranh瓊o. None of the hotels in town had air conditioning and the average low for that time of year was about 90 degrees with 85% humidity. It was a cleansing experience to say the least. I finally landed in the historic district in an old hotel that had paint coming off the walls and a fan! A glorious, blessed fan!

My 15 Minutes of Fame

After two days of constant sweating, lemon water and diarrhea, I decided to take a walk downtown. I was immediately asked to go on the set for a movie the city was making to promote tourism. I had the pleasure of holding a non-alcoholic blue drink and chatting with two blonde-haired, blue-eyed Belgians sitting at my table. I don't know what ratings the film got nor how much it grossed.

After three days, several of the best pills a doctor could give me and ten pounds of weight loss, I decided that I should probably get back to Rio to a hospital or Brazilian archaeologists would be showing my bones to their students in a few centuries.

Blessed Green Salvation!

I packed up my backpack and walked sluggishly into the lobby when a tan, indigenous man stopped me to ask how I was doing. I said that I was not feeling well and had a terrible stomach problem. He told me in Portuguese to follow him and, having nothing left to lose, I did just that.

We walked for about two miles to an open air market with hanging pieces of rotting meat and more herbs than you could shake a stick at. The man picked three large bunches of different green leaves from friendly vendors in the market, mixed them with some lime peel and began to boil them in a tea pot in a woman's pretzel stand.

In about 15 minutes he filled two liter bottles up with the boiling liquid and told me to drink it as fast as I could. I gulped it down in a matter of minutes and by the time I had arrived at the airport 45 minutes later my stomach was on the mend. The medicine man had cured me. But what about those happy people in the countryside that I saw living practically in cardboard boxes, trying to farm marginal land with little rain or irrigation?

Your Call to Action

Their cure is not so quick nor simple. The answer to helping people with few resources is both economic and environmental. They need options that offer a decent living without destroying the environment around them. Heifer International offers solutions for people in such situations. They develop partnerships with local organizations in several countries, train people in animal husbandry and donate farm animals to the people so they can sustain and feed themselves while causing minimal environmental damage. The really cool thing about Heifer is that you can donate a cow, chickens, sheep or pigs and know that your donation has a direct positive impact on people's lives.

These were, without a doubt, the poorest people I had ever seen, but only in an economic sense for their spirits were full with joy and humility. I would love to hear your thoughts about ways that we can help create decent livelihoods for poor people and respect the environment at the same time!

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Gallbladder disease is one of the leading causes of problems with digestion that result in hospital admissions. Did you know that around 10% of the population (on average) in most Western countries has gallstones? Most of these are "silent" but about 4% of patients with stones develop symptoms each year. For about half of them, the symptoms reoccur within 12 months. More men than women suffer from acute gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), whereas more women than men experience gallstones (men have more kidney stones), and married women with children have more gallstones than unmarried women. The term "gallbladder disease" is in one sense a misnomer, for it is the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder that form the system that enables your body to digest fats and all are likely to participate in gallbladder problems.

I have always said that doctors generally see health problems as conditions with symptoms requiring drugs, whereas surgeons see health problems as conditions requiring the knife, and when a patient is admitted with abdominal discomfort surgeons are often keen to remove the gall bladder as it is believed that it 'serves very little purpose' and that the patient can "live comfortably without it". This is a ridiculous and very untrue notion however, and I want you to think twice about having your gallbladder removed, because over half of people I have seen who had their gallbladder removed still had the same digestive problem they started with in the first place unresolved, yet now without their gallbladder. Once it is out that is it, it does serve a purpose like every organ you were born with and having your gallbladder removed will affect your health to some degree. For some patients, the removal of their gallbladder had a major consequence on their health down the track. For others, it was a minor consequence.

A surgeon I once spoke to many years ago mentioned that the gallbladder operation was one frequently performed in larger hospitals by the younger surgeon to "bring them up to speed" in the operating room. He said that it was a relatively easy operation lasting from thirty to forty minutes enabling them to gain surgical experience before they move onto "bigger and better things" as far as abdominal surgery is concerned. I can't help wondering if all the gallbladder operations performed are really that necessary, because they are so quick to take it out these days. The apprentice mechanic will first be introduced to the engine by learning to replace the spark plugs before he is allowed to work deeper into the engine. If the plugs were removed, carefully cleaned and then replaced they generally last a long time. But then again, today more than half the stuff we buy is made in China and it is "chucked" as soon as it is even slightly defective!

What is the gallbladder's function?

Your gall bladder's main function is to collect and concentrate bile produced by the liver that the body uses to digest fats. Think of bile a bit like you would dishwashing liquid. Have you ever tried to wash dishes with fat or grease on them in water without dishwashing liquid? Not really effective is it? Not at least until you squirt a little dishwashing liquid into the warm water then they are clean in no time. Your gallbladder makes plenty of its own type of "degreasing liquid" called bile. Bile becomes up to twelve times more concentrated in the gallbladder (and hence much more effective) than it was in your liver. Think about this, with your gallbladder gone, your liver now has to produce, store and secrete bile. It can do this but not as effectively as it can without that little purse called the gallbladder hanging by its side.

The liver makes between 600 - 900 mls of bile each day, and what is not sent during meals to the duodenum (beginning of your small bowel) directly via the liver's main duct to emulsify fat, it is diverted through a smaller duct (branching off the main liver duct) to the gallbladder for storage until required. When fat in a meal reaches the duodenum (where most of the food you eat is digested and absorbed), hormones enter the circulation and along with nerve signals, stimulate the gallbladder to contract. This contraction, assisted by the small intestine's contractions, induces the gallbladder's small round muscle and the stored bile is propelled into the duodenum where it mixes with food from your stomach and pancreatic juices from the pancreas by way of the pancreatic duct. If you eat a fairly fatty meal (fish and chips for example) your gallbladder can empty completely within one hour. It is this combination of bile and fats that can make one feel "queasy" at times after a fatty meal.

Bile itself is made up of water, salts, fatty acids, lecithin, cholesterol, bilirubin, and mucus and has two main functions. The first function is to help in the absorption and digestion of fats, and the second to eliminate certain waste products from the body, especially excess cholesterol and the haemoglobin from worn out red blood cells, which have an average lifespan of 3 months.

In particular, the bile

(1) increases the solubility of fat-soluble vitamins, fats and cholesterol to assist in their absorption,
(2) stimulates secretion of water by the colon to help move its contents along,
(3) is a medium for excretion of bilirubin (the chief bile pigment) as a waste product of destroyed red blood cells, other waste products, medical drugs and their degradation products, and other toxins.

Bile salts are in fact re-absorbed into the small intestine, and re-secreted into the bile after extraction by the liver. All bile salts in the body re-circulate some 10 to 12 times a day by means of this so- called enterohepatic circulation. In each circulation small amounts of bile salts enter the colon where bacteria break them down for excretion with the feces.

Who is the greatest at risk of gallstones?

o Female gender: women outnumber men at least 2:1.
o Family history
o Forty or more years of age
o 3 children or more
o Diet: low calorie, low cholesterol, low fat. (especially a diet like this after a diet high in fat)
o Diet: previously high in refined carbs, alcohol, chocolate, chips, etc.
o Smoking
o High cholesterol history
o Constipation history
o Rapid weight loss
o Obesity
o Food allergy history
o Dehydration due to not enough water
o Liver problems like cirrhosis or past hepatitis infection
o Sensitive to penicillin antibiotics

Signs and symptoms of gallbladder problems

I have seen many women in the clinic who have for years on and off never felt quite well in terms of their digestion. Many have experienced a low grade ill feeling, a digestive discomfort which was put down to indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea or even a "grumbling appendix". They go on for years and years with digestive symptoms and never realise that they may be related to a gallbladder problem. That's because they are so inter-related with other digestive symptoms and too easy for their doctor to say: "You are fine; there is nothing to worry about". Constipation is one of the most commonly missed complaints, and so is farting. Don't be embarrassed here, we all fart, some men (and plenty of smallish children) enjoy boasting about it but women do it too and are generally totally embarrassed. Flatus is most common in bed when you first lie down, during the night or when you get up. This is because your bowel changes its position and gas more easily escapes through the anus with the large intestine in a horizontal rather than in a vertical position. Don't laugh, but do you sometimes feel fat, frumpy and farty and at times "sicky" after eating a fatty meal like fish and chips or chocolate? Does your partner joke about how much you "let off"? Then you may very well have a gallbladder issue.

The Four F's

Have you heard about the four f's? We learn when we study medicine that women who are "fat, fertile, forty and flatulent" are often the gallbladder girls. They are much more prone to having gallstones or a sluggish liver and gallbladder. The following list provided here may be related to gallbladder but please bear in mind that it could also be something else. The first four symptoms mentioned are the most indicative of gallbladder issues. It is not necessary to have all or many symptoms to have gallbladder problems but the more you have from this list, the more confirmation you have that your gallbladder is involved. Please note that it is still advisable to consult your GP for an accurate diagnosis.

Signs and symptoms of impending gallbladder problems (If you answered yes to the first four (with an asterisk) go to your health-care professional for a more accurate diagnosis.)

  • Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side, could be central too*

  • Pain between shoulder blades, central but could be under the shoulder blades*

  • Stools light or chalky colored*

  • Indigestion after eating, especially fatty or greasy foods*

  • History of gallstones or gallbladder removal in your family

  • Weight gain after recent digestive troubles or after gallbladder removal

  • Frequent use of antacids

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Bloating

  • Farting

  • Burping or belching up gas easily after meals

  • Feeling of fullness or food not digesting

  • Diarrhea (or alternating from soft to firm)

  • Constipation (or simply skipping a day here or there)

  • Headache over eyes, especially right

  • Bitter fluid comes up after eating, could be a slight reflux and very subtle

  • Frequent use of laxatives

Being big is actually in itself a big risk factor in gallbladder problems, and women with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or greater are more than double at risk than women who have a BMI of 25 or less. Although a decrease in weight reduces the risk of gallstone formation, there is a 15 to 25 percent increase in gallstone formation during or immediately following weight loss! I have seen this with several patients over the years; they have lost weight and are proud of if only to experience digestive problems and then a bad bout of pain within twelve to eighteen months after the weight loss. A major heart study in America discovered that women with Type 2 Diabetes were almost twice as likely (41.8 percent versus 23.1 percent) that non diabetics to have gallstones, and the risk was highest amongst the 30 to 59yr old group.

I always ask a person these standard questions when they come in with a (suspected) gallbladder dysfunction - "Did you loose weight recently, say in the past two years?" "Have you been on a fat free diet lately?" "What kind of foods/drinks do you like to habitually have?" By asking the right questions, you would be surprised how many will actually tell you what is wrong with them, and their answers can point right to the heart of the problem. In my observation, the main factors leading to gallbladder attacks and dysfunction are obesity (and rapid weight loss (for example1 pound a week); "fat-free" diets are especially bad.

Poor dietary habits - especially too many fatty and fried foods, alcohol, too much dairy food like cheeses and full cream milk, refined sugars and starches, high protein foods (in excess), food allergies, parasites, long-term use of birth control pills, and a sedentary (couch potato) lifestyle. The Atkins diet craze caused a lot of gallbladder problems, for example. Once these factors are operating, bile produced in the liver and flowing through the biliary ducts into the gallbladder becomes too thick, the bile ducts may then become obstructed, gravel and stones may form (90% of all gallstones are cholesterol), and the whole biliary system may become clogged. Other causative factors include insufficient water consumption, a weak immune system (increases likelihood of infection in the gallbladder), as well as diabetes and various liver diseases.

Prevention of gallbladder problems lies in controlling obesity, diet and adequate intake of consuming water, and the use of appropriate physical exercise. Louise Hay, an interesting lady who wrote the famous book "Heal Your Life" way back in 1976 with regard to how emotions can trigger physical problems, mentions that anger, aggressiveness, and bitterness can result in gallbladder problems. Keeping the immune system strong and the liver and small intestine healthy is very important too. Let's look now at some non-medical alternatives once gallbladder problems are evident, and also how to prevent this problem in the first instance.

Food allergies

Often finding and eliminating food allergies can stop frequent attacks of gallbladder pain and prevent unnecessary surgical removal. In one study, avoidance of allergens relieved symptoms in 100% of 69 patients with symptomatic gallstones or post-cholecystectomy (after the operation) syndrome (uncontrolled trial commented on by Dr. Alan Gaby, USA). I'm not convinced just testing for antibodies in terms of food allergies is the way to go, try also: muscle testing, you may know somebody who does do electro-dermal testing. Either way, try going on an elimination or allergy diet, it may be the answer to your problems.

For recurring gallbladder pain - suspect food allergies in just about 100% of patients. On average I find that they are reactive to 4 or 5 foods, and according to Dr. Jonathon Wright, one of America's most experienced natural medicine doctors, egg is generally always one of the prime food allergens involved. There are over 800,000 cholecystectomies (gallbladder operations) performed in USA per annum, they cost $5,000 US to perform. If you do the math here, effective preventative natural medicine treatment could spare 4 billion US dollars with gallbladder conditions alone. I can imagine how many of the operations are performed needlessly in NZ each year, and it is truely amazing how many people I have seen who have their gallbladder out only to find that it did not fix up the problem they originally went to the doctor for in the first place.

Other medical methods of handling gallstones in the gallbladder include attempts to fragment them with sonic shock waves (lithotripsy). Of course there are other times when surgery may become necessary, such as in perforation of the gallbladder (often from gangrene) or where for example non-benign tumours and cancers are present. All this is what I call "crisis medicine," so common in the orthodox medical procedures used in the hospital system. Does it not make sense to prevent a gallbladder condition in the first place rather than waiting for disaster to strike and then to take action?

How is your back?

See your Chiropractor; you may have mid-thoracic vertebral subluxations. If you have back issues, your fourth thoracic vertebrae may a bit "dodgey", you could be looking at a subluxations which means a slight dislocation (misalignment) or biomechanical malfunctioning of the vertebrae (the bones of the spine). These disturbances may irritate nerve roots and the blood vessels which branch off from the spinal cord between each of the vertebrae, and if this is what is happening around the middle of your back it could be affecting your gallbladder.

Gallbladder removed? - take bile salts

I always recommend that a patient who has had their gallbladder removed take bile salts (digestive enzymes) because fats & oils are not properly digested and absorbed by these folk. I always give bile salts when I give them fish-oil, or Vitamin A. Digestive enzymes are essential for those who have had their gallbladder removed, they will feel a lot better for taking them regularly. Their digestion will improve, their bowels will work better and they will feel less full and bloated. For patients who do not improve their diet following surgical removal of the gallbladder the removal leaves the person with an increased risk of colon cancer. Although fast relief of some symptoms can follow this surgery, the relief is often short-lived and the basic causes are still present. If you have lost your gallbladder, the regular use of bile salts at the start of meals can help substantially, including better processing of the fat-soluble essential nutrients such as essential fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K. Probably the best way to tell if you are using enough bile salts is to monitor the colour of the stool. If the colour is lighter than the normal brown colour, or is even a light beige or yellow, this implies insufficient bile flow; with it's under absorption of essential nutrients, and a need for more bile salts. Such a need for more bile salts will be greater after a meal with greater amounts of fats and oils. Talk to your Naturopath more here, he or she can recommend a product which should work well. I generally find that the digestive enzymes prescribed by your Naturopath to be stronger and much more effective than the retail (health-food shop) products. That is why they are classified as "practitioner-only" products. My website (see resource box) explains more about "practitioner-only" products.

Useful herbal supplements with liver & gallbladder complaints: Swedish bitters, milk thistle, chamomile, peppermint, greater celandine, gymnema, gravel root, dandelion leaf & root, chicory, rhubarb, burdock, cramp bark, ginger root, fennel, and turmeric.

Homeopathic medicine: one of the most specific homeopathic medicines is Chelidonium 30C, and I recommend this remedy for patients who complain of right-sided pains radiating through the back, pains radiating to the right shoulder blade region. It is mainly thought of as a liver remedy, but I find it fantastic for gallbladder disorders as well.


Eliminate refined sugar and other refined carbohydrates, because it is these foods which in particular increases the cholesterol saturation of bile. Gallbladder problems don't generally happen in under developed countries, they are a phenomenon of the Western developed world. We call these sorts of health problems the "diseases of modern civilisation". You will find that our Western diet is the highly refined one, most people eat foods from the supermarket and our diets are the ones high in the refined sugars, starches and flours. Foods and drinks to strictly avoid One of the worst beverages to drink with gallbladder issues is coffee whether decaffeinated or not, it aggravates symptoms by causing the gallbladder to contract along with sugar. So, sugar and coffee is not a good idea! I also tell patients to avoid chocolate, deep fried foods and saturated animal fats in general. Most tell me that they cannot tolerate these foods anyway, so listen to your body and avoid what makes you feel unwell or sick.

Gallbladder foods which have a particular favourable effect include beetroot, Brussels sprouts, fennel, sauerkraut, parsley, artichokes, pears, granny smith apples and the bitter foods such as rocket, endive, chicory, and capers.

Consume a little olive oil daily One way to prevent build-up of gallstones is to eat some oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, daily; this encourages the gallbladder to contract and to daily "sand dump" its contents into the small intestine, preventing sludge from accumulating and forming gallstones.


Warm castor oil packs. All you need is 200ml castor oil (try the chemist or supermarket), and old saucepan, an old cloth, and an old towel. Just warm the old cloth in the pot of oil until it is quite warm, squeeze it out and apply it over the region of the gallbladder - central a little to the right just near where your ribcage finishes. Cover with the old towel, place a hot water bottle on top for added warmth and lie down for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rub the area for 2 minutes with an ice cube in a cloth-repeat 3 times once daily for a week can sometimes dislodge gallstones, and is especially a powerful treatment if used in conjunction with the flush and dietary approach. Careful with castor oil, it can stain.

Liver and gallbladder flush

there are many different gallbladder and liver flushes that will work if you have had recurrent gallbladder problems and your diet has been typically Kiwi. You really need to work in with your health-care professional like your naturopath here. I have guided many patients through this procedure the past twenty years and have never experienced a problem, and to be honest have very rarely found somebody with a "gallstone too big to pass" as some may fear.

For a gallbladder "attack" try these recipes Here are a couple of tips to try with acute pain, if the pain doesn't subside, seek medical opinion.

o Drink 1 tbsp of apple cider in a glass of apple juice (warmed). This should relieve the pain quickly.
o In a small glass add 翹 tsp turmeric, 翹 tsp cumin, and 翻 tsp Manuka honey - top with boiling water, stir to dissolve and mix together, drink when warm. Take: 3 times a day.
o Citrus tea: have 3 glasses daily of tea made by boiling for 20 minutes in water the rind of a grapefruit.

Recommendations stopping future gallbladder attacks

1. Each morning, drink a "gallbladder attack flush"; 300mls Apple juice (or dilute with water), 3 cloves of raw finely chopped garlic, 1-2 inches of raw finely chopped ginger root, mix well in blender. This drink helps soften sludge and helps prepare your gallbladder to dump rubbish.

2. Liver & gallbladder flush. One simple flush is to drink 3 Tbs of extra-virgin olive oil with the juice of a lemon before retiring and on awakening for at least 3 days, or until no more stones pass. I have other flushes but tend to use them in a consultation with the patient only. This is one procedure in my opinion you are best not to do yourself at home without any guidance, but get the advice from a qualified Naturopath, preferably one with experience in this area.

3. Eat a well balanced diet of 50% raw or partially steamed foods and fresh juices, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts/seeds. This low saturated fat, high fiber diet is a must for healing gallbladder disorders. Flaxseed and olive oil are great additions to your diet for repair and prevention of gallstones. Bitter foods (see below) are a great addition, and will help prevent a build up in future. The two top foods to consume? - Lemon juice and olive oil.

4. Increased your intake of Vitamin C can help with gallbladder ailments. Replenish your vitamin C stores by eating plenty of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Good sources include capsicums (red/green/yellow), berries, lemons, and broccoli/green leafy veg. I recommend a high grade Vitamin C powder daily for the prevention and maintenance of many conditions in the body.

5. Herbal detoxification products may be helpful in stopping and reversing a gallbladder attack. I suggest using formulas that use organic, whole herbs. There are some excellent products available, just ask your herbalist or naturopath.

3 tips for after the gallstones have passed

o Dr. Dick Versendaal, a Chiropractor from America recommends his "carotid-umbilicus technique". For the best results, it is to used every 15 minutes for 1-3 hours as follows (it's easier if someone else does it on you than you try to do it yourself ): using the index finger, apply a steady pressure into the belly button for 5 minutes, such as to depress the belly button 1-1 翻 inches (but avoiding pain). Do this once a day for up to 12 weeks after the stones are passed, it will help your gallbladder a lot.

o Firm rubbing for at least 30 seconds1-2 times a day of the neuro-lymphatic reflexes (these points may feel quite tender if you have gallbladder issues) between ribs 3 and 4, and ribs 4 and 5, just to each side of the breastbone, and between ribs 5 and 6 just under the nipple of the right breast can be quite helpful.

o Also softly holding (not pressing or rubbing) for at least one minute the neurovascular reflexes at the anterior fontanel (front of head the baby's soft spot near crown of head- locate at tip of middle finger when the wrist crease of either hand is placed on the eye brows and the middle finger extended onto the midline of the skull) and at the hairline on the forehead directly above the outer corner of each eye. Look for the "tender spots", you will find them.

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