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Most children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have limited treatment options, because their doctors believe that stimulant medication is the best way to manage the condition. Although ADHD medication does provide short-term relief, long-term use can lead to many health and neurological consequences. Due to Western medicine's myopic perspective on the disorder, many children are denied alternative treatment options that bring long-term relief with no side effects.

Natural remedies for ADHD begin with finding the root cause of the disorder, and research suggests that nutritional deficiencies are some of the primary triggers of hyperactivity and inattention. Magnesium is usually among these deficient nutrients. It is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body, with 50% stored with calcium in the bones. The rest of the body's magnesium is used for over 300 chemical functions, such as regulating blood pressure, assisting the immune system, and maintaining normal nerve and muscle functions. Above everything, however, magnesium is thought to be the "relaxation mineral.". It can induce a calm state without causing lethargy and sluggishness, and enables the mind to think clearly and focus on tasks.

A magnesium deficiency is caused by numerous things. Because the two minerals are biologically interlocked, a magnesium deficiency is sometimes linked to a calcium deficiency. Leaky gut syndrome, or a damaged gastrointestinal tract, can also account for a magnesium deficiency. Most of the time, however, the lack of magnesium in meals causes the deficiency. These days, a child's meals are primarily made up of refined sugar, white flour, and processed foods, which deplete the body's magnesium during digestion. It is hardly surprising that the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency resemble the symptoms of ADHD: poor memory, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and hypersensitivity to sounds.

Treating a magnesium deficiency is not difficult, but it will require some dietary and lifestyle changes. First, you need to add magnesium-rich foods to your child's diet. Slowly eliminate all junk food, refined sugars, and soda from your child's diet and replace them with magnesium-rich green vegetables like broccoli, lettuce, and spinach. All leafy green vegetables are excellent sources of magnesium, because this mineral is the base atom of chlorophyll. Other foods that contain magnesium are whole unrefined grains, seeds, nuts, black beans, tofu, and seafood like tuna, oysters, and scallops.

Depending on the advice of your child's nutritionist, you may also want to give your child multivitamins or magnesium supplements. Use magnesium supplements in absorbable forms like magnesium glycinate or magnesium glycerophosphate. Several studies also suggest that magnesium is best taken together with vitamin B6. Never give your child magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate, or magnesium sulphate; not are these forms poorly absorbed, but they can cause diarrhea in high doses. However, magnesium sulfate also comes in a powdered form like Epsom salts, which can be added to a hot bath to induce calmness and relaxation.

If you have any questions about magnesium supplementation or putting your child on an ADHD diet, seek the advice of a holistic practitioner or a nutritionist.

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Genmaicha is the Japanese name for green tea combined with roasted brown rice. While sometimes referred to colloquially as "popcorn tea," because of a certain amount of popped rice, Japanese varieties do not contain any actual corn


Genmaicha is a blend of bancha green tea and Genmai (roasted rice grain). The proportioning of tea to rice is important, the more aromatic Genmaicha teas have a higher amount of rice. Other blends are known including Matcha and Genmaicha. The tea should be infused with high temperature (not quite boiling) water, but let it only infuse for 30 seconds. Use approximately 5 grams of tea for each deciliter of water.


A very common beverage in Japan, Genmaicha can be drunk late into the evening without disturbing sleep. The tea is said to help digestion and is often served after a meal in Japan. Genmaicha is a modest source of vitamin B1 and, like bancha and hojicha, is low in caffeine.

Flavor / Aromoa

The flavor of Genmaicha is a melange of green tea and roasted rice. The roasted aroma of genmai in tea has the effect of lightening the bitterness of the lower-grade sencha. The brown rice gives the tea a nutty flavor. Like green tea, genmaicha should be prepared using hot, but not boiling, water.

Green Sencha Leaf Tea

Over three quarters of all tea produced in Japanese tea gardens is Sencha, a tea selected for its pleasant sharpness and fresh qualities complementing a leaf of high uniformity and rich emerald color. Historically prepared by roasting, today Sencha is steam treated before further processing with hot-air drying and finally pan-frying.


Most regions make a number of kinds of Sencha, which are named according to the kind of processing used. Needle leaf Sencha is processed in Shizuoka and in the Yame region of Fukuoka. In other areas, including Kyushu, the comma-shaped leaf form is processed.


Sencha is the tea most likely to be offered in a Japanese household or restaurant. The higher grades of Sencha are available outside Japan


However, the flavor, color and quality of Sencha varies, depending not only on origin but also season and leaf processing practices employed. Later harvests of Sencha have more astringent qualities, a more robust flavor and generally less aroma.

The earliest season Shincha (first month's sencha harvest) is available in April in the south of Japan, and prized for its high vitamin content, sweetness and superior flavor.

Gunpower Green Tea

Chinese gunpowder tea is a green tea from the Zhejiang Province in China. It takes its English name from the fact that each grey-green leaf is tightly rolled into a tiny pellet, "exploding" into a long leaf upon being steeped in hot water.

Gunpowder tea production dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) but it was first introduced to Taiwan in the 1800s. Although the individual leaves were formerly rolled by hand, today most gunpowder tea is rolled by machines (though the highest grades are still rolled by hand). When buying gunpowder tea it is important to look for shiny pellets, which indicate that the tea is relatively fresh.

Gunpowder tea is exported to the Maghreb where it is used in the preparation of traditional North African mint tea. The Moroccan tea ritual is at the heart of any social gathering, from an informal visit to a neighbour to lavish soirees with dignitaries. A minimum of two cups need to be drunk as not to offend the host.

Gunpowder tea production dates back to the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 - 907) but it was first introduced to Taiwan in the 1800s.

When buying Gunpowder it is important to look for shiny pellets, which indicate that the tea is relatively fresh.

Jasmine Tea

Jasmines are widely cultivated for their flowers, enjoyed in the garden, as house plants, and as cut flowers. The flowers are worn by women in their hair in southern and southeast Asia. Some claim that the daily consumption of Jasmine tea is effective in preventing certain cancers. Many species also yield an essential oil which is used in the production of perfumes and incense.

Jasminum sambac flowers are also used to make tea, which typically has a green tea or Oolong base. The delicate Jasmine flower opens only at night and is plucked in the morning when the tiny petals are tightly closed. They are then stored in a cool place until night. Between six and eight in the evening, as the temperature cools, the petals begin to open. Flowers and tea are "mated" in machines that control temperature and humidity. It takes four hours or so for the tea to absorb the fragrance and flavour of the Jasmine blossoms, and for the highest grades, this process may be repeated as many as seven times. Because the tea has absorbed moisture from the flowers, it must be refired to prevent spoilage. The spent flowers may or may not be removed from the final product, as the flowers are completely dry and contain no aroma. They simply add visual appeal and are no indication of the quality of the tea.

Kukicha Twig Tea

Kukicha, or twig tea, is a Japanese blend of green tea made of stems, stalks, and twigs.

Kukicha has a nutty, slightly creamy flavour. It is made of four sorts of stems, stalks and twigs of Camellia sinensi. For best results, kukicha is steeped in water between 70 to 80 C (155 - 180 degrees Fahrenheit) during three minutes (otherwise, like all green teas, the result will be a bitter, unsavoury brew).

Uniquely flavourful, kukicha is also one of the preferred teas of the macrobiotic diet. Kukicha can also be added to juice to make an excellent children's drink. Kukicha is a powerful anti-oxidant and is very low in caffeine, in fact the lowest in caffeine of all traditional teas.

White Peony Tea

White tea from the Fujian province of China. White Peony, known locally as Pai Mu Tan, is a delicate tea made from tea buds collected and withered prior to opening. The latest medical findings suggest that white tea may be a more effective cancer fighter than even green tea. These findings have brought white teas to a much wider audience.

Modern-day white teas can be traced to the 18th Century Qing Dynasty, a time when they were harvested from ordinary tea bushes. White teas differed from green teas in that their processing did not incorporate any steaming or pan-firing. The teas were simply shaped, and allowed to wither. The resulting leaves were thin, small and did not have much silvery-white hair. It wasn't until 1885 that specific varietals of tea bushes were selected to make white teas. The large, silvery-white leaves of the Silver Needle came into being in 1891. And the production of White Peony began around 1922.

White Silver Needle Tea

White Silver Needle Tea is chiefly produced in Fujian Province in China with only limited or negligible production outside and more commonly just known as Yinzhen. Amongst white teas this is the most expensive variety and the most prized as only top buds are used to produce the tea. Most Yinzhen is made from the Da Bai or Large White tea tree race, however there are exceptions such as the big bud teas from Yunnan.


The very best Yinzhen are picked between March 15 and April 10 when it is not raining and only using undamaged and unopened buds, however lower graded Yinzhen may not be strict on all of these attributes. Yinzhen tea is considered to be good for health, as it is extremely low in caffeine. According to the researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, white tea may be used to fight cancer as well as acting as a deterrent.

The tea is nowadays mostly grown in the Fujian Province and there are generally two major producing counties, Zheng He and Fuding.

Tasting and Brewing

This tea is best prepared with below boiling water (at about 75 degrees Celsius) and produces a slightly viscous glittering pale yellow color with evidence of floating white hairs that reflect light. The flavor and fragrance should be delicate, light, fresh, and slightly sweet. Steeping should be for slightly longer than other white teas, up to 5 minutes, and the amount of tea to be used is usually higher. There are few parallels to be drawn as the taste is not similar to any other teas but Bai Mu Dan.

Yerba Mate Tea

Yerba mate is a species of holly native to subtropical South America in northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil and Bolivia. Yerba Mate has a characteristic mature flavor which is somewhat sweet, bitter, withered leaf like, and alfalfa-like. This is also called the fat burning tea. It comes from South America and has been consumed there for eons.

The yerba mate plant is a shrub or small tree growing up to 15 meters tall. The leaves are evergreen, 7-11 cm long and 3-5.5 cm wide, with a serrated margin. The flowers are small, greenish-white, with four petals. The fruit is a red berry 4-6 mm diameter.


The plant is grown mainly in South America, more specifically in Paraguay, Northern Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones), Uruguay and southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná). The Guaraní are reputed to be the first people who cultivated the plant; the first Europeans to do this were Jesuit missionaries, who spread the drinking habit as far as Ecuador.

When the yerba is harvested, the branches are dried sometimes with a wood fire, imparting a smoky flavour. Then the leaves and sometimes the twigs are broken up.

Researchers at Florida International University in Miami have found that yerba mate does contain caffeine, but some people seem to tolerate a mate drink better than coffee or tea. This is expected since mate contains different chemicals (other than caffeine) than tea or coffee.

From reports of personal experience with mate, its physiological effects are similar to (yet distinct from) more widespread caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, or guarana drinks. Users report a mental state of wakefulness, focus and alertness reminiscent of most stimulants, but often remark on mate's unique lack of the negative effects typically created by other such compounds, such as anxiety, diarrhea, "jitteriness", and heart palpitations.

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During pregnancy, the baby is like a parasite and will take all the nutrients that he requires from you. If your diet is sufficient in nutrients for both, it does not cause any problems. If on the other hand your diet is insufficient for both, then your recovery after the birth will take longer and if you still do not replenish your body stores during the confinement period, you may remain weak for a long time. This is probably why our elders make such a lot of fuss about eating well during the confinement period.

Wherever you are in the world, everyone will try and tell you what to eat and if possible how to eat it. The most important thing to do is follow your own body's needs. Whatever you eat, do make sure that you have a good balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and water in every meal.

Just remember the following pointers:

1. If you are breast feeding whatever you eat will be transferred to your baby via your breast milk therefore it is important that you eat a balanced diet so that your baby will get the right nutrients for optimum growth and development.

2. Some food does cause the baby to become 'windy' or have loose stools. If you find that your baby is suddenly quite unsettled, try and think of what you ate during the last 12 hours. Avoid that food for a few days and then try again. If the same happens again, then you should avoid that particular food for a while and re-introduce it into your diet by taking a very small amount and see how baby reacts then slowly increase the amount so that baby gets used to the food.

3. You may find that your appetite is slightly low especially during the first week. This is normal as your body is readjusting to its non-pregnant state both physically and mentally therefore it is better to have small frequent meals instead of the normal 3 big meals a day.

4. You need to drink plenty of fluids in order to make sufficient breast milk and if you are forbidden to drink water, you can get the amount of fluid from other sources such as soup.

So what should you eat?

Most Eastern cultures believe that your body is cold after delivery therefore you should avoid cooling or cold food but eat a lot of yang or 'heaty' food to warm the body up. However, if you are normally a yang person, eating too much 'heaty' food may cause rashes and fever. In this case it would be better to reduce the amount of 'heaty' food and eat more neutral food. If you are normally a Yin person, you should not have any problems eating 'heaty' food (lucky devils). The following table gives you a quick review of the types of food to eat or avoid.

Types of food to avoid

'Cooling food' for example: banana, cabbage, cucumber, coconut and Chinese cabbage
Contribute to mother's poor blood circulation and stomach ache in the baby if you are breastfeeding. Salt as a condiment and salty foods in general are to be rejected, too, in the belief that use reduces breast milk production

'Acidic food' for example: pineapple, mango, lemon, lime
Contribute to excessive lochia in the mother and diarrhea in the baby.

Too much 'Heaty food' for example: chilli, pepper, spices, tonics, spirits and medicines.
Contribute to diarrhea in the baby and maternal headaches

'Windy food' for example: jackfruit, tapioca, pumpkin, onions.
Contribute to baby being colicky and may cause indigestion for mother and baby.

Poisonous food such as prawns, shellfish, crab, eel, ginger
Delay healing of the mother's wound and may cause allergies and eczema in the baby. These foods may cause stomach upsets and vomiting

Type of food recommended

To improve milk production

Chicken, squid, clams (small varieties), fish (especially carp), millet, mutton, pork, rice wine, sea slug, soybean milk mixed with powdered walnuts, wheat cakes, wheat noodles with egg, green papaya

To provide strength to the mother so she recovers quickly from the exertion of labor.
Chicken, frog, Panax ginseng, licorice extract and razor clam

What you eat also depends on what you believe in and who cooks for you. If it is your mother or MIL you may not have many choices. I have seen women quarrelling and not talking to each other because of this issue. Try and work out a compromise which is acceptable to both parties. Use a persuasive and logical approach instead of confrontation.

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Allergies are resulted from the over reaction of our body immune system towards allergens (things that trigger allergies) such as grass, dust, pollens, fungi, molds, particular foods, and any other things containing chemicals which include cosmetics, soaps, perfumes, cleaning agents, and sunscreens. Symptoms of allergies are various depending on the allergens. Commonly, people who suffer from allergies tend to have watery eyes, repeated sneezing, runny nose, skin irritation (e.g. inflammation, rashes, itching), and sinus headaches. Others may also have wheezing, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, and chronic indigestion. Many plants around us have healing properties to cure or lessen the symptoms of allergies. Here are some commonly used ones:

1. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

This root is the most common remedy used to relieve allergies. This tropical plant is about two feet in height, has lanced-shaped leaves as well as yellow- or white-colored flowers. Some symptoms that can be relieved by ginger among others are colds, nausea, arthritis, and asthma. Ginger can also be used for protecting our digestive system and liver from parasites and toxins. The root can be used fresh or dried. Fresh ginger is beneficial for dryness and heat symptoms, while the dried one is used for relieving chill and dampness. For preventing infection, chopped ginger roots are usually used; meanwhile, powdered ginger is used for asthma and other allergies.

2. Eucalypts (Eucalyptus globulus)

Eucalypts is a member of clove family. This plant is used for many symptoms of allergies such as infections, fevers, colds, flu, and sore throat. Eucalypts is also beneficial chest infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia as it can clear nasal passages, improve blood flow in muscles, loose phlegm, and protect our skin from bug bites. To relieve the symptoms, the plant is commonly made into aromatic or essential oil. Besides made into oil, eucalypts is also made into capsules and teas.

3. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)

When accidentally touches the skin, this plant's leaves can leave pain that can last for one hour or more. To relieve it, rub crushed Yellow dock leaves onto the stung area. Although quite dangerous (still, not toxic), nettle has many healing properties. Its leaves, roots and seeds are particularly beneficial for our health. Drinking nettle daily can help breastfeeding mothers maintaining lactation, treat anemia (as it is high in iron, Vitamin C, and chlorophyll), and serve children with good source of vitamins and minerals. Nettle can also be alternative to processed milk and high-sugared juices since dark green nettle leaves taste like milk. The plant's root extract can relieve seasonal allergies symptoms (e.g. watery eyes, itching, and sinus congestion), while its fresh leaves and seeds are made into tinctures and medicinal oil.

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Hamsters require nutritious food just like all larger animals but most owners do not realize this due to the small size of hamsters. Since hamsters have small bodies and they fill up very fast it is very important for them to eat nutritious food at every meal so that they do not get any nutritional deficiencies. This article will elaborate on one kind of hamster food that is beneficial to hamsters and the reasons it should be included in your pets diet.

Pellets made for hamsters are the best hamster food since these pellets are made while keeping the nutritional requirements of hamsters in mind. There are various kinds of hamster pellets available on the market and while it is possible to get pellets for dwarf hamsters it is also possible to get pellets for larger species like Syrian hamsters. It is also possible to find special pellets for babies and older (senior) hamsters.

Pellets that are especially formulated for baby hamsters are created using a variety of vitamins and minerals that are needed for the growth of baby hamsters. Pellets created for older pets are made with ingredients that are easier to digest. While different companies use different ingredients to create hamster food, some of the common ingredients used to create pellets include corn, sunflower, wheat and Omega 3 fatty acids. Some pellets also are fortified with vitamins and minerals so that you do not need to use supplements along with pellets. Some manufacturers also use timothy hay as an ingredient in pellets since timothy hay is very good for hamsters.

Pellets are usually recommended for hamsters of all ages since these pellets not only help hamsters receive the proper nutrients but these pellets also prevent diarrhea. Green leafy vegetables and fruits often cause diarrhea or wet tail in pets when these food items are fed to hamsters to often. By including pellets in your pets diet you can prevent diarrhea but you should keep in mind that too many pellets can cause constipation. You should ideally feed your pet pellets three times a week, all he can eat in 10 minutes. You should also provide fresh clean water along with the pellets so that the hamster does not choke on the pellets.

While feeding your pet food like hamster pellets to your beloved pet you should keep in mind that the nutritional requirement for hamsters and ferrets is different so you should buy only feed pellets made especially for hamsters, the two types of pellets are not interchangeable like some people believe them to be. You should also not feed dog pellets or cat pellets to hamsters since these pellets contain ingredients that are not suitable for hamsters either. While buying pellets you should keep in mind that the selected brand should use high quality ingredients and the pellets should not contain a lot of corn since this can be harmful to your pet hamster.

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Baby poo is a good indicator of how a baby is tolerating feeding.

What does a normal baby poop look like?

Baby poo changes in colour, consistency and frequency over the first few months of life and is different again depending on your feeding regime.

A newborn baby's first 'poop', is called the meconium, which is greenish-black, thick and sticky. This first poo consists of epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water which are intestinal substances baby ingests while in the womb. The meconium poo shows baby is ready for normal digestion to begin and should pass within 48hrs after birth. A good one for the dads to learn how to change! Be ready for it as it can be a surprise.

As a newborn begins to ingest colostrum (mother's first breast liquid), breast milk and or infant formula the poo will begin to change into a dark brown colour and be less sticky. When a baby is breastfeeding their poo will progress to a more mustard colour with tiny, white, grainy seed like pieces in it. It will be a very loose consistency and can occur at every nappy change or every few days.

Unlike formula fed babies, breast fed babies should not get constipated. (Breast milk is the best milk available to ready your babys body and digestive system). All is normal if a breast fed baby's poo is mainly mustard yellow and occasionally has green specks and streaks but then goes back to being like seeded mustard.

When baby is having infant formula, their poo will be a pasty consistency and often green in colour. Each brand of infant formula creates a slightly different variation of the colour green.

To avoid constipation in formula fed babies they will need to pass a poo every day or every second day.

A baby that is breastfeeding but has top ups of infant formula will have a variation in between these two types of poos depending on the ratio of breast milk to formula.

1. Green frothy poo and possibly associated with irritability, bloating, wind and nappy rash
2. Very liquid consistency with no white seedy bits
3. A formula fed baby who cries when they poo and the stool is a pebble like consistency
4. A formula fed baby who has not passed a poo for 3 or more days
5. A poo that has streaks of blood in it
6. A poo that is green with a stringy egg white consistency
7. Projectile vomiting after 3 consecutive feeds associated with no bowel movement.

Emergency tips while waiting to see a health care professional:

Constipation - give frequent sips of water, and 1-2 stewed prunes or dried apricots (if baby already on solids) or 2 tsp prune juice with 20 mls water (for babies only having milk feeds), monitor temperature.

Diahorrea - give sips of water hourly, continue to breast feed but may need a lactose free infant formula temporarily, if on solids offer mashed banana, monitor temperature and watch out for at least six wet nappies in 24 hours.

As your infant grows older his/her digestive cycle should normalise to a regular daily routine, with or without a poo where you will get to know what is normal for your child and then be easily able to detect a change or a problem. If you are ever in doubt contact a health professional.

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Ask yourself this question; is there a way to stop my pet's misery, biting and scratching caused by fleas without using expensive pills, sprays or dips? Of course there is.

You probably already know this but pet medicine, like medicine for humans, is a high margin item and extremely important to the profits of veterinarians and pet supply stores. What you might not know is that pet medicine, again like human medicine, often times has side effects that are just as bad as or worse than the condition they are supposed to treat.

What would you rather do? Spend $42.99 for a 3 month supply of Front Line full of toxic chemicals; or go to your local grocery or health food store and get a 6 month supply of natural flea remedy for less than $20.

I thought so.

Me too.

We love our pets and treat them as members of the family. We can't stand to see them suffer in any way. We've been taught that vets are always right when it comes to keeping our pets healthy. However, you have to remember that vets are in business and like all businesses they want to make as much as they can. Pets with flea problems are very common and are a great opportunity for the vet or pet store to make a buck or two.

So what goes into making a home flea remedy?

If your dog or cat already has fleas then try whipping up this herbal powder.

Go to a health store and get as many of these herbs as you can; eucalyptus, rosemary, fennel, yellow dock, wormwood, and rue. Mix them using one part each of the herbs. If you have an old parsley spice bottle that has holes in the cap, or even an old Parmesan cheese container, pour the mixture in and use the bottle as the applicator.

Powder your pet using your hand or a comb to work the mixture down to the skin. Pay particular attention to the butt, neck, ears and belly. A special note here! This mixture will not kill fleas but it will aggravate them to the point that they jump off your pet. Obviously it's best that you apply this powder outside so you don't have fleas jumping off the pet and onto the carpet. Give it an hour or so to work then you can let the pet back inside.

Here's another tip that works from the inside out. Garlic, which is good for everything from high blood pressure to warding off colon cancer, also works as a flea repellent. Who knew? Fleas are blood suckers and they find garlic in the bloodstream displeasing and leave. What's the point of staying on the animal if you can't feed?

You can put some crushed garlic in your pet's food or you can get garlic tablets and use them as a treat. If you have fleas in the house, do them in with Borax. Seriously. One year we called Flea Busters to do all of our carpets because the problem was so bad. When I asked the technician what kind of powder he was putting on my carpet he said Borax. I said you're kidding. He said nope.

So you sprinkle the borax on your carpet and then take a garden rake and thoroughly rake the powder into your rug. Leave it for 90 minutes and then vacuum thoroughly. If you have a vacuum bag, get rid of it. If you have a collection container, take it outside and dump it. Don't let the super fleas who survived a chance to get back in your house.

If you are like me you probably would rather use natural methods of ending your pet's flea problem rather than chemicals. I also like the idea that I didn't spend a ton of money. Natural flea cures are just one example of how you can control your pet's health and avoid unnecessary expense.

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Aloe Vera is the name of the ubiquitous succulent green plant that can be found in nearly every grandmother's home. The plant, which comes from the arid parts of Asia and Africa is easy to grow indoors, requiring only ample light from a window and water, and its gooey inner gel has been used to soothe cuts and burns for centuries. Aloe Vera, however, is not just a best friend for a clumsy cook, the inner gel is also thought to possess strong medicinal properties when taken internally. It is thought to help improve digestion, blood flow, and energy. It is also thought to help your body's overall immune system and may even help to inhibit the formation of certain types of cancer.

Immune System Function

Its effect on your immune system is still not quite understood by researchers yet but what they do know is that aloe somehow stimulates microphage activity in the body. Microphage Cells are essentially the foot soldiers of our body's immune system. By increasing their activity, tumor cells and other foreign invaders have a greater chance of becoming detected and dealt with.


Aloe Vera Gel contains high amounts of polysaccharides which are long chain sugars that can help enhance biological response. Clinical studies have found that the polysaccharides found in Aloe Vera can enhance the immune response in cells increasing their ability to fight off tumors.

Killing off Tumors

While they will not go so far as to declare it for humans (wouldn't Big Pharma love that)the USDA has approved Aloe Vera Gel for animals suffering from cancer. This is because of research that indicates that aloe have a chemo protective effect on cancer in animals helping to reduce tumor growth and increase chemo sensitivity of cancer cells.

Side Effects

While rubbing it on your burnt thumb is completely safe, there are some precautions that you might want to talk before ingesting aloe vera on a regular basis. While it is considered safe, if you choose to harvest your own aloe vera gel, be sure to only use the inner gel and to rinse it while since the outer rind and latex can cause diarrhea. In fact, the latex was once used as an laxative but fell out of favor to milder methods. Aloe Vera can also effect certain medications so be sure to talk with your doctor before trying it if you happen to be on medication.

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What is Fructose Malabsorption? Fructose Malabsorption used to be known as Dietary Fructose Intolerance, this term has been abandoned for two reasons Firstly, to avoid confusion with Hereditary Fructose Intolerance which is a genetic condition that can result in liver damage; secondly, an "intolerance" is a condition in which absorption takes place successfully, but the body cannot process the substance. For example, those with Lactose Intolerance can absorb lactose, but once absorbed the body cannot metabolise it. Those with Fructose Malabsorption cannot absorb the fructose, and it is this lack of absorption that results in symptoms.

As reported in Gerald Huether's "Tryptophan, Serotonin and Melatonin" when Fructose Malabsorbers consume fructose, it travels through the digestive system unabsorbed, eventually reaching the colon intact where it is broken down by the body's intestinal flora into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Fructose arriving in the lower intestine intact also interferes with the efficient absorption of the essential amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is known as an "essential" amino acid because the body requires it, but cannot synthesize it. Tryptophan must be obtained from dietary sources. Those with Fructose Malabsorption who ingest fructose have significantly lower levels of tryptophan in their blood than members of the general population. As tryptophan itself is a mood stabilizer and is also necessary for the body's production of serotonin and melatonin (two important neurotransmitters), Fructose Malabsorbers score significantly higher for depression than those without Fructose Malabsorption.

What are the symptoms? The initial symptoms of Fructose Malabsorption are gastrointestinal, and are remarkably similar to those of Lactose Intolerance. The ingestion of foods containing fructose can cause bloating, flatulence, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea. The severity of symptoms varies widely from person to person. These symptoms are the result of the bacterial breakdown of the fructose in the colon into carbon dioxide and hydrogen and generally manifest within a few hours of ingestion of foods containing fructose, though some experience delayed reactions, making it difficult to connect consumption to symptoms As the fructose interferes with the body's ability to absorb tryptophan, the imbalance of neurotransmitters results in depression, irritability, and anxiety usually a day or two after ingestion. Again, these symptoms can be experienced in varying degrees and on varying timelines depending on individual tolerance and the quantities of fructose ingested. I Think I Might Have Fructose Malabsorption Disorder.

What Should I Do Now? An easy, harmless first step in determining if you may have Fructose Malabsorption is an Elimination Foodplan. Simply, this involves eliminating from your diet anything that has any amount of fructose for a period of about six weeks If you do have Fructose Malabsorption, you will start to notice a positive difference in the symptoms within the first week. As the weeks progress, you should feel better overall. After the six weeks have elapsed, try introducing a small amount of a fructose-containing food. If you have Fructose Malabsorption you will generally have a gastrointestinal reaction within a few hours. If you have no reaction, but the Elimination Foodplan did make you feel better, try another fructose-containing food.

Many Fructose Malabsorbers can tolerate certain foods that others cannot. Everyone has their own tolerance threshold. If you have a reaction, and suspect you might have this condition, make an appointment with your doctor. Fructose Malabsorption can be diagnosed with a breath test. Usually a hydrogen breath test is used, but ensures you also receive a methane breath test. In approximately ten percent of all Fructose Malabsorbers, the bacteria in the colon produce methane rather than hydrogen. It is important to be formally diagnosed as Fructose Malabsorbers often have other digestive conditions such as Lactose Intolerance or Celiac Disease. You may have to be diligent, as Fructose Malabsorption is not as widely known or understood as Lactose Intolerance, even amongst healthcare professionals.

Is Fructose Only Found in Fruit? Fructose is found in all fruits, to lesser and greater degrees. Apples and pears have the highest amounts and are universally intolerable to those with Fructose Malabsorption. Fructose, however, is not the only form of this sugar that Fructose Malabsorbers must avoid. Fructans, which are chains of fructose molecules ending in a glucose molecule are also unabsorbable. Tin's widens the field of troublesome foods to include grains like wheat, spelt, kamut, and brown rice; as well as vegetables such as onions, leeks, asparagus and artichokes. As the source of the gastrointestinal symptoms is the bacterial breakdown of fructose in the colon, any food which adds to the bacterial population just makes things worse. This means Fructose Malabsorbers must avoid any foods which have active bacterial cultures like yoghurt, or are probiotic or prebiotic like chickory (inulin).

If I Have Fructose Malabsorption, Will I be Off Wheat and Fruit Forever? Are There Pills Available, Like Those for Lactose Intolerance? The idea of an Elimination Food plan is to eliminates all foods that have even the smallest potential to cause problems. This allows your body to reach a state in which you knowfor certain it is not being affected by any fructose presence. Once this state has been established, you can reintroduce foods containing fructose (or fructans) one at a time in small doses. It is important that foods be introduced in small amounts so that any reaction is minimal. The food should be consumed only once, then strict attention must be paid to any changes in your body over the proceeding days. When reintroducing foods, it is a good idea to begin with foods that contain the least amount of fructose or fructans. This will minimize the possibility of a drastic reaction.

Also keep in mind that commercially frozen foods often contain different amounts of fructose than their fresh counterparts, and cooking can alter the amounts of fructose as well. Fresh strawberries, commercially frozen strawberries, and cooked strawberries may affect you to differing degrees. Through systematic experimentation, you will eventually develop a list of 'forbidden foods", and "only in moderation foods" that will be unique to you. Currently there is no medicine, no pill and no therapy for Fructose Malabsorption other than fructose avoidance. However, most Fructose Malabsorbers can ingest small amounts of fructose with reduced symptoms provided they also consume an equal or greater amount of glucose at the same time. The reason for this is unknown, but it is only effective in small amounts.

Because of this phenomenon, small amounts of sucrose (which is a one-to-one ratio of glucose to fructose) can be tolerated. It is, in essence, fructose with a glucose "dose" built in. Sucrose is in most homes in such forms as table sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup or molasses. Honey contains both pure glucose and pure fructose, as well as sucrose. A pinch of powdered glucose should be added as "insurance" as the ratio in honey may vary. Powdered glucose, often sold under the name of dextrose, causes no negative reaction in Fructose Malabsorbers and can be used for sweetening without concern. Network with Others! Fructose Malabsorbers, like many other groups, have found each other online. Forums, bulletins boards and web groups abound. These are great venues for support, recipes and tips from fellow sufferers, but beware. As this condition is still widely unknown and misunderstood, many forums unwittingly circulate misinformation and supposition. If you wish to connect with others, bookmark several communities and read their postings regularly. Compare their information with your own research and your doctor's advice and choose your.

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Cancer itself may not be problematic; in fact many types of cancer can continue to grow in the body without any warning signs at all, until it is quite widespread or starts causing other organs to malfunction. For this reason, it is important that all screening test schedules be adhered to. However, even with proper screening there are times when the cancer can grow without notice. In most cases of cancers that are deemed treatable there are three courses of action which may be taken individually or in some combination with one another. These are: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

The side effects of both chemo and radiation can make a patient miserable and may seem like they are worse than the cancer itself. These include: nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, anemia, hair loss, fatigue, mouth ulcers and sores, yeast infections, depression and anxiety, insomnia and pain. All of these problems by themselves can be hard enough to handle, but they often all come at the same time.

In addition, you get these side effects while you are trying to cope with cancer and recovering from surgery or other treatments as well. The last thing that people who are going through this want to do is to eat, however, solid nutrition will be what gives your body and mind the strength to fight back and get back to better health.

While each patient should follow individual recommendations from their doctor for their own care, it is generally agreed that those who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer care need to have increased nutrition which includes:

- Whey and other protein supplements for health and caloric boost

- Glutamine, an amino acid found in proteins

- Antioxidants

- Green tea

Whey Protein, Protein Supplements and MCT

The reasons that most cancer patients lose a lot of weight are simple: a lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting as well as diarrhea which are common side-effects and finally, the fact that a large portion of the foods that are eaten will not be absorbed properly by the body because of the chemotherapy. These three factors working together can make the chemo patient weaker and weaker and may leave them susceptible for a number of infections and other problems at their worst moment.

MCT - MCT is a highly absorbable, high calorie oil containing a fat which is a medium chain triglycerides. There are a number of different products which contain MCT, available from your health care professional who can also recommend how much of the product you should use.

Whey Protein-- Whey protein is easily absorbable and boosts the immune system in a number of ways, first by supplying immunoglobulins. Whey protein also helps to boost the optimal intake of other proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals for overall health. Glutathione is increased by whey protein. Glutathione is an antioxidant which is necessary for a healthy immune system. (See the antioxidant section for more information) Glutathione also lowers the risk of some infections and may inhibit the growth of some tumors. (Source: Badger)

Whey protein is an optimal source of amino acids, necessary for a number of the body's functions. The whey protein isolate has 90% protein but less lactose, especially beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant (Source: Segounis). In addition, whey protein is also important to prevent muscle breakdown which may be a problem in the presence of lowered caloric intake. The body, needing energy will use up the energy reserves and will then turn to the muscles for more energy, breaking them down and leaving the body even weaker.

Protein Supplements -- A lack of appetite can be a major problem. If there is a moment when you do feel hungry, you should have a snack that is handy to have when you are ready. Protein snacks and supplements include shakes, bars and liquid protein supplement shots. Protein bars should have a high amount of protein but limited sugars because the sugar, can depress an already stressed immune system.

Supplements like the liquid protein shot, is a good choice because it is portable (it comes in a virtually non-breakable plastic tube) small enough to be carried anywhere, and can be consumed in only a few seconds (it is 2.9 fluid ounces). It gives a full 25 grams of protein per serving as well.

Glutamine -- Glutamine is an important amino acid, one of many that is synthesized by the human body on its own. Adding a supplement of this amino acid can protect the cells which line the intestinal tract and can be damaged by chemotherapy or radiation treatments. (Source: Gottlieb, 2000). Before adding any type of supplement however, speak to your doctor who may have other suggestions or may disagree with their use.

Amino acids are important, and are the building blocks that many functions are built upon. The body makes a number of amino acids beyond glutamine, however, it cannot make eight of them. The eight amino acids not made by the body must come from the foods that we eat- both from animal and plant based sources.

Animal proteins are complete, meaning that they have all eight of these amino acids. Plant proteins are not complete because they typically are missing one or more of the amino acids. The only exception to this is soy protein which is complete. The eight essential amino acids are: threonine, isoleucine, leucine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and lysine. In children, histadine is also needed from food sources.

Antioxidants -- Antioxidants are meant to prevent the damage of free radicals in the body. Free radicals also multiply in the body because of sun damage, smoking, poor diet and other factors. Whether antioxidants are good for cancer patients or not is a serious debate. Chemotherapy generates free radicals to destroy the cancerous cells. On one side of this debate are the doctors who believe that since antioxidants seek out and neutralize free radicals, then those who are using chemo should avoid antioxidants or at the very least not add extras to their diet. However, there are doctors who think that antioxidants not only boosts the effectiveness of the chemo or radiation treatment, but also lessens the worrisome side effects! (Source: Gottlieb, 2000)

Your own doctor may be on the opposite side of the antioxidant debate than you yourself are. You may want to present your side of the issue and work out a discussion together. Your best care depends on everyone being on the same page, working as a team.

Green Tea -- Green tea, as well as other teas can help people to feel better. It also is beneficial for its anti-cancer properties. You can drink several cups of green tea per day, either hot or cold depending on taste. In addition, you can use green tea supplements as well. Again, before starting any supplements, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.


Dr. Thomas Badger, the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center

Bill Gottlieb. Alternative Cures, The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems. Orion Press. United States of America 2000

Sofia Segounis, Nutritionist. Protein Powders truestarhealth.com

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One day I looked in the mirror and hated what I saw. I was pudgy and sluggish. When I gain weight, it lingers around my middle. One day, I was in the bookstore and I picked up Jorge Cruise's The Belly Fat Cure. It's filled with quick fix 'bad versus great' photos, a thinly veiled attempt to hide just how terrible the Belly Fat Cure is for you. In short, the Belly Fat Cure is high on protein and fatty foods and less on carbs and sugar. Duh, everyone knows if you eat loads of saturated fats and meat, you don't just get fat, you get heart disease and all sorts of bad news. Like any good picture books I spent time looking at the "belly bad" versus "belly good" photos. These sound byte distractions keep you from reading the text. When you see things like fast food good; bananas bad, it's a red alert. Yes, the Belly Fat Cure promises that you can lose weight quickly but you'll just put it back on just as fast. Rapid weight loss is unnatural.

Why am I writing about the Belly Fat Cure? Today, I saw an email pitching Cruise's latest easy diet for women. While Cruise's diets aren't ones I'd ever do, the Belly Fat Cure was the first time I started thinking long and hard about my diet. I was vaguely aware of the studies about how people eat too much sugar, how obesity was on the rise, but those things didn't apply to me.

So I thought.

Around the same time I came across Jorge Cruise's diet plan, I was told I was pre-diabetic. Actually my doctor's pre-diabetic announcement was like an afterthought. "Come back and see me in 6 weeks and by the way you are pre-diabetic. Here's a prescription for metformin and a super sugary sucker. Happy pooping." One of Metformin's side effects is violent diarrhea. Metformin and I did not get along. I was constantly sick. I had a brief consultation with Google MD and decided to stop taking it. When I told my doctor the problems I was having with metformin, his answer was to take more not less. My blood sugar wasn't getting better. It was worse. I had to do something else. Since I wasn't going to pay attention to my doctor, I decided I needed to work my diet.

That is how the Belly Fat Cure comes into my life. While I think the diet is deplorable, it actually gave me a quick way to count my carb/sugar intake. I researched the recommended daily allowances for a woman, and made that my base number. The Belly Fat Cure says 15g. I started at 40g and gradually reduced the number from there. Right now the recommended daily allowance for women is 20g and 36g for men. I don't know what my sugar intake is any more since I monitor my glucose now. Non-Diet soda and pasta, high in carbs and sugar, were the first two things eliminated from my diet.

But it didn't help...

Diet alone wasn't enough to control my blood sugar. I found a new doctor. With new medications and a strict portion control diet, my blood sugar numbers are stable, and I feel better than ever.

Belly Fat Cure is a fad diet. But Jorge Cruise's book was a catalyst, a spark that started my journey on the road to changing my diet for the better.

If you have made major changes to your diet unrelated to illness or disease, what was the spark that got started?

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Once considered to be the problem of only 羹ber rich countries, obesity rates are rising in horrific proportions all across the world. According to a study conducted by WHO, in the year 2008, 1.5 billion people over the age of 20 were found to be obese. The rate steadily increases with age, at least up to 50 to 60 years. Obesity is nothing more than excessive accumulation of fat in different parts of the body. If left unattended, it can cause serious health problems like type-2 diabetes, stroke, heart failure, hypertension, arthrosclerosis, gout, sleep apnea, cancer, osteoarthritis, and so on.

The four well-known remedies for weight reduction are dietary restrictions, exercise, medications and physical therapies. Unfortunately, all of them are associated with deleterious side effects. For instance, too much of physical exercise can injure the skeletal muscles, tendons and ligaments. Additionally, it can also cause fatigue, insomnia, depression and amenorrhea. Similarly, if you drastically cut down your food intake, you're likely to suffer from nutritional disorders as osteoporosis, scurvy, anemia, pellagra, goiter, etc. Medications and physical therapies also produce damaging side effects.

Is there a safe and effective way to lose weight? Well, the answer is white kidney bean extract. It is a unique nutritional supplement that removes all the extra fat from the body by blocking carbohydrate metabolism. To digest the carbohydrates, your body releases an enzyme called alpha-amylase. White kidney bean extract inhibits the release of alpha-amylase. As the result, approximately one-third of the carbohydrates are driven out of your body without digestion. For sustenance, your body needs a specific amount of energy. If carbohydrates in your food fails to provide sufficient amount of energy, the stored fat is broken down to replenish the shortage. Thus, by blocking carbohydrate metabolism, the extract activates lipolysis and thereby helps you to lose weight safely and quickly.

The effectiveness of the extract has been demonstrated in a study published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences. 60 obese volunteers took part in the study. They were divide into two groups. While group-I was given white kidney bean extract one-hour before a carbohydrate-rich meal, group-II was given placebo. At the end of 30-days study period, group-I showed greater decrease in body weight as compared to the volunteers of group-II. Except for mild diarrhea and flatulence, no detrimental side effects were noticed. With habituation, diarrhea and flatulence also disappeared.

Apart from being a potent weight-loss supplement, white kidney bean extract is also a powerful antioxidant specifically due to the presence of p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid. The oxidation reactions usually produce free radicals, which are capable of starting chain reactions. These chain reactions can cause either cell death or damage. Phenolic compounds p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid inhibit the production of free radicals, and in this manner, they also prevent the production of cancer cells. The extract is also found to be rich is copper and molybdenum. While the former enhances the elasticity of joints and ligaments, the latter neutralizes the effect of various toxins. White kidney bean extract is effective against debilitating diseases like diabetes and sclerosis. Due to the presence of saponins, it also promotes antibacterial and antifungal activities in the body.

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Potato: There was an Irish proverb: Be eating one potato, peeling a second, have a third in your fist and your eye on the fourth.

Spinach: In ancient times, spinach juice was used as a cure for conjunctivitis and defective vision; a cure for anemia, weakness and low vitality.

Carrot: In medieval times, it was believed that carrot juice improves eye sight; it was also used as a cure for loose teeth; bleeding gums, anemia, scurvy and rickets.

Beet root: In dark ages, beet juice was used for dissolving fibroid tumours in the uterus, in the bones and in the stomach. Its juice was also used as a cure in fevers, bronchitis, cough and cold.

Tomato: Tomato is neither a vegetable nor a fruit but botanically it is considered a berry. In ancient times, half-ripe tomatoes were used as a remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. It was also called 'love-apple'.

Cabbage: In ancient times, cabbage juice was used as a cure in gastric or peptic ulcers. Its juice was found to be very useful in all sorts of stomach or liver troubles. For this reason, ancient people ate only boiled cabbage with salt.

Margosa: In dark. ages, margosa (neem) leaf juice was used as a cure for fevers, skin diseases and boils.

Holy basil (tulsi): In ancient times, holy basil leaf juice with honey and liquorice was used as an effective remedy in malarial fevers, bronchitis, cough and cold.

Pumpkin: In medieval times, pumpkin seed were used as a cure for prostate gland disorders, impotency, sterility and leucoderma.

Peppermint: In dark ages, peppermint oil was used as a cure for flatulence, nausea and gastralgia.

Rhubarb (pies): In ancient times, rhubarb root juice was used as a purgative.

Apple: In medieval times, apple juice was regarded as a cure for anemia, low vitality, and general debility. Ancient people believed in the proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Fig (dumur): In ancient times, figs were used as an effective remedy for menorrhagia, diabetes and sore throat.

Anise: In medieval times, the dried seeds of the anise plant were used to relieve flatulence and were considered as a remedy for worms, stomachache,

vertigo, giddiness and nausea. They were also used to increase the breast milk of nursing mothers.

Cherry: In ancient times, it was believed that six cherry kernels a day prevented the formation of kidney stones. It was also used as a cure for appendicitis.

Cloves: In medieval times, the dried, aromatic immature flower buds of the evergreen clove tree were used as a breath sweetener, a comfort for the heart and stomach; a remedy for nausea, colic, flatulence and diarrhea.

Ginger: In ancient times, raw ginger was used as a breath sweetener; an aid to digestion; a cure for toothache and bleeding gums, and as a strengthening agent for loose teeth and weak eyes.

Black-pepper (kalajira): In medieval times, the black-pepper was used as a cure for toothache. It was also used as a preventive drug in blood dysentery, scarlet fever, small-pox, leprosy, typhus, cholera and plague.

Garlic: Ancient people believed that garlic was a powerful charm against evil eye, demons, witches and vampires. In ancient Rome, the garlic was dedicated to Mars, the god of war. Medieval people used garlic as a cure for heart-attack, cancer and tumour. Garlic was believed to be sure remedy for all sorts of ailments in the body. It was also regarded as 'heal-all' vegetable. Externally garlic juice was applied to insect bites, scorpion stings, and even to dog bites. In old age, it would be very difficult to keep the body fit and active by drugs. If one takes a few cloves of fried garlic daily and a glass of musumbi juice the morning, one will remain free from all sorts of diseases. Medical experts gave us this valuable advice.

Onion: In ancient times, onion was used as an effective cure for insomnia, sunstroke, heat-stroke, headache, and travel sickness. Externally its juice was applied to insect bites and scorpion stings.

The ancient people used to eat raw onions at supper time in order to get sound sleep. If anyone eats fried garlic at supper time, he will surely get a very sound sleep.

Bitter-gourd (karela): In ancient times, raw bitter gourd juice was used as an effective remedy for diabetes, eye troubles, jaundice, skin eruptions, liver troubles and stomach disorders.

Lady's finger (dheras, bhindi): In ancient times, raw lady's finger was used as remedy for impotency,' sexual frigidity, sterility.

Musumbi (lime): In medieval times, musumbi was regarded as a 'miracle fruit'. They treated this fruit as a 'heal-all' fruit. Musumbi juice was used as a very effective and sure remedy in diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, diabetes,

cirrhosis of liver and all sorts liver troubles. It was also used as a specific remedy for heart-­attack and thrombosis. Musumbi juice was also used as a sure remedy for anemia, fever, bronchitis, general debility, small-pox, prostate gland disorders, kidney disorders and uterine troubles. Ancient people treated this fruit as all-purpose medicine.

Sabeda: In ancient times, sabeda was used as a cure for anemia, general debility, low vitality, lassitude, general weakness, headache, and travel sickness. They believed that this fruit was a sure remedy for impotency, sexual sterility, frigidity, etc.

Orange (narangi): In olden days, orange juice was used as an effective remedy for fever, bronchitis, cough and cold, low vitality, lassitude, general debility, anemia, general weakness, impotency, sterility, kidney disorders and prostate gland disorders.

Lemon (nimbu): In ancient times, lemon was regarded as a miracle fruit. It was used as.an effective remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, flatulence, indigestion, dyspepsia, cirrhosis of liver, diabetes, dropsy, and intestinal troubles. It was also used as a cure in eye troubles and kidney disorders.

Plantain (kela): In medieval times, green plantain flower (mocha) juice was treated an effective remedy for menorrhagia. Boiled green plantain was regarded as an effective remedy in diarrhea and dysentery.

Liquorice (jastimadhu): In ancient times, liquorice with honey and ginger was used as a powerful remedy in fevers, bronchitis, cough and cold.

Tamarind (imli): In medieval times, ripe tamarind pulp was used as a remedy for loss of memory, bilious vomiting, loss of appetite and travel sickness.

Papaya: In ancient times, ripe papaya was used as an effective remedy for all sorts of stomach troubles. Green papaya was used as a vegetable in diarrhoea and dysentery.

Marmelos: In ancient times, ripe marmelos was used as a cure for diarrhea and dysentery. A few slices of marmalade of marmelos will be very useful in diarrhea and dysentery.

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Almost everyone that drinks backcountry water knows there are microscopic organisms in untreated water that can make people ill. Unfortunately, there is lack of agreement about how common the problem is, or what people should do about it. It is not unusual to see articles in outdoor magazines that combine correct with incorrect information about how to deal with backcountry drinking water. The problem here is: outdoor magazine editors don't have to have science degrees, and the writers submitting articles are generally only partly informed about microorganisms in water and their safe removal.

The information contained in this report has been compiled mainly from web-pages available on-line from the U.S. Center For Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Other sources are available on the internet and credited at the end of the report. I have done my best to be un-biased, relative to information I have read, or know from practical use (I also have a Forestry degree from the U. of Idaho with a minor in Biology). My inspiration has been the best ever report on "What's in the Water?" by Mark Jenkins in the December 1996 issue of Backpacker. That article hit a journalistic high for articles in outdoor magazines on problems with outdoor H2O. In the last 13 years things have changed and a new report on "What's in the Water" is needed. This is my much-researched attempt to amend the Mark Jenkins report.

There are three general classifications of waterborne disease-causing microorganisms. From largest to smallest, they are: Protozoa, Bacteria, and Virus. Very few of these microorganisms naturally occur in outdoor water-----they instead are primarily introduced into H2O from animal and human feces.

Protozoa are by far the most common disease-causing microorganism in back-country water. Protozoa are also the largest and easiest microorganism to remove with microfiltration, but the hardest to kill with chemicals.

Articles on microorganisms in backcountry water usually warn about two protozoa: Girardia and Cryptosporidium. Both these protozoa are common worldwide and in North America-----a 1992 study found that 97% of U.S. rivers and lakes contain one or both of them. Besides being carried in the intestines of many mammal species, a significant percent of humans also carry these protozoa. Testing of human feces found in archaeological sites has revealed both Giardia and Cryptosporidium were carried by Native Americans over 2,000 ago. Giardia was first identified under the microscope in 1681 (from human feces).

The prevalence of Giardia in human stool specimens submitted for examination ranges from 2% to 5% in industrialized countries, and from 20% to 30% in developing countries. From 1979 through 1988, an estimated 4,600 hospitalizations per year in the United States resulted from severe Giardiasis (the disease caused by Giardia) and its complications. The CDC reports during 1991-2000 Giardia was identified as a causal agent of 16.2% of reported drinking-water associated outbreaks of gastroenteritis of known or suspected infectious etiology.

Cryptosporidium may be just as common as Giardia. U.S. FDA-Bad Bug Book Direct Human Surveys: indicate a prevalence of Cryptosporidium in about 2% of the population in North America. In 1991 two studies found Cryptosporidium present in between 65% to 87% of U.S. surface-water samples.

One problem in identifying protozoan infections is they typically have a long incubation period, before symptoms are noticeable-----5 to 28 days after you drink untreated water------you finally notice you are ill.

Although both Giardia and Cryptosporidium are relatively common, symptoms can be quite severe------ as per the following table.繒
Table 2. Symptoms of 205 patients with confirmed cases of cryptosporidiosis during the Milwaukee outbreak
Symptom Percent(%)
Watery diarrhea 93%
Abdominal Cramps 84%
Weight Loss (Median 10 lbs) 75%

Fever---- Median 100.9 F., range: 98.7-104.9 F. 57%
Vomiting 48%

Although Giardia symptoms are similar to Cryptosporidium symptoms: generally there is not a fever. Some Giardia victims (less than 4%) remain symptomatic more than 2 weeks. In them, it becomes a chronic intestinal condition that can last for years and be life-threatening, due to severe weight loss. Giardia does generally respond to treatment with several different drugs.

Waterborne protozoa can be removed by microfiltration with any Katadyn or MSR microfilter.

However, I must note that recent testing at University of Arizona led the researchers to issue the following statement about using iodine tablets to treat water.9
"These data strongly suggest that iodine disinfection is not effective in inactivating Cryptosporidium oocysts in water. Because this organism is common in all surface waters, it is recommended that another method of treatment be used before ingestion."

Chlorine Dioxide at a concentration of 4 PPM (parts per million) has been demonstrated to kill Cryptosporidium, but it can take up to 4 hours in cold dirty water. Katadyn Micropur is the best known brand of Chlorine Dioxide Tablets.

Until 2005, Cryptosporidium sufferers had to let the disease run it's course-----which can be several weeks of suffering. The drug Alinia, which contains the active ingredient, nitazoxanide, is now prescribed for both Cryptosporidium and Giardia infections. Alinia effects a cure in about a week in a high percentage of those infected.

Likely, many serious outdoor people contracted Giardia or Cryptosporidum during a long-ago adventure---or in the most common place that people are infected: their daycare center, during infancy. They may now have resistance to those protozoa from earlier infections, or carry one or both of these protozoa in their intestines without showing serious symptoms (estimates are up to 15% of infected people may be asymptomatic carriers).

If, in the distant past, you have consumed untreated backcountry water, or if you have a whitewater boating background, or if you are someone who claims: "there ain't no bugs in that there water", it's probable you are ----"one of them"---- an asymptomatic protozoa carrier.

The protozoa that causes Ameobic Dysentery (Entamoeba histololytica) is uncommon in North America, and very unlikely to affect outdoor people here. However in South America, Africa, and S.E. Asia: it causes more deaths than any other parasite, except those that cause Malaria. One study indicated that up to 12% of the world's population may be infected by E. histololytica with 10% of those having clinical symptoms.簡 The most dramatic incident in the USA was the Chicago World's Fair outbreak in 1933 caused by contaminated drinking-water. There were 1,000 cases (with 58 deaths). There have been scattered cases of Ameobic Dysentery reported in urban areas in the U.S. since 1988.

Other waterborne protozoa that infect humans are: Cyclospora cayetanensis, Isospora belli, and Microsporidia (five genera of this huge group have been implicated in human disease). These other protozoa are not often tested for or identified, but they can cause severe diarrhea and other more profound symptoms. Cyclospora and Microsporidia are common worldwide and are carried by many animals species, while Isospora belli is believed to only infect humans and is found in tropical areas worldwide.


Waterborne bacteria that infect humans: are the same that we are warned about in meat that has not been properly processed and cooked. The method of transmission is the same----animal or human feces contamination.

People drinking water downstream from where livestock, or in some cases where wild animals, have been defecating: are also at risk of catching these bacteria. Generally only a small number of bacteria need to be ingested to cause illness. Some outdoors-people may also have a natural resistance to a particular strain of water-carried bacteria, while others may carry these bacteria in their intestines and infect others without showing symptoms (asymptomatic carriers).

All these bacteria can cause severe diarrhea, and fever. Other more severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are not unusual. Without antibiotic treatment some victims may suffer sufficient fluid loss from diarrhea to cause death.

Campylobacter jejuni: appears to be the most common bacteria in backcountry water. During a study in the early 1980's: Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 25% of the people with diarrheal disease acquired in the area of Grand Teton National Park Wyoming. Campylobacter were found in a stream at 7,700 ft. (2,350 m.) in Grand Teton National Park.

The authors of the study believed the water sample and the number of people infected from drinking surface water in the mountains "suggests that a C. jejuni serotype----can survive in alpine water. In vitro studies have demonstrated that Campylobacter remains viable for months in surface water kept at 4簞 C. (39簞 F.)."糧 Campylobacter is commonly carried by poultry, horses, and cows; it is found in most migratory waterfowl, some rodents, and may be present in deer, elk, and bears.

Campylobacter is the most common bacterial causes of diarrheal illness in the United States. Campylobacter infections are estimated to affect over 1 million persons every year, or 0.5% of the general population. Most people who become ill with Campylobacter: get diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, and fever within 2 to 5 days after exposure to the organism. The diarrhea may be bloody and can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The illness typically lasts 1 week, but there can be serious long-term problems. Some persons who are infected with Campylobacter are asymptomatic.

Shigella: which causes bacillary dysentery, is also thought to be transmitted from wild animal feces in some places. Every year, about 18,000 cases of Shigellosis are reported in the United States. Because many milder cases are not diagnosed or reported, the actual number of infections may be twenty times greater. Children, especially toddlers aged 2 to 4, are the most likely to be infected.

E. Coli Currently, there are four recognized classes of enterovirulent E. coli (collectively referred to as the EEC group) that cause gastroenteritis in humans. The most frequent clinical syndrome of infection includes watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, low-grade fever, nausea and malaise. E. coli is a normal inhabitant of the intestines of all animals, including humans. A minority of E. coli strains are capable of causing human illness.

Salmonella are a large group of similar species of bacteria and are common worldwide in water that is contaminated by livestock or human feces. Although the CDC states there are over 40,000 infections reported yearly in the U.S.----most of these are from food, rather than contaminated water.

Salmonella typhi. Travelers to Asia, Africa, and South America can fear Typhoid Fever (which now has antibiotic resistant strains) from untreated water. Typhoid fever is a life-threatening diarrheal illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. In the United States about 400 cases occur each year, and 75% of these are acquired while traveling internationally. Typhoid fever is still common in the developing world, where it affects about 21.5 million persons each year. Immunization shots or boosters are strongly recommended for international travelers.

Cholera: Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The infection is often mild or without symptoms, but sometimes it can be severe. Approximately one in 20 infected persons has severe disease characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. In these persons, rapid loss of body fluids leads to dehydration and shock. Without treatment, death can occur within hours. It is very uncommon in North America and Europe, but continues to kill many people in S. America, Africa and Asia.

Other Bacteria: Plesiomonas shigelloides has been identified in outbreaks of diarrhea and fever in the U.S from contaminated water. It is relatively rare. Yersinia enterocolitica has caused waterborne disease outbreaks in Alaska & Japan. It is a common bacteria and has caused various out- breaks in food and dairy products. It produces symptoms as gastroenteritis with diarrhea and/or vomiting; however, fever and abdominal pain are the hallmark symptoms. Both these bacteria have been isolated from such animals as pigs, birds, beavers, cats, and dogs.


Waterborne viruses, that infect humans, have only one source------human feces from infected carriers. These viruses include: rotavirus, caliciviruses-which now include the norovirus group with Norwalk virus, adenovirus, astrovirus, Hepatitis A & E, and enteroviruses (which include those that cause Polio and Viral-Meningitis). More than half of the infections with these viruses only cause mild or asymptomatic illness---but they can cause a wide range of serious and even life-threatening illnesses----especially in children.

The two most common water-borne viruses in North America----rotovirus and noroviruses are responsible for numerous outbreaks in restaurants each year of what is commonly called "food-poisoning". Outbreaks of both have occurred from well or river water contaminated with raw sewage. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has noted outbreaks of norovirus in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon outbreaks have been traced to a sewage treatment facility at the base of Glen Canyon Dam-----just above the Grand Canyon.

Norovirus and the calcivirus group: Symptoms of norovirus are usually over within 48 hours, and include headache, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Noroviruses are relatively resistant to environmental challenge from cold or heat. Moreover, noroviruses can survive in up to 10 ppm chlorine: well in excess of levels routinely present in public water systems (they are however destroyed by Chlorine Dioxide at 1ppm in 30 minutes.)

Rotavirus: The incubation period for rotavirus disease is approximately 2 days. The disease is characterized by vomiting and watery diarrhea for 3 - 8 days, and fever and abdominal pain occur frequently. Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea among children, resulting in the hospitalization of approximately 55,000 children each year in the United States and the death of over 600,000 children annually worldwide.

Hepatitis A: Although hepatitis A, does cause occasional outbreaks in food in the U.S., it has not been recognized as a culprit in backcountry water disease here. However in South America, Africa, and Asia; it and other viruses can be life-threatening in contaminated water. Hepatitis A affects liver function and be a very serious disease, or a long-lasting low-grade infection. Immunization shots are strongly recommended for international travelers.

Hepatitis E has not been a problem in the U.S. water supply. It is estimated to cause 2% mortality in the general population and up to 30% mortality in pregnant women. Major waterborne epidemics have occurred in India (1955 and 1975-1976), USSR (1955-1956), Nepal (1973), Burma (1976-1977), Algeria (1980-1981), Ivory Coast (1983-1984), in refugee camps in Eastern Sudan and Somalia (1985-6), and in Borneo (1987). The first outbreaks reported in the American continents occurred in Mexico in late 1986.

Enteroviruses: The enterovirus family contains at least 62 different viruses that infect humans. The most dangerous cause Polio (now eradicated in the Americas); while others cause aseptic (viral) meningitis-symptoms include fever, severe headache, stiff neck, and nausea and vomiting. Most of the enteroviruses cause cold-like or flu-like symptoms. The CDC states: "Enteroviruses may be found in water sources such as private wells. Wells become contaminated when feces from infected humans enter the water through various means, including sewage."

Enteric adenovirus, astroviruses: These commonly infect young children with viral gastroenteritis. They may be transmitted by infected food or water. Viral gastroenteritis is characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malaise, abdominal pain, headache, and fever. The infectious dose is not known but is presumed to be low. Symptoms last 2 to 9 days.

Enteric adenovirus is the most common virus in this group and causes 5-20% of the gastroenteritis in young children. Adenoviruses most commonly cause respiratory illness; however, depending on the infecting serotype, they may also cause various other illnesses, such as gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, and rash illness. A recent study notes that adenovirus is not destroyed by UV light disinfection.

Other Things to worry about in water!

Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, can produce toxins that may taint drinking water. Humans who drink water that contains high concentrations of cyanobacteria or cyanobacterial toxins may experience gastroenteritis, allergic responses, or liver damage, or in the long run ---cancer.
The CDC is worried enough about cyanobacteria to have a web-page for it. There have been numerous problems with cyanobacteria poisoning worldwide, generally with livestock or dogs.

Cyanobacteria blooms generally occur late summer or early fall in warm stagnant or slow-moving waters that are rich in nutrients such as fertilizers or septic system overflows. The blooms can look like foam, scum, or mats; and can be blue, bright green, brown, or red. Some blooms may not affect the water's appearance. The water may smell bad.

Given a choice----water suspected of having an algae bloom should be avoided. If you must drink it: first try to obtain your water where the algae are not as thick. Second: microfilter to remove cyanobacteria, and clean your filter frequently to remove toxins from the filter. Thirdly, and most important, run your microfiltered water through activated charcoal, (part of most, but not all microfilter systems) which will remove most of the toxins. Please note: that activated charcoal in micro-filters may only be effective for approximately 6 months from first use.

Liver Flukes: Faciola hepatica-common name - sheep liver fluke. These are a parasitic flatworm (trematode). They commonly infect livestock in North America, Europe, and South America and can infect humans as well: if eaten in vegetation growing in fresh water, like water cress, eaten in leafy vegetables irrigated with infected water, or (more rarely) ingested in untreated drinking water. In some rural areas of Peru up to 50% of the population is infected. Similar species occur worldwide and are estimated to infect between 40 million and 100 million people. Many who are infected are asymptomatic, but others can have abdominal pain, headache, and a host of other symptoms.

Mineral contamination: We all know this type of water-----there's a small sign with a skull & crossbones and bleached skeletons near the pool. Water like this does exist in the U.S.---- but is not common. The dangers to worry about here are: selenium and other dissolved metals that cause long-term problems, high concentrations of dissolved carbonates that can cause intestinal upset, and salts.

Clues to mineral contamination may be some or all of the following: a lack of vegetation around the pool, residues of salts or carbonates on the banks or in the pool, nearby evidence of mining, strong mineral odor, un-natural colors like bright blues or greens, metallic, or salty taste. Hot spring water should be avoided, since it frequently contains high concentrations of dissolved minerals. No standard portable treatment methods make these liquids safe for long-term use. If you have a choice---move on to better water.

Chemical Contamination: The E.P.A. currently lists 50 different organic chemical contaminants of water that they monitor and regulate. These are a potential problem downstream from agriculture or industrial areas. Activated charcoal will remove many organic chemicals from water, but does not remove most metals, salts, or carbonates: this includes another 16 inorganic chemicals that the EPA lists as potential dangers.

THE NAY-SAYERS: There is an increasing amount of misinformation from sources that tell you that most backcountry water is not going to cause illness. An article, "Giardia Lamblia and Giardiasis by Robert Rockwell, makes an eloquent case for Giardia not being common in the Sierra Nevada range. The report is widely available on the internet. His primarily point is: Giardia and its cysts are killed by water temperatures below 5 degrees C. (41 degrees F.) for a span of 3 months or more------which means all Giardia is killed out of Sierra Nevada mountains every winter.

Although Mr. Rockwell's article dismisses Giardia as a problem in the Sierras----he makes frequent references to other waterborne diseases as a possible problem there and elsewhere. He also discusses Giardia as a problem in other places, including high mountain environments. Unfortunately, many people have heard or seen small parts of Mr. Rockwell's article and then erroneously reached the conclusion that microorganisms in back-country water are not a problem------anywhere.

Some people may have an immunity to some waterborne pathogens, due to resistance from a previous infection, or because they may already be an asymptomatic carrier of a protozoa, bacteria, or virus. This can be a temporary immunity, and also doesn't mean they are immune to all other microorganisms. Unfortunately, because these people can drink some backcountry water without becoming ill: they either assume there are not infectious microorganisms in the water, or they believe whatever unsafe method of treatment they employ removes infectious microorganisms.

Every year, while doing employee clinics for Katadyn in retail stores in the western U.S., I hear from various people who have been infected with disease causing organisms from backcountry water sources. Most of these people have contracted Giardia or Cryptosporidium, but I have talked with several who caught Campylobacter. I see these people as a very small percentage of those that have been infected, since for the most part only those males who become extremely ill go to a doctor and have the disease diagnosed. Many males, "tough out" their illness (it appears women are brighter, and more readily seek medical care).

Water Treatment Methods:

What do I recommend? My employers are very tolerant of my wife and me making long trips into the outdoors "to test equipment". I enjoy car-camping, backpacking and multi-day whitewater rafting trips. I always assume all backcountry water is contaminated.

When I go with a group, I offer up my expertise (and free filters) for back-country water treatment. Highpoints for me include an 18 day private Grand Canyon raft trip, where I perversely pumped most of my group's water out of the very dirty Colorado River "just to see if I can trash my microfilters" and a 16 day trek in the Everest area of Nepal, where I convinced the owners of the trekking company to let me handle water purification. (All clients kept healthy digestive systems: for the first time ever).

For North America, I recommend a Katadyn or MSR microfilter that suits your technical inclination and the size of your group. I really believe pumping water with one of these products is faster and easier than other methods. A good microfilter is a very liberating piece of outdoor equipment------you don't have to carry much water in most situations------or limit the length of your trips.

For areas where there is concern about waterborne viruses: I recommend first microfiltration, then treatment for 15 minutes with chlorine dioxide from Katadyn Micropur tablets, or the MSR Miox.

Treating backcountry water is a lot like wearing a seatbelt-----it gets to be a habit -----and you never know when that habit is going to save you from some real grief.

Copyright Ray Brooks 2010

References/The Sources

My thanks to: the very valuable information on waterborne diseases on the web sites of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), especially their "Bad Bug Book" site. I also sampled information on chemicals in water from the Environmental Protective Agency (E.P.A.) web site.

Other specific references by number:

1. MacKenzie WR, Hoxie NJ, Proctor ME, Gradus MS, Blair KA, Peterson DE, et al. A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of Cryptosporidium infection transmitted through the public water supply. N Engl J Med 1994;331:161-7.

2. Waterborne Protozoan Pathogens, Marshall, Naumovitz, Ortega, & Sterling, U. of Arizona. Clinical Microbiology Reviews Jan 1997.

3. Waterborne Transmission of Campylobacter enteritis, Taylor, Brown, & McDermott, Microbial Ecology, (1982) 8:347-354

4. Small rodents & other mammals associated with mountain meadows as reservoirs of Giardia spp. and Campylobacter spp. Pacha, Clark, Williams, Carter, etc, Applied and Environmental Microbiology v.53 (7); (July 1987)

5. Inactivation of Enteric Adenovirus and Feline Calicivirus by Chlorine Dioxide: Thurston-Enriquex, Haas, Jacangelo, Gerba. Applied and Environmental. Microbiology. 2005 June; v.71 (6) 3100-3105.

6. Inactivation of Feline Calcivirus and Adenovirius Type 40 by UV Radiation, Thurston-Enriquex, Haas, Jacangelo, Riley, and Gerba. Applied and Environmental. Microbiology, 2003 Jan, v.69 p. 577-582

7. Cyanobacterial Toxins: Removal during Drinking Water Treatment and Human Risk Assessment. Hitzfild, Hoger, Dietrich; Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 108, Supplement 1, March 2000.

8. Fascioliasis in Relatives of Patients with Fasciola hepatica Infection in Peru: Marcos, Maco, Terashima, Samalvides, Espinoza, Gotuzzo; Review Int. Med. Trop. S. Paulo 47(4) 219-222, July-August 2005.

9. From: Wilderness and Environmental Medicine: Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 96-100.
Efficacy of iodine water purification tablets against Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts

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In past generations, Grandma always knew what to do when you were feeling under the weather but it seems like in these modern times of prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs we've forgotten how some of these everyday ailments can be relieved by simple methods. In most cases, you will find that you have the remedies already in your own kitchen or bathroom cabinet.


Vitamins can shorten the time you suffer from cold symptoms and getting plenty of vitamin C and vitamin D as well as Zinc can help to shorten your suffering. Get plenty of fluids ( fresh orange juice is great to drink when you have a cold) and you might consider
drinking green tea and try adding some lemon to it or just lemon with hot water to help you sort out those germs.

Speaking of lemon, have you noticed all of the throat lozenges and other medicines coming out with honey and lemon in them? There's a reason for that as both honey and lemon can help sooth common cold symptoms. Try putting some lemon and honey into a glass of hot water and drinking that down to soothe your sore throat.

Is your nose chapped from constantly blowing it? Take some petroleum jelly or even lip balm and put it on the affected area for instant relief.

If your nose is stuffed up and dripping, you might want to place a freshly cut onion next your bed so you can breathe in the fumes as you sleep. If you have watery eyes and a drippy nose take a glass of hot water cut an onion in half and stick it in the water for a few seconds. What the water cool and sip on that throughout the day - it may not be the best tasting cure but it works!


There are some obvious things you might want to do if you find that you are having trouble sleeping and cutting out caffeine, or at least trying not to drink it after noon is one of them. Another strange remedy is to go to bed earlier. Make sure your bedroom is quiet and comfortable and then you have cotton sheets that let your body breathe.

Try drinking either chamomile tea or lemongrass tea before bedtime as these will soothe you and might help you sleep. You can even grow lemongrass yourself in your garden or in a container in your windowsill. Pick it fresh then add it to water that is just below boiling and let it steep for about five minutes.

And don't forget the warm milk, this might seem cliche but it really does work.


Diarrhea can be inconvenient and when you find yourself suffering from it, try taking some brown vinegar. While it doesn't have the most pleasant taste, in most cases it will do the trick. Plus you probably aren't having to cabinet so you won't have to run out to the store in between bouts of diarrhea to buy some prescription medicine.

These home remedies are not harmful and can help ease symptoms without having to resort to prescription or over-the-counter drugs which can be harmful. However, if you have very severe symptoms or symptoms that persist you will want to visit your doctor to make sure it is not an indication of something more serious.

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Many people not even know what a normal bowel movement is. It's just because we do not think about it ever. But it is important to know about the normal bowel movement color and about the changes that may occur in this regard. Such information would help you know your bowel movement properly and help you stay healthy. The normal bowel movement color is brown and the frequency is thrice a day to thrice every week. The frequency may vary person to person.

But if you have it less than 3 times a week, you may have constipation problem whereas more than 3 times a day indicates diarrhea. As far as the size and shape are concerned the normal stool is soft & easy to pass. The size & shape is similar to that of a sausage.

Changes in the stool color indicate the bowel disorders. Here are some points related to the bowel movement color that may help you diagnose the bowel disorder:

· Black: Black stool with a foul smell is caused due to excessive intake of iron supplements or due to internal bleeding. Black or red stools indicate internal bleeding anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract.

· Maroon or Red: It may be because of taking red colored food items. It may also be caused due to hemorrhoids, colon cancer, anal fissures or inflammatory bowel diseases.

· Green: The reason for this may be over consumption of green leafy vegetables and fruits. The other reason is the decreased transit time.

· Pale: Pale stools or clay colored stools is caused by the lack of bile salt and antacids.

· Orange: Orange colored stools are due to some medications. It is also because of the food items that have high beta carotene; these include pumpkin, apricots, water-squash, sweet potatoes, mangoes & carrots.

Persistent change in the bowel movement color can be a serious problem and needs to be investigated by some physician.

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While there is no vitamin that will reverse the development of existing varicose veins, there are several vitamins that can help reduce inflammation and may even aid in the prevention of future varicose veins. Note that it's important to consult a doctor prior to any supplement implementation. Most often the best nutritional advice is to eat more fiber, which will result in less strain and maintain a healthy weight, both of which help to reduce pressure within veins.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A plays a role in several functions throughout the body including vision, immune function, embryonic development and reproduction, bone metabolism, and most important in regards to varicose veins, skin health and antioxidant activity.

Found in orange and dark green fruits/vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, winter squashes, cantaloupe, pink grapefruit, apricots, broccoli, spinach, and most dark green, leafy vegetables Vitamin A is actually best absorbed from animal sources like beef, calf, and chicken liver; fish liver oils; whole milk dairy products such as yogurt and cottage cheese; eggs.

A vitamin A intake of 25,000 IU is recommended for skin integrity and in the case of existing varicose veins, can promote the healing of ulcers.

Vitamin C & Flavonoids
Vitamin C and flavonoids has been found to aid circulation, promote healing of sores, and assist in the strengthening of fragile vein walls.

Particularly high levels of vitamin C can be found in broccoli, bell peppers, kale, cauliflower, strawberries, lemons, mustard and turnip greens, brussel sprouts, papaya, chard, cabbage, spinach, kiwifruit, snow peas, cantaloupe, oranges, grapefruit, limes, tomatoes, zucchini, raspberries, asparagus, celery, pineapples, lettuce, watermelon, fennel, peppermint and parsley.

The recommended daily intake is 1,000 mg vitamin C and 500 mg flavonoids 3 times a day. Reduce vitamin C dose if diarrhea develops.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E promotes improved circulation, connective tissue growth and is believed to help relieve calf pain due to narrowing of the arteries (though studies are inconclusive).

Excellent sources of vitamin E can be found in asparagus, avocado, eggs, milk, nuts (such as almonds or hazelnuts), seeds, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, unheated vegetable oils, wheat germ, wholegrain foods such as fortified cereals.

Check with your doctor if taking anticoagulant medications. Dosage recommendations take 300 to 800 IU.

B Vitamins

Vitamin B-complex can help maintain strong blood vessels and has been found to support and increase the rate of metabolism, help maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, enhance immune and nervous system function, and promote cell growth and division-including that of the red blood cells that help prevent anemia.

B vitamins are found in all whole, unprocessed foods such as brown rice, wheat and barley. B vitamins are particularly concentrated in meat and meat products such as liver, turkey, and tuna. Other excellent B vitamin sources include: potatoes, bananas, lentils, chile peppers, tempeh, beans, nutritional yeast, brewer's yeast, and molasses.

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Peaches are undoubtedly one of the most sumptuous fruits in the whole entire word. They ooze flavor and have a soft, and delicate texture that can send your taste buds wild. One amazing thing that derives from this delicious fruit is peach juice. This is one of the most popular fruit juices around, behind the obvious candidates such as apple, orange and cranberry juices. Like the fruit itself, peach juice has a wealth of nutritional benefits, that make it well worth considering when it comes to making healthy dietary choices. However, one thing small drawback that can often cause a slight amount of bother is that peach juice can cause diarrhea.

Why do fruit juices cause diarrhea?

Peach juice is not alone in causing what is a notoriously frustrating condition, in fact many fruit juices if drank in larger quantities can change the dynamics of your stools. The reason for this is due to something that fruit juices contain, the culprit's name being sorbitol.

So what is sorbitol?

Sorbitol is a sugar that the body cannot digest. If you are drinking a lot of peach juice, or even other fruit juices such as apple and prune juice, your body will react by trying to dilute the sugar. This is endeavored by using water from the bloodstream and sending it to the intestine. This extra water is therefore responsible for changing the constitution of the stools, making them looser.

This is the same for people of all ages, however with babies the problem may be more troublesome as their bodies are so small. May this be a warning to anyone who feeds their infants a lot of fruit juice, the consequences could be messy!

Peach juice nutritional benefits

It you are an adult who likes to drink peach juice, don't let this put you off, as this is really only likely to occur if you drink excessive amounts. I am not trying to put you off drinking fruit juices, quite to the contrary as they are loaded with the nutrients that your body needs. They are a much better alternative to other soft drinks such as fizzy pop.

Just to be clear here I will highlight some of the peach juice benefits that are well worth taking note of.

* Peach juice is loaded with vitamin C, in fact from a regular 500 g serving of peach juice you can get over a fifth of the total vitamin C needed in an entire day.

* You get a very healthy amount of dietary fiber from peach juice, from a 500 g serving you can obtain around 14% of the total fiber your diet requires in a day.

* You can get just over 10% of the total vitamin A needed in a day with a 500 g cup of peach juice.

One drawback - Calories

Calories are one thing that we all look out for in our diet, and due to the sugar that is found in peach juice, it is something that is not exactly low in them. There are approximately 330 calories in a 500 g serving of peach juice. This is quite a lot considering if you were to go for the fruit on it's own, you would be eating considerably less. In a medium sized peach weighing around 100 g there are just 38 calories.

In comparison to other fruits, and more so to the majority of foods we all include in our diets, the calories found in peaches are hardly anything to worry even the most avid calorie counter.

There is always an alternative of course, and that could be to dilute the juice with water. Of course it is not going to reduce the calories in the peach juice, but making a 500 g serving one part water and one part peach is going to halve the calories in that serving.

More information

So there you have it, drinking a lot of fruit juices can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea due to the sorbitol that they contain. One thing to bear in mind is that it is actually from the fruit itself, not some sort of added ingredient when making a fruit juice. However, due to the concentrate of the fruit that goes into making the juice, it is more likely to cause you problems than just by eating a portion of the fruit itself.

Eating the fruit itself is not only going to reduce the chances of an upset stomach, but is also going to ensure you take on less calories. So perhaps a peach and a glass of water could be less problematic than a nice refreshing glass of peach juice. The decision is yours and down to how your body reacts to the juice, and also how concerned you are as to peach calories, or those found in the juice.

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While I was growing up we used to feed our dogs table food, or "table scraps", as it was referred to back then. We never had any problems with our dogs getting sick from eating our leftovers, but now it is considered to be a dangerous practice among animal lovers.

Most human food that is given to pets is too fatty for their digestive system. Dogs can become quite ill if given a diet rich in meat, potatoes, and other table food. They may get severe stomach aches, vomiting and diarrhea from these foods. This could also lead to inflammation of the pancreas, which is fatal. There is also a tendency for dogs to overeat if given human food. This might be because they prefer the taste of our food to theirs or else it is due to the fact that dogs will usually eat as much food as you give them.

Other table food that we may consider to be a treat could be potentially fatal. Foods such as chocolate, which dogs love, or garlic, can be toxic if your dog eats even a small amount. Bones from chicken and turkey can also splinter and end up puncturing your dog's intestines. At the very least these foods can make your dog sick with diarrhea or vomiting.

It is best to feed your dog a dry food that is recommended by your veterinarian. This will vary depending on the breed, age, and health of your dog. Canned food should be given in moderation. It is very rich and may cause diarrhea. Another alternative is preparing food for your animals that is made with lamb, turkey, or chicken combined with vegetables and whole grains. There are many resources for information on preparing these homemade meals. Dogs have different taste buds than humans so you may have to experiment with ingredients to find food that is both healthy and tasty for your pet.

The most important factor is making sure that your animal is getting the proper nutrition that will ensure a long, healthy life. With the recent incidences of pet food contamination you will want to take extra time in choosing safe foods for your pets.

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Blue green algae is a type of bacteria that can produce their own food through photosynthesis, just like plants do. This is why they are green in color. This alga is typically known as cyanobacteria and lives in lakes, ponds, marine water, or even brackish water. Blue green algae in lakes can form what are known as Blooms. This phenomenon looks like green scum, foam, or a mat across the top of the water.

Not only is this floating muck often unsightly, but it also tends to smell as the cyanobacteria die. Some forms of this algae are more toxic than others and most cause irritation when they come into contact with skin. Despite having negative effects, these algae might be responsible for the air on Earth today. Three billion year old fossils have been found and the algae are thought to have been the main producers of oxygen long ago.

A lot of the algae attach themselves to rocks or submerged plants in the lake. The more nutrient rich a freshwater lake is, the more prevalent algal blooms are. Other than the amount of nutrients, additional factors that determine how much of this algae is present in a lake are; pH, light, and temperature. Most blooms are seen during the summer or early autumn, since this time period is perfect weather for the spread of this green algae.

Algae blooms are often thought of to be a nuisance when they occur in a lake that is used for recreational enjoyment. Swimming areas are closed off when the blooms are present and boating isn't as desired in these areas either. An abundance of this type of algae can definitely put a damper on the tourist industry for some areas.

Some benefits of blue green algae include being used as a fertilizer, food source, and in medical products. This type of algae is added to rice paddies and soil for fertilization. The algae add organic matter and nitrogen to the soil, which increases the productivity of land and crops can be grown in otherwise barren soils. Erosion of the land is also slowed down by the addition of blue green algae taken off of lakes, since it binds to the soil particles.

Spirulina is a type of this algae that can be grown in fresh water and consumed by humans. It is high in protein and amino acids. All the amino acids a human being needs are contained in Spirulina and the protein content is around 60%.

Poisonous varieties of blue green algae also occur in lakes. These are the type responsible for the death of cows and other farm animals. Some dogs have even been poisoned by blue green algae in lakes. They are often drinking out of the same lakes as many other wild animals and aren't immune to the effects of the algae.

Humans who have come into contact with the poisonous variety of blue green algae get a variety of unpleasant symptoms; red or sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, itching eyes, red skin around the eyes, nausea, and headache. Be very aware of the water quality of any lake you enter, in order to avoid this unpleasantness.

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