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More and more studies are proving that food has a large impact on our overall health and may even determine which diseases and ailments we will get later in life. The more we are aware of the importance of our food choices the earlier we can teach and protect our children. Of course there is always a balance to strike between what's good for our body and what's good for our taste buds and lifestyle. Here is a description of the most important nutrients for your child's development and which foods meet their needs.


Babies are born with their own source of iron, but this will be depleted after six months. Iron is absorbed best if it is from meat, however the vegetarian baby can increase iron absorption by eating foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, berries, spinach, tomatoes) with meals. Giving milk separately from meals also promotes absorption. Vegetarian iron rich foods include pureed apricots, molasses, fortified cereals, refined lentils, beans and green vegetables.


Breast milk or formula provides all your baby's calcium needs initially. Calcium helps teeth and bones and promotes overall strength. Good sources later include: cow's milk, fortified soy milk and orange juice, cheeses, molasses, dark green vegetables, beans, lentils and tofu.


Babies require more protein than adults because of their rapid growth. A one year old child needs about 15 grams or two cups of protein per day, such as milk, cheese, beans, tofu, fish, poultry and lean meats. Combination foods such as grains (bread, pasta, rice) with beans, lentils, avocados, cheeses or tofu will provide the balance needed for vegetarian babies.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is usually found in animal products, such as meat and chicken. Other non-meat sources include dairy products and eggs, as well as fortified foods such as soy milk and cereals.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is made from the action of the sunlight on the skin. Most children in warm climates receive adequate Vitamin D (20-30 minutes a day, 2 to 3 times per week). Dietary sources of vitamin D include dairy products, eggs and fortified foods. Breast milk or formula will provide vitamin D in the beginning stages. Some pediatricians recommend vitamin D supplements.


Most of your baby's fiber needs will be met with fruits and vegetables and cereal. Be careful as a diet too high in fiber and whole grains can fill up a child before their nutritional needs have been met and interfere with absorption of minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium. Too much fiber may also cause diarrhea or an upset stomach to your baby.


Zinc is important for healthy immune systems and growth. Offer your child plenty of food rich in zinc such as wheat germ, lean meats, milk, lentils, beans, peas, corn and soybeans. Zinc, like iron may be a problem for vegetarian babies because of poor absorption.


Infants receive 40 - 50% of their calories from fat, through breast milk or formula. After the first 12 months, your baby will receive fat from whole cow's milk. After age two, the Pediatric Panel of the National Cholesterol Education Program recommends reducing fat calories to 30% or less of total diet. This is the time to switch from whole milk and dairy products to low fat versions. Healthy fat sources include walnuts, canola oil, avocado, milk, cheese and yogurt.


These are important early on as they prevent damage to developing DNA. The average American family eats only 50% of what is recommended. Vegetables and fruits are the best source of antioxidants including: sweet potatoes, carrots, kiwi, broccoli, avocados, and blueberries.


Babies get water from formula and breast milk early on. However once solids are introduced they may need more liquids to aid swallowing. Water is needed for hydration as children become more active.

The nutrients listed above are good for all ages. While they contribute to your child's development they also keep adults healthy and free from diseases. You are the expert when it comes to your family and child. If you have a concern, trust your instinct and find someone to help you with health and nutrition questions and problems - pediatricians, nutritionists, dieticians, and lactation consultants are the perfect resources. Typically steady growth is best proof that your child is getting the right amount of food.

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Diaper rash - it is no fun for baby and no fun for you! Luckily it's not a major medical problem but more of a common discomfort. Now you don't need to be a pediatrician to recognize diaper rash on your baby - if she has a red, sore, hot looking little bottom when you remove her diaper, you can be pretty sure she's got diaper rash.

The good news is that it's relatively easy to get rid of this rash, and if you're careful in the future, you may be able to rid your baby of it forever by following some simple steps. Here are some tried and true methods I've used with my own children to get rid of a diaper rash once it shows up , as well as to prevent them from coming back.

Leave your baby naked - Air drying if at all possible as much as possible is a good thing ! Take off that diaper and let their skin breathe. Diapers today, especially the disposable kind are made to keep moisture in , and while they are supposed to keep it away from the skin, that's not possible as the diaper environment creates almost a condensation. Babies love to be naked too, so if you can brave the possible accidents, let their bottoms air dry.

Change your baby's diaper often Having stool or urine in contact with an already sore bottom will make the rash and your baby worse. Try to make sure your baby's bottom stays as clean and dry as possible at all times. Wet areas on skin can become breeding grounds for infection.

Look at your commercial baby wipes Many brands of store bought baby wipes, while convenient, can contain chemicals and alcohol that can irritate and dry out your baby's skin. Infants' are especially susceptible to outside contaminants so you may want to try different brands until you find one that works - avoid the perfumed kind, or just stick with plain soap and water on a clean cloth.

Find an ointment that works and use it regularly even if your baby doesn't have a rash at the moment , it will prevent it. You may need to try a few to find one you are happy with. The ones with zinc oxide seem to work best. ( Desitin, Zincofax )Some are very thick and hard to spread on and you may find your wiggly baby not impressed. Others go on smoothly, but don't stay put. Ask other moms for their recommendations !

Keep an eye on what your baby is eating Sometimes as you introduce new foods your baby can develop more of an acidic poop ( strawberries did that for mine) so if you find there are some foods that result in a rash, try to avoid them. Diarrhea almost always will result in the start of a diaper rash so keep your eye out.

Check out your baby shampoo, soap, bubble bath etc. Usually the cheaper the brand, the more chemical additives and preservatives, one commonly used is Quaternium 15 and can cause skin flare ups in those with sensitive skin. Try to only use natural products on your baby's skin or plain water if you can.

Check your diaper brand If you find you are changing diapers often , letting baby air dry and a rash is still appearing, it may be the diapers you are using. Consider switching brands, stay away from perfumed ones and possibly switch to cloth diapers.

Be aware of yeast infections Occasionally, what appears to be a diaper rash is really a yeast infection called Candida Albicans. It looks more like a red rash with little white dots and tends to have a defined outline. Sometimes your baby will get this if they have been prescribed anti-biotics , and sometimes you're not sure why! If the rash is not going away with the regular diaper cream and the above mentioned methods, see your pediatrician for an over the counter anti-yeast medication, and use it at every diaper change. It will generally clear up the rash in a few days.

If all else fails, don't hesitate to give your doctor a call. A diaper rash can cause misery to both you and your baby and can worsen if left untreated. Monitor your baby for two to three days and if there is no sign of improvement, head for your pediatrician.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) says that the best and healthiest choice for babies is for them to be exclusively breastfed for the first six months, and breastfeeding with complementary solid foods until the age of two and beyond. Unicef also made it clear that mixed feeding or the introduction of other foods or liquids before six months can cause certain health problems such as respiratory infections, dehydration, diarrhea, and allergies. Exclusive breastfeeding has many benefits for your baby. To make it possible, you should learn the different breastfeeding positions that is compatible to your comfort level and health condition. By having a step by step guide, you can be breastfeeding in no time.

How Is The Baby Placed At The Breast?

Cradle Hold

This is the most common position for breastfeeding mums. The cradle hold positions your baby against your abdomen, while his face and body facing you. Make sure that your baby is in a straight position and tuck his lower arm around your waist. In this position, the baby's head is in the angle of your elbow, and his mouth facing towards your nipple.

Cross Cradle Hold

This position is closely the same with the cradle hold. First, make sure that your baby is placed at the level of your breast with his mouth directed to your nipple. You should hold the infant in the arm opposite the breast from which your baby will suckle. This position is recommended to mothers if your baby is too small for his age or you are encountering problems latching on.

Lying Down

This position can be done by placing pillows behind your back for comfort and support. After that, place your baby's stomach parallel with your body and adjust to a position where the baby's mouth is directly facing your nipple. If you are afraid that your baby may roll backwards, place a small pillow or blanket behind your baby's back.

Football Grip

Football grip is recommended to women who have c-sections, infants who are having difficulty latching on, and small sized babies. This position is closely similar to cross cradle hold but your will be holding your baby under your arm and resting on the side you will be feeding him. The baby is not lying on your abdomen. Just like the lying down position, you can use a pillow and place it beside you. In the palm of your hand, you will position the posterior part of your baby's head while his back is carried by your inner forearm. Position your baby above the pillow, with the support of your arm.

How To Take The Baby Off Your Nipple

If you get the baby to let go of your nipple, the nipples may become sore and painful. But if you are not comfortable with your baby latching on, don't be afraid to gently take the baby off and do it again. Do it by placing the tip of your little finger in the side of the baby's mouth and he will immediately open his mouth. By doing this, it will interrupt the vacuum that the baby creates in his mouth to suckle.

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I have to admit up front, this is going to be the crappiest article I've ever written.

You see, as I was walking my dogs Marty and Rosie the other day, it occurred to me that poop plays a huge role in my life. I'm not afraid to admit it. I pick up after my dogs every day, I scoop my cat's litter box every day (OK, not EVERY day, but it certainly feels that way), and I talk with my clients about their bowel movements. In fact, while I was in India this past summer, poop was actually the number one topic of conversation between my colleagues and me, as we compared notes on who had diarrhea and who was still healthy. I even remained on "poop watch," for several weeks after my return to the States, making sure that everything was OK (and thankfully, it was!)

So, if you are a pet owner, parent, health care professional, or world traveler, you probably know what I mean!

But many people don't get to talk about poop as much as I do. I know this because when I ask people about their poop, I often get blank stares and uncomfortable looks. So, I let's talk about all of the questions that people want answered but are usually afraid to ask. After all, your poop is an important indicator of your overall health!

What is Poop?

Have you ever wondered what poop actually is? About 75% of your average poop is water, although this will vary depending on the person. Water is absorbed out of fecal material as it passes through the large intestine, so the longer you take to "go," the drier your poop will be.

The remaining 25% is comprised of dead bacteria that helped us digest our food, living bacteria, protein, undigested food residue (also known as fiber), waste material from food, cellular linings, fats, cholesterol, salts, protein, and substances released from the liver and the intestines (such as mucus).

What Makes a Healthy Poop?

Your feces are a clear indicator of the health of your gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Mehmet Oz says, "At the end of the day you can analyze your body really effectively by looking at what comes out of your body."

So what should you look for? A healthy poop will be:

  • Golden brown, which is due to pigments formed by the bacteria in the gut and bile from the liver. You want to make sure the color is normal because that tells you a lot about what's going on in your gastrointestinal tract (more on color below).

  • Formed into one long shape. Dr. Michael Levitt, an Australian colorectal surgeon who has written a book called The Bowel Book, says that the healthy human stool resembles the shape and consistency (although not the same color) of an unripe banana. Dr. Oz says " You don't want [pieces]." Some experts disagree, saying they don't have to be well- formed. Patrick Donovan, N.D., a naturopath in Seattle, WA says "Stools don't have to be well- formed logs. They can disperse in the toilet water; they can break down."

  • Nearly odorless.

  • About 1 to 2 inches in diameter and 18 inches long.

What About Other Colors?

Sometimes we don't see that "golden guru," and are faced with something else instead. Here's some insight into what those other colors might mean.

  • Black: Feces can be black if dried blood is present in it from internal bleeding in the upper digestive tract. See a doctor if this is the case.

  • Very Dark Brown: Drinking wine the night before may result in dark brown poop. This could also be the result of eating too much salt, or not enough vegetables.

  • Yellow: One condition that can cause yellow poop is an infection known as giardia, a dangerous infection that can spread to others. Another cause of yellow poop may be a condition known as Gilbert's syndrome. See your doctor if you are consistently seeing yellow poop.

  • Green: Babies often have green poop when they are given food for the first time. Children may have green or blue poop from certain illnesses or from ingesting food colorings. Adults may also have green poop if they eat large amounts of green, leafy vegetables or if they eat large amounts of foods with green food coloring. Light green poop may indicate excessive sugar in the diet. Green feces can also occur with diarrhea if bile salts pass through the intestine unchanged. Again, see a doctor if you are concerned!

  • White/pale: Feces can appear white or pale after drinking barium sulfate, which is often given to patients getting an X-ray of the digestive tract. A white or pale stool may also be an indication of problems with the gallbladder or liver.

  • Red: Bright red in the feces may be indicative of active bleeding, possibly the result of hemorrhoids. A magenta color may result form eating intense red food coloring, or red foods such as beets.

How Often Should I Poop?

Ah - the big question! Experts disagree on how often a person should poop. The National Institute for Diabetes, Kidney, and Digestive Diseases says three times a week is normal and healthy for some people. According to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, once a day is ideal. Other experts advocate once or twice a day, while still others say a person should have a bowel movement within two to three hours of a major meal- -or two to three times a day. So you can see that it really depends on who you talk to. My personal opinion is that you above all want to be regular in your pooping schedule, and that one poop a day is ideal.

When someone poops four times a day or more and the poop has a liquid consistency, this is referred to as diarrhea. When someone poops less than two or three days a week and the poop is hard, dry, and difficult to pass, this is known as constipation.

What's the Deal with Corn?

It's funny, so it's OK to laugh. But most people I know have experienced it and they ask why it is that when you eat corn, the next time you poop there it is again! There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that most of us do not thoroughly chew our food. Another interesting tidbit I've learned that there is an outer coating on corn that is made up of indigestible cellulose. This outer coating slips off the inner kernel and, since it's indigestible, passes through the gut intact. It then emerges looking like a whole kernel, even though it's just the outer skin. The inside of the kernel is starchy and digestible, and that is the part that we succeed in chewing and digesting.

Well, hopefully you know now a lot more about this important topic. And that's the scoop on poop!

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You never know where your children have been and what they have been up to till you see their hands. Toddlers tend to collect germs on their hands from a variety of sources - contaminated surfaces, foods, even animals and animal waste. If they don't wash their hands frequently enough, there is a strong chance they may get infected themselves and spread these germs to others.

Here are some of the infectious diseases commonly spread through hand-to-hand contact:

  • The common cold
  • Flu

  • Numerous gastrointestinal disorders, including infectious diarrhea

Teaching toddlers good hand-washing skills is a vital part of their grooming. Moreover, it teaches them to take care of their bodies.

Follow these steps to help maintain good hygiene in your family:

  • STEP 1: Be a role model. Wash your hands and your toddlers' hands at the same time. Make sure they see you washing your hands after going to the bathroom or when you come in from outside. This may improve your health as well.

  • STEP 2: Talk about it. Toddlers often don't follow what's good and what's bad. So say things like, "Look at all this dirt on my hands. I should wash that off."

  • STEP 3: Make observations. Show your children how other people wash their hands. For example, doctors wash their hands before touching your child during a checkup. Point this out the next time your toddler gets a checkup.

  • STEP 4: Turn hand-washing into a routine. Wash your hands before every meal and do it everyday. The act of washing up is bound to become second nature to your children.

  • STEP 5: Make it easy for your children to reach the sink. Place a stool near a low sink for your toddlers.

  • STEP 6: Let them play. Play nurtures learning. Allow your children to pretend-wash their toys and figurines at the sink

It is also helpful to buy special cool soaps made for kids to encourage hand washing. Teach your children about the difference between hot and cold water and how to operate the faucets when required.

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New parents tend to worry about everything. Their baby coughs and it is off to the doctor's office. Any change in their child's behavior can be enough to send them running to the emergency room. Just imagine how scary it would be if the baby was fussy, crying all the time, and chewing on his own hand. Sounds scary, but not to worry. These are all signs of teething and mean your baby is growing up.

Sometime between four and six months, most babies' teeth start to make an appearance. During this time, it can be especially difficult on both the parent and the child. Your child will be experiencing new sensations, and crying is the only way he will have to express those feelings.

What are some of the symptoms of teething?

When a child is teething, many times he will experience increased drooling, gum pain, mild swelling where the tooth is coming in, and a need to gnaw on things. He will be cranky and fussy, crying without seeming to have a problem. Some children may also experience a lack of appetite because chewing their food hurts.

Symptoms that are not common to teething are diarrhea, fevers and cold-like symptoms. If your child is experiencing these symptoms, you should have your child checked out by his doctor. They could be signs of an illness.

What can you do to ease your child's discomfort?

Having something to chew on that is cool and hard is the best thing for your child to help with teething pain. Frozen waffles, a washcloth soaked in cold water, and frozen bagels are all wonderful ways to help your child's gums feel better. Be sure to watch your child while he is using any of these items, to avoid any potential problems.

Along with household cures, you will find a number of over the counter medications you can use on your child's sore gums. Ask your child's doctor what is the best one for your child, along with how much and how often you can use the medication.

You can also use a teething ring, which you can find in any store's baby section. The ones with liquid inside can be put into the refrigerator to cool, but never freeze. A frozen teething ring can damage your child's gums and incoming teeth. There are also plastic teething toys your child can chew on to help his teeth come in easier.

Give extra love and cuddling during bad teething times. Nothing beats a parent's love when it comes to your child's comfort. Extra snuggling and attention can go along way to soothing your child's pain.

When will your child's teeth come in?

The front bottom teeth are usually the first ones that come in, followed by the front upper teeth. These can appear anytime between three and twelve months old. Some babies will start earlier, some later. Have your child checked by a pediatric dentist for problems if his teeth have not started to come in by fourteen months.

Teething is a life change your child will go through, one that will be painful for your and your precious baby. But with plenty of love and teething tools you will help your baby deal with the discomfort.

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Most children nowadays do not have well-balanced meals due to fast-paced lifestyle. Most parents do not have enough time to prepare or cook food for their children that they opt for fast food. The foods that are served in restaurants do not have enough nutrients and vitamins needed by your children. This is why constipation in kids is very common. It is advisable that you feed your children with healthy foods and have them drink plenty of water everyday to prevent dehydration. If they develop bad eating habits, they are more prone to getting health problems such as constipation.

Defecation becomes difficult if the feces are hard to eliminate from the body. If your child's constipation becomes more frequent, this is something that you should pay heed to. It will be more difficult for your kids to eject the feces and other toxins inside their body if it stays longer than usual. This digestive disorder also entails other physical discomfort such as stomach pain and nausea.

Sometimes diarrhea may occur right after constipation but that does not necessarily mean that you have put an end to constipation. These are merely new feces that have formed as diarrhea. If these waste matters remain inside your child's body for a long period of time, he is more susceptible to serious health problems. Your child's stool may be impacted if he has dramatic weight loss and protruding abdomen. When your child forces to defecate, he may also be bleeding. This can be cured and prevented by making sure that your child maintains a sensible diet.

One of the causes of constipation is dehydration. Make sure that your child has enough fluids inside his body by letting him drink at least six to eight glasses of water everyday. Your child should also avoid foods high in fat and sugar. If he has the desire to go to the rest room, encourage him to do so. He will able to develop a habit of going to the restroom on a daily basis. It is also recommended that you let your child join in some activities to stimulate his bowel movements. Any form of exercise that keeps him always on the go will do.

Apple juice is also a great treatment for impacted stools. However, if your child's constipation becomes severe, your doctor will find a way to flush all the toxins that have already built up inside your child's body. He may prescribe some medications such as mild laxative and mineral oil. Laxative can be dangerous so make sure that you have the doctor's consent when you give this to your child.

Exercise, well-balanced meal and enough fluid intakes can prevent constipation in kids. However, if your child is still suffering from constipation in spite of a healthy lifestyle, do not hesitate to seek the doctor's advice so he can check if there are other illnesses that need to be treated.

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How to take care of minor problems.


The end of the cord will fall off in a couple of weeks after birth.

Until it falls off, keep it clean and dry.

Keep diaper below cord so that the cord stays dry.

Dab with alcohol on a cotton swab 1-2 times each day.

Call your baby's health care giver if it looks red, irritated, bleeds or oozes, or
has a bad odor.


A circumcision should heal in 7-10 days.

If the tip of the penis is irritated by the diaper, put a little bit of petroleum jelly
on the irritated area each time you change the diaper.


Change diapers often.

Wash baby's bottom with soap and warm water at each change.

Use zinc oxide paste or diaper rash cream on irritated areas.


Leave baby's diaper area uncovered for a few hours each day. (Place several
folded cloth diapers under baby.)

Use zinc oxide or diaper rash cream on irritated areas after washing.


If you are breastfeeding, continue to do so.

Call baby's health care giver if your baby won't take liquids, can't keep them
down, has a lot of diarrhea, or has diarrhea for longer than 12 hours. (Diarrhea can be a very serious problem for little babies, who can lose a lot of fluid quickly.)

There are special drinks --called oral electrolyte solutions-- that infants with diarrhea should be given to keep them from becoming very sick.


Make sure that your baby is not crying for some other reason (wet diaper, hunger, tight clothing, loneliness).

Hold baby, stomach down, across your knees.

Rock your baby.

Push your baby in a carriage or stroller.


Try to make your baby more comfortable.

Call baby's health care provider if your baby has a fever.

When to call the doctor ...


  1. Has breathing problems (has to work hard to get air in and out).

  2. Cries (more or differently from the usual), or moans as if in pain, or is very fussy.

  3. Has a temperature higher than 100° F.

  4. Vomits (more than a spit up) or has diarrhea (very watery, loose, foulsmelling stools) more than 2-3 times in a day.

  5. Has even one large, very watery bowel movement and is less than 3 months old.

  6. Passes blood or blood clots with urine or bowel movement.

  7. Has a convulsion (shaking arms and legs).


  1. Seems weak, has no energy to cry as loudly as usual.

  2. Refuses to feed or nurses poorly (or doesn't want more than 1/2 of the usual bottle).

  3. Doesn't wake up as alert as usual, or for older babies, is not playful, even for a short time.

  4. Just doesn't "seem right" and you are worried.

  5. When you call the health care provider about your sick baby, write down the advice you get. Have available the telephone number of a pharmacy in case your care giver wants to phone in a prescription.

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Getting a healthy start at the family table is important for infants. Parents play a major role in the development of healthy habits - right from the beginning. Entrance into the wide world of solid food is a major milestone for baby, but it is important to enter into this new territory with clear goals in mind.

Generally speaking, infants begin eating sold foods between the ages of four and six months. The American Academy of Pediatrics - the go-to source of all healthy suggestions baby-related, recommends beginning solids no earlier than four to six months to avoid food allergies and other complications. Additionally, many pediatricians suggest giving cereal as a food item rather than adding it to the bottle. Signs of readiness to eat solid foods include: the ability to hold head up unassisted, showing interest in the food others eat at mealtime, reaching a weight that is double that of baby's birth-weight, and loss of the tongue reflex that prevents baby from properly eating solid foods rather than drinking them. It is important to remember that baby, even at six months, will receive most - if not all-of his or her daily nutritional needs from breast milk or formula. Food is a novelty item being introduced, not a primary source of energy.

After baby has reached a stage when solid food can be introduced, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children begin with baby cereal. Dry, mixable, single grain rice baby cereal from the baby food aisle of the grocery store is the best bet for the first feedings. Leaving more complex baby cereals including wheat and barley may stave off food allergy reactions in very young babies. Of course, cereals from the adult breakfast aisle are not recommended because they do not meet the needs of a growing infant at this stage in development.

Texture and consistency are extremely important for the first feedings. Adding water, breast milk, or formula to the cereal, parents should take care to ensure the cereal is not overly lumpy or thick as this might prove difficult to swallow.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, most pediatricians, moms, and baby food cookbooks recommend introducing only one food at a time. Each single food should be served over the course of a few days. Taking this slow approach helps caregivers keep a watchful eye for dangerous food allergies. Some common food allergies are soy, wheat, milk, tree nut, peanut, egg, and shellfish. Allergic reactions in baby can take the form of loose, runny stools (diarrhea), vomiting, or even hives. If a parent introduces a food and shortly thereafter the child experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, they should call their pediatrician for advice. Food allergies can be serious and need to be addressed quickly.

In the book Mommy Made and Daddy Too: Home Cooking for A Healthy Baby & Toddler, a book written by parents Martha and David Kimmel for parents which has been helping ease children into solid food since 1990, the authors recommend starting vegetables after the first two to three months of cereals. The idea is simple but elegant in its straightforwardness: leave the sweetest things and food items with the highest likelihood of allergy for last to keep baby safe and avoid developing a sweet tooth before the first tooth even sprouts! The Kimmels suggest this general rule of thumb for introduction of fruits and veggies, "yellow first, orange and pale next, dark green and red last." They also advise dropping the following ingredients from baby's diet in the first year entirely: white table sugar, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, shellfish, eggs, fried foods, unripe fruit, chocolate, candy of any kind, honey, potato chips, tomatoes, corn, and processed meats like hot dogs or bologna.

It is particularly important to avoid the use of honey in baby food during the first year because, as the American Academy of Family Physicians notes, "Although the worldwide incidence of infant botulism is rare, the majority of cases are diagnosed in the United States. An infant can acquire botulism by ingesting Clostridium botulinum spores, which are found in soil or honey products." Infant botulism is no laughing matter, and while honey may have a sweet taste and many benefits to adults, it should not be given to infants under one year of age for this reason.

Another important point parents should take into consideration is their own diet. Beyond maintaining a good health for the parents' own needs, mothers, fathers, and other caregivers need to be role models from the very start. Giving baby a healthy start means making healthy choices. Children model the things they see in their environment. A child old enough to eat table food will notice his or her parent's choices and mimic them, for better or worse. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends, "For your child's sake as well as your own, cut out your salt use and watch how much fat you consume. Provide a good role model by eating a variety of healthy foods."

There are two main options in baby food for parents: buy it at the store or make it at home. Many recipe books exist on the market for those interested in making their own home made baby food masterpieces. It can be cost effective and relatively simple. Meanwhile, store bought baby food has come a long way in recent times and also provides a flexible list of menu options for infants.

Recipes for home made baby food exist by the score on both internet sites such as WholesomeBabyfood.com or in the bookstore or library with titles like Mommy Made and Daddy, Too or Simply Natural Baby Food. Homemade foods can coincide family dinners with similar ingredients and therefore be made at the same time or made ahead of time and stored for later use. Generally speaking, homemade baby foods consist of cooked vegetables or fruits that have been reduced to a nice glob of mush. This means that parents planning to go the do-it-yourself route will need a blender. Other handy items include: a paring knife, slotted spoons, ladles, spatulas, measuring cups, graters, colanders, strainers, saucepans with lids, and a vegetable steamer. Storage generally takes the form of freezing or placing in the refrigerator.

Buying baby food at the store is a good choice for busy parents and offers a wide selection of foods. Store bought foods can be used in conjunction with homemade foods, as well. Organic baby foods exist for interested parents in addition to more traditional baby foods. The packaging is portable and easily stored in the pantry or the refrigerator. As with any packaged food, parents should be careful not to purchase swollen packaging (can indicate spoilage) or packages with broken seals (indicative of possible tampering).

Baby's first foods are his or her gateway into a healthy life filled with all the wonders of solid foods. Foods introduced at this age will shape children's eating patterns for the future. Whether making food at home or buying quality foods in the baby food aisle at the store, making good choices today will provide children with a good nutrition as they grow and healthier future in the years to come.

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Teething can be divided into two phases:
- The First: the eruption of the deciduous teeth (milk teeth).
- The Second: the eruption of the permanent teeth.

The eruption of the deciduous teeth:
- Usually, deciduous teeth eruption begins at the age of six months and continues until the end of the second year of life.
- New teeth erupt continuously during this period.
- The first two teeth to erupt is the lower anterior teeth, and these teeth does not usually cause any inconvenience for the child during their eruption. The next teeth to erupt are the anterior teeth in the upper jaw.
- Deciduous molars eruption causes suffering to a child in most cases.
- The eruption of the deciduous teeth (20 teeth) is completed when the child reaches the second year of age.
- The normal teething differs from child to another, some children are born with a tooth or two, and others do not start teething before the end of their first year.
- The deciduous teeth fall out between six and twelve years of age.

The eruption of the permanent teeth:
- Permanent teeth begin to erupt as soon as the deciduous teeth fall out.
- Sometimes, permanent teeth erupt before the deciduous teeth fall out, in this case the dentist will remove the deciduous tooth so the permanent tooth can take its place.
- The complete number of permanent teeth is 32 teeth.

It is advised to:
- Clean the new baby teeth by a finger covered with a clean cloth or a towel. You can use a small and soft toothbrush after the completion of the eruption of the front incisors.
- Visit the dentist regularly starting from the third year of age.
- Explain the process of milk teeth replacement for the child so he would know what to expect when they begin to fall out and the permanent teeth start to erupt.

Symptoms of teething:
- Swelling and redness of the gums.
- Some of the children suffer from pain in the site of the erupting tooth while other children do not feel any pain.
- The child might become nervous, irritable and cry a lot.
- Increased secretion of saliva.
- The desire to chew and bite, like biting the fingers.
- Sleep problems.
- It is wrong to link other symptoms of illnesses to the child teething, for example, teething does not cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting or pain in the ear.

To relive teething pain:
- Massage gums gently by the tip of the finger, you can also use a soothing and analgesic gel (depending on the physician instructions)
- Give the child a clean teething ring to bite on it after putting it in the refrigerator or freezer for a period of time.
- Give the child a carrot or an apple to bite on them, but watch the child carefully so he would not swallow it.
- Some children need to use paracetamol syrup to relieve the pain caused by teething.

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Food allergies can be caused due to hypersensitive reaction of the immune system to certain food products. Food intolerance is often confused and misinterpreted as a food allergy. When in actuality a food allergy occurs in 1-2 out of 100 adults. Although the allergy is more common in children. The symptoms of food allergies are usually seen with minutes or maximum within an hour after the consumption of the food. In very rare cases the effects do not show for hours. The most common immediate allergic reactions that are seen are itchiness of skin and rashes that develop. Itchy feeling on the nose and eyes, a running nose and sneezing are the few prominent effects. Itchiness and swelling of the lips is the main symptom that is seen as the lips are the first to come in contact with the food. Apart from this nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains, vomiting are as also observed.

Anaphylaxis is a life threatening allergic reaction. Very tiny amounts of the allergic food is also sufficient for anaphylaxis to occur. If a person is very susceptible to an allergic reaction due to a certain food product, extreme precaution is advised so as to not increase the chance of allergic reaction. A very common allergy found in infants is an allergy towards cow's milk. At least 2 out of 100 children suffer from allergy to cow's milk. This allergy, although very soon disappears after a certain age. Usually 9 out of 10 children lose it by the age of 3. It is very rare to find adults allergic to cow's milk. Another form of food allergy that is prominent in kids is allergy to egg and egg products. Unlike allergy to cow's milk, this soon disappears after a certain age, in some children an allergy to eggs remains for a very long time.

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Parents often point to their baby's formula in an effort do diagnose colic in babies. While the type of formula may sometimes play a role in colicky symptoms, there is a big difference between a milk allergy and simple lactose intolerance. Understanding the difference between the two can help you when it comes to discussing your infant's colic with the pediatrician.

Lactose intolerance refers to the inability to digest the sugar found in milk. Very few babies are actually lactose intolerant, and for those that are, treatment is often simply a matter of supplementing the naturally occurring enzymes which are used to break down the milk sugar. Colic in babies with lactose intolerance is typically due to the abdominal cramps and pain associated with the condition. Premature babies are more likely to have lactose intolerance related colic versus full-term babies.

Milk allergies, on the other hand, have nothing to do with the ability to digest milk sugar. Instead, the body has an allergic reaction to the protein in milk, which may be slow onset, or immediate onset, depending upon the severity of the allergy. Babies with milk allergies often have bloody stools, severe abdominal pain, and increased irritability. Other symptoms include hives, rashes, wheezing, vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms can mimic many other conditions, and can prove difficult to diagnose in babies. Colic in babies with milk allergies can often be alleviated once the allergy is addressed and milk products are avoided.

Milk allergies are far more dangerous than lactose intolerance, overall. If you are concerned that your baby's colic is being caused by either of these conditions, you should speak with your child's pediatrician as soon as possible. A swift diagnosis may mean more peaceful nights for you and your baby.

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So you've decided to breastfeed your baby! You'll want to make sure that both you and your little one are getting all of the nutrients you need to stay healthy and strong. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, nursing mothers need to eat about 300 calories more each day than they normally would and at least 1500 calories every day. Your daily food consumption should consist of a variety of healthy foods with extra protein, calcium-rich foods and plenty of water. In addition to these general guidelines, you should also:

1. Pay attention to feelings of hunger. Eat until you're satisfied and consume plenty of nutrient dense foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

2. Monitor your baby's reactions. If you notice that he or she is consistently colicky or develops gas after you eat certain foods, then you may want to decrease your intake of those foods or eliminate them entirely while breastfeeding.

3. Expect that you may be especially thirsty during the first few days after delivery as your body sheds excess fluid accumulated during pregnancy. Increase your consumption of fluid that isn't filled with empty calories in order to prevent dehydration.

4. Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages as they may make your baby jittery or irritable and even make it difficult for him or her to get to sleep. Consider drinking caffeinated beverages right after you nurse in order to minimize negative effects on the baby.

5. Continue taking your prenatal vitamins unless otherwise directed by your physician.

6. Make sure to eat foods that are rich in zinc as it enhances a baby's ability to produce antibodies. Some food sources of zinc are hamburger, chicken breast and whole wheat bread.

7. Limit your consumption of wine to 2 or fewer glasses per week.

8. Be aware of food sensitivities that can result from common allergens such as cow's milk, eggs, shellfish, wheat, nuts and peanuts. Some signs of food sensitivity are diaper rash, skin rashes, chronic runny nose, diarrhea and excessive fussiness.

Unless you are severely malnourished, your milk will provide all of the nutrients your baby needs, so if there is something lacking in your diet it will most likely be you and not Baby that suffers. For your own well-being, do your best to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. That's the best way to ensure that you have the stamina and strength you'll need to be the best mom you can be!

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I remember the time when I was about to have my baby shower. I was wondering what all I would be getting in my baby shower. One thing that I received were the baby caps and I wondered whether it will be of any use to me as my delivery was in the peak summer season. But to my surprise, I used the caps and found them to be very essential for the baby.

Babies, as we know are very sensitive to the slightest weather change and need to be fully covered to ensure protection for them. What we assume is that cold weather is harmful for the kids....but we are wrong.....Heat is even worst. So we need to make sure that we cover the head of the baby with a cap whenever we take them out in the open to ensure protection from direct heat.

This protection is required not only for infants but also for growing kids as they are more prone to sickness due to heat.While playing kids forget everything and ignore the heat and then get sick. The various symptoms in kids due to heat are inability to digest food, diarrhea or vomiting .In some extreme cases kids get dehydrated and need to be treated for that.

Some time back my little one had severe heat stroke and was hospitalized for a week. After that I made sure that he wears a sun hat and go out. So I bought lot of funky sun hats for him. Sun hat is basically a cap which is lightweight and adjustable. Sun hat provides the perfect protection for your child's head. These sun hats are lightweight, fast drying and Pediatrician recommended. They come in various sizes; a medium one for the age group of 2-4 yrs and large for the age group of 4-7 yrs, to make sure that your little one is protected. In order to ensure that your toddler looks good all the time, even with the sun hat, these hats come with brim in colors like orange, green and navy.

My little one had great problems with wearing the sun hat. So I bought him a 'Paint Your Own' sun hat to make sure that he wears one. This is a wonderful new concept in the market where kids can paint their Sun hats which in turn helps them in enhancing their creativity. Each such 'Paint Your Own' sun hat set comes with one, lightweight adjustable hat with a colored brim, 6 non-toxic paint colors and 4 disposable brushes.

So get one for your dear one and protect him from the heat!

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The first few years of life - a time when most children receive the weight and grow much more rapidly than they will later. Sometimes, however, infants and children do not meet expected standards of growth. Although most of these children should be the pattern of growth, which are variations of normal, while others are believed to have "failure to thrive."

This is a common diagnosis, with many possible causes. Common to all cases, however, failure to get weight as expected, which is often accompanied by poor growth in height. Diagnosing and consideration of the child who is unable to flourish, focusing on how to identify any underlying problem. From there, doctors and the family are cooperating to bring the child into a healthy pattern of growth.

What is failure to thrive?

Although it is recognized more than a century, failure to thrive lacks a precise definition, partly because it describes a condition rather than a specific disease. Children who are unable to thrive do not receive or are unable to adopt, maintain, or use the calories, was supposed to gain weight and grow as expected.

Most diagnoses of failure to thrive done in infants and toddlers - for the first few years of life - a crucial period of physical and mental development. After the birth of baby's brain grows well in the first year, as it will grow during the rest of the child's life. Poor diet during this period can have permanent negative effects on the mental development of the child.

Taking into account that the average term baby doubles his or her birth weight by 4 months and triples it in 1 year, children with failure to thrive often do not meet those milestones. Sometimes, a child who is sent to "plump" and who shows signs of growing well, can begin to decrease in weight gain. After some time, linear (height) growth may slow as well.

If the condition progresses, undernourished child may:

* Becomes indifferent to his or her environment

* Avoid eye contact

* Becomes irritable

* Do not reach the milestones associated with the development of a meeting, walking and talking in the usual age

What causes this?

Failure to thrive can result from a wide variety of underlying causes. Some children are unable to thrive because of:

* Social factors. In some cases, doctors may not identify a medical problem, but may find that parents actually cause failure to thrive. For example, some parents inappropriately restrict the amount of calories they give to their babies. They may fear that their child raspolneet or put him or her on a limited diet, similar to one they follow. Or, they may not simply feed the child enough or because of lack of interest or because there are too many distractions in the household, which contributes to neglect of a child. Living in poverty can also lead to the failure to provide the child necessary food requirements.

* Conditions involving the gastrointestinal system like gastroesophageal reflux, chronic diarrhea, cystic fibrosis, chronic liver disease, and celiac disease. With ebb esophagus may become so irritated that the child refuses to eat, because it damages. Constant diarrhea may encounter with the body's ability to hold on to nutrients and calories from food, is eaten.

Cystic fibrosis, chronic liver disease, and celiac disease - conditions that limit the body's ability to absorb nutrients. They are known as the riots - the baby can eat a lot, but his or her body does not absorb and retain enough of the food. Celiac disease should be a sensitivity to dietary protein found in wheat and certain other grains. Invalid immune system's response to this protein brings losses leveling intestine, when confronted with its ability to absorb nutrients.

* Chronic illness or medical disorder. If a child has trouble eating - because of prematurity or a cleft lip or palate, for example - he or she may not take sufficiently many calories to maintain normal growth. Other conditions that can lead to failure to thrive, would include the heart, and respiratory disorders. These disturbances can increase the thermal needs of the child so that it became difficult to keep up with them.

* Milk protein intolerance. This condition can initially lead to difficulty absorbing nutrients until it is not recognized. It can also put the entire class of food out of reach, restricting the diet of the child and sometimes leads to failure to thrive.

* Infections (parasites, urinary tract infections, tuberculosis, etc.), which placed high demands on energy in the body and force it to use nutrients rapidly (and appetite may be weakened as well), sometimes causing a short - or long-term failure to thrive.

* Metabolic disorders, which may also limit the child's ability to maximize the calories consumed. Metabolic disorders can interfere with the body break down, process, or to obtain energy from food, or they can cause a build-up of toxins during an emergency process that can make the child feed poorly or vomit.

In some cases, doctors unable to pinpoint a cause.

Although doctors in the past tended to categorize cases of failure to thrive as any organic (caused by major medical disorder) or inorganic (caused by the actions or their parents), they are less likely to make such sharp distinctions today. Therefore, medical and behavioral causes often appear together.

For example, if the child has severe reflux and refuses to eat, feeding times can be tense for. He or she may be a time and upset, and this may interfere with attempts to feed the child maintain an adequate amount of food.

How is diagnosed?

Many normal babies are brief periods when their weight gain plateaus or they even lose a little weight. However, if the child does not get the weight for 3 consecutive months during the first year of life, doctors usually become concerned.

Doctors diagnose failure to thrive by using standard growth charts to prepare a child's weight, length, and the main circle, which were measured in each well-child exam. Children who fall below a certain range of weight for their age or who are unable to gain weight at an expected rate, will likely further evaluated to determine whether there is a problem.

In addition to obtaining a full medical and feed history and performing a detailed physical examination, the doctor may order a complete blood count, urinalysis, and various chemical and blood tests electrolyte, which may be useful in the search for major medical problems. If the doctor suspects a particular disease or disorder as a possible cause, he or she may perform additional specific tests to identify the condition.

To determine whether your child gets enough food, the doctor of the child (sometimes with the help of a doctor - a dietitian) will account calories after ascertaining the parents that the child eats every day. And speaking parents can help the doctor identify any problems at home, such as neglect, poverty, household stress, or feeding difficulties.

As discussed?

Children with failure to thrive need the help of their parents and doctors. Sometimes, the whole team of doctors affects the case of a child.

In addition to the child's primary doctor team might include a nutritionist to assess the dietary needs of the child and the professional, or speech therapist to help the child and develops a successful nutritional behavior and refers to any absorption or swallowing problems that could have a child. Professional and speech therapists are often helpful because of their expertise in the muscular control, is involved in the food.

Because treatment failure to thrive involves consideration of any disease or disorder that causes the problem, specialists such as a cardiologist, neurologist, or gastroenterologist may also be part of the team care.

Especially in cases of failure to thrive, which is thought to be caused by the actions or the parents, social worker, psychologist or other mental health professional can help address the problems in the home environment of the child, and provide any needed support.

Often, in cases of bad food, processing can be done at home with frequent follow-up visit to the doctor's office or clinic. The doctor recommends that high-calorie foods and place the baby in the high-calorie formula.

More serious cases may call for the pipe, which pipe is inserted, which runs from the nose to the stomach. Liquid food is provided on a sustainable rate through the pipe. Once the pipe is laid in place, the child usually eats at night so as not to face his or her actions or to limit the desire of the child to eat during the day. (Approximately half of the thermal needs of the child can be put through a continuous drop of the night). Once the child more adequately fed, he or she will feel better and probably will have more on his or her own. At that point can be removed pipe.

A child with extreme failure to thrive may need to be hospitalized so that he or she could eat and checked continuously. At this time, any possible underlying causes of conditions can be evaluated and treated accordingly. It also gives the team an opportunity to observe the processing directly feeding technique and the interaction between the child and while in other cases.

So, how long treatment lasts varies greatly from case to case. Weight gain takes time, so several months may pass before the child is returned to the normal range for his or her age. Children who require hospitalization may stay for 10 - 14 days or more to establish satisfactory weight gain, but it may be many months, until signs of severe malnutrition are no longer present. Failure to thrive caused by chronic disease or disorder may have to be periodically checked and treated for even longer, perhaps for a lifetime.

My child has failure to thrive?

If you are worried that your child is not able to thrive, remember that there are many reasons why he or she might be slower to gain weight than failure to thrive. For example, bottle-fed babies and bottle-fed babies are often given weight at different rates in the early newborn period.

Genetics also plays a large role in increasing the weight, so if you and your spouse are thin, your baby may not put on pounds quickly. However, infants should still gain weight steadily, and can be difficult to monitor it from home. Thus, it is important to see the doctor of your child on a regular basis.

As the directive, babies usually eat eight to 12 in 24-hour period (a few ounces [60 milliliters] every few hours) in the first weeks after birth. By that time, when they - 2 - 3 months, number of bedrooms, six - eight, but the amount they eat each time has increased. At 4 months of approximately 30 ounces (890 milliliters) per day provides sufficient food most bottle-fed infants.

The doctor of your child will have many opportunities to identify the problem at regular well-child checks. You can also periodically check the weight of their child at home if you feel that you need a certification.

When should I call the Doctor my child?

If you notice a decrease in weight gain, or your child does not seem to have a normal appetite and do not come into contact with the doctor of your child. Any major change in eating pattern also ensures call to the doctor. Babies and other children may be days and sometimes weeks when they show little interest in food, but this should not happen in babies.

If you have trouble breastfeeding your baby, your child's doctor can offer some advice. For whatever reason, when the child does not readily eat, parents tend to get upset and feel that they do not care about your child well. This may increase the problem and increase the tension and for you and your child. Instead, get help for both of you, in consultation with the doctor of your child.

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Many parents know all to well the signs of teething in their baby but many feel powerless to help their child's teething problems. However, there is a range of teething remedies for all stages of your baby's teething. Knowing the remedy available and how and when to apply it is the key.

Homeopathic teething remedies are a great way to ease the discomfort of baby teething. Homeopathic remedies have been used for many years and can be highly effective, but you should only use a homeopathic teething remedy in conjunction with expert advice and guidance.

Apis mellifica is used to ease swollen gums before and after the eruption of teeth. Apis mellifica means 'whole honeybee' and was first discovered by the Rev. Brauns, in Thuringia, Germany, in 1853.

Calcarea carbonica: Some babies are late to teeth and the experience can be very distressing for late developers. Babies who need this remedy are usually chubby, slow to learn to crawl or walk and their heads often sweat during naps or sleep at night.

Essential oil of cloves has long been known as a natural local anesthetic. You administer the clove oil by adding one drop in one or two tablespoons of organic sunflower oil.

Kreosotum: This remedy can ease a child's stress when she has irritating saliva and severe discomfort during teething. Kreosotum is very beneficial if a baby's teeth succumb to decay soon after erupting from the gums.

Pulsatilla: especially good for teething babies who are clingy, nervous or tearful.

Sulphur: good if your baby has a reddish irritation or rash on the chin or diaper area during teething episodes. Diarrhea (often whitish) is not caused irectly by teething but because of stress from teething. The baby is irritable and anxious, feeling worse from being warm.

Other Natural Homeopathic teething remedies include a stick of licorice and chamomilla. As stated above, any parent contemplating using a homeopathic remedy for teething should do so only in conjunction with expert medical advice.

Natural teething remedies are becoming more popular as many parents want to avoid the use of any drugs or medicines on their baby. Many natural teething remedies have been around for thousands of years; there effectiveness depends on the child.

Bread, in various forms has been used for thousand of years, more recently the bagel has been used by parents in both Europe and America; the bagel being the right consistency - as is doesn't break apart too easily - and it's also a very easy shape for young child to grab hold of. Teething biscuits are also very popular. In the recent past many parents began to avoid buying teething biscuits as the biscuits often contained large amounts of sugar, salt and other ingredient not good for babies. But, things have changed and many manufacturers make teething biscuits free of these bad ingredients.

Vegetables are also commonly used to ease the pain of baby teething. Vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers make ideal soothers because of their texture - you can also put them in the fridge beforehand, as the coolness will also numb teeth and gums.

Some of the more dubious natural teething remedies include the wearing of coral as a necklace. The ancient Egyptians recorded this practice. Also amber necklaces have, and are still used, as natural teething remedies, as are silver spoons.

For those parents who don't care whether a teething remedy is natural or not the following can be tried.

The first recorded use of teething rings has been found on Sumerian sandstone tablets, around 3000 years ago. Perhaps teething rings could be considered natural but many were made of plastic using diisononyl phthalate - a chemical which can be cancer causing. The chemical is used as a softening agent during the manufacturing process and most teething toys contain about 10 to 20 percent phthalate. Many manufacturers have now stopped using this chemical but not all!

Other no-so-natural teething remedies include teething gels. Many teething gels contain a mild analgesic that act as a painkiller and also contain mild antiseptics that kill a variety of bacteria and fungi that might infect sore or broken skin in the mouth. Experts caution against the excessive use of teething gels as they contain benzocaine. There is a risk of allergic reaction. In addition, benzocaine can cause numbing of the throat and could lead to choking. Consult your doctor if you want to help relieve your child's pain with benzocaine.

Teething tablets are designed to melt quickly in the child's mouth and, in so doing, help alleviate the pain of teething. The active ingredients are usually Chamomilla (see homeopathic remedies above), which helps reduce irritability, and Belladonna, which helps reduce inflammation. Consult your doctor before using teething tablets.

The above are just some of the options available to parents to help ease a child's teething pains but there are many more teething remedies. Perhaps the best teething remedy for your baby is just good old fashioned patience, distraction and, above all, lots of cuddles.

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Lactose intolerance is not an uncommon condition and occurs when the enzyme that helps the body digest lactose does not function properly or is missing altogether. Lactose is a sugar that is found in dairy products. When a person who is lactose intolerant consumes foods with lactose, it often causes problems in the intestinal tract leading to abdominal pain and diarrhea. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies younger than three years old are not usually lactose intolerant, but in cases where they are, it is essential that alternative foods are chosen to keep them from discomfort and possible intestinal complications. Before buying commercial baby foods, read the labels carefully to make sure that no hidden lactose is lurking, as many baby foods contain dairy products such as whey or milk powder.

Vegetable-based vs Dairy
Soy milk or soy-based drinks like Ensure make a good substitutes for dairy as soy contains the necessary calcium babies need for developing teeth and bones. If your baby doesn't tolerate soy well, you can use rice or almond milk, which are tasty, healthy, and easily digestible.

Cheese and Yogurt
Because cheese and yogurt are high in the calcium and protein your baby needs for healthy teeth and bones, these foods are important to incorporate in the diet. If your baby tolerates soy and enjoys the taste, try giving him or her soy-based cheese. Because the inherent lactose in Mozzarella cheese is broken down during the culturing process, this cheese makes a great alternative for a lactose intolerant child as it will not cause intestinal irritation. Yoghurt is also easy to digest because it is fermented, providing your baby with friendly bacteria that assist with the elimination of wastes.

Fruits and Vegetables
Creating purees and blended drinks from organic fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to ensure that your baby gets the essential vitamins, minerals, and phyto-chemicals so important for building a healthy body and immune system. Vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, and peas are good choices for a baby as they are easily digestible. Steam the vegetables lightly beforehand in order to break down their cellulose. The same should be done for harder fruits such as apples and pears. Peaches and plums can be cooked with their skins on to provide extra sweetness. Bananas, berries, mangos, melons, and avocados do not need to be cooked as they are soft and easy to digest as they are.

With freshly grown produce that you puree or blend yourself, you can be sure that there are no hidden additives that contain dairy. Add purified water to create a more liquid drink for your baby, or feed him or her spoonfuls of a vegetable or fruit puree. Combine vegetables or fruits, or give your baby one at a time. By making your own baby food you create a foolproof way to keep your little one lactose-free and filled with the best nutrition nature can provide.

Note: Before embarking on a lactose-free protocol, be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

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While kids are picking pumpkins and Halloween costumes, parents of kids with food allergies are bracing themselves. Halloween is frightening for these parents, who have to guard against bite-sized treats that as early as September, are showcased by many retailers. What are treats for most children, are life-threatening "tricks" for the 5 million American children who are in danger of anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe, systemic allergic reaction that can involve various areas of the body (such as the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system). Symptoms can include hives, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, wheezing, swelling of the lips, tongue and throat, a drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness. Symptoms can occur within minutes or hours after contact with the allergy-causing substance. In 150-200 incidents a year, anaphylaxis is fatal. It can be caused by a trace amount of an allergen, the eight most common culprits being peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, milk, eggs, shellfish, fish and soy.

"It's not just the trick-or-treating experience that is nerve-racking about Halloween," says Tom Croghan whose son has a severe peanut allergy. "but Halloween also kicks off the 'candy-on-the-coffee table' season. Beginning now and through the holidays, my wife and I are forced to make a clean sweep of every home we visit to clear away the candies, chocolates and nuts that could land Brad in the hospital." The abundance of accessible food during the holidays creates added danger for a child with food allergies. It is especially risky for children who are too young to comprehend their medical condition or too young to tell people around them that they have to avoid certain foods. The challenge of readily identifying food-allergic children and raising awareness about food allergies is what inspired Ria Sharon, a mom of a toddler with food allergies to create a line of clothing specifically for children at risk.

Sharon started a company called Check My Tag, which offers shirts and dresses that are alert devices for food-allergic kids. Each garment has a sewn-on badge on its left sleeve that announces, "Check my Tag! I have food allergies." The inside tag can be personalized by parents with a list of trigger foods and important, life-saving information. The patent-pending design is specifically for children under five, whose parents may hesitate to put an alert bracelet or necklace on their young child but still want to keep their toddler safe in situations when they have to leave them with a caregiver. "I wanted something that would give me back my confidence in being able to keep him safe. To my surprise, everything that was currently available in terms of alert products were not practical solutions for us." Ria applied her creative skills to develop a solution that eased her own anxiety and empowered her son's teachers and babysitters to care for him safely.

The number of diagnosed cases of food allergies has doubled in the last five years. 3-1/2 year old Colin Depke from Ballwin is among them. His mom, Carol writes, "Thanks for creating such a great product with a purpose! Our 3-1/2 year old has severe food allergies and leaving him at camps and school is hard. Your shirts help to let other people know about his food allergies, yet discreetly. We love the colors and unique style to boot! The med pouch is very convenient to slip into a purse and we love that his action plan is right in the front window. Our son's words sum it up best, "I like my tag shirt 'cause it helps keep me safe!"


o Have non-food treat options for trick-or-treaters

o Place treats in places that cannot be reached by young children without assistance

o Ask teachers before bringing in special Halloween goodies to classrooms

o If you are hosting a party, ask if there are food allergy concerns on your invitation

o Be aware--ask a parent or caregiver before offering food to any child

o If you see a Check My Tag shirt or any other alert device on a child, be extra vigilant

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Castor oil is extracted from the beans or seeds of the castor plant. The scientific name of this plant is Ricinus communis which is native to E. Africa. The oil from the beans or seeds are pale yellow in color with a mild taste and odor.

How effective is castor oil constipation relief?

The oil of Ricinus Communis is known for its many health benefits. One of this is its effectiveness in relieving severe bowel movement disorder. This is not recognized by the modern world only but has been known to be true for ages. In other words, this oil is a very effective laxative that induces stool movement.

Laxatives may also be called compounds or foods and drugs that soften stool for easier evacuation of the bowel. The extract from the castor plant is a natural laxative that stimulates contraction of the intestinal muscles that facilitates the expulsion of the hardened feces in the bowel.

It also reduces the stool's absorption of liquid from the intestinal tract therefore increasing fluid in the bowel for less difficult movement. All of these qualities make castor oil for constipation a very effective home remedy.

How is the extract applied?

This natural laxative can be taken mixed with some honey for better results. Generally, this is taken internally and as far as proper dosage is concerned, it varies considerably depending on the age of the patient.

Take note though that too much of this can cause diarrhea. Castor oil constipation relief must be observed only in accordance to the instructions written on the label of the product or as advised by experts.

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Babies, parents, and poop: it's a consuming topic for the first few years of your little one's life. Just what is baby poop supposed to look like? More importantly, is your baby's poop (and his elimination pattern) normal?

Newborn Diapers

The newborn period is marked by a unique substance called meconium. It's black and looks like tar. It's sticky and stains everything. It's altogether unpleasant! It doesn't smell bad, though; it's just something to look forward to being done. The meconium lined the inside of your baby's intestines while she was still in the womb, and after birth it needs to be eliminated. It lasts 3-4 days and as it is eliminated you'll notice a gradual transition to normal poop for a baby not having solids.

Breastfed Baby Poop

If your baby is breastfeed you'll see mustard-yellow poop. Sometimes it looks a bit seedy or curd-y. It can be runny or creamy. It has a faint smell of cheese or movie theater popcorn! Sometimes the hue and color can change slightly depending on what you've eaten.

Formula Poop

If a baby is getting any formula, including a homemade one, you'll probably see poop that looks more pasty and like peanut butter. Like breastfed poop it can sometimes have a greenish hue. It smells more than breastfed baby's poop.

Problem Movements

If your baby is having frothy, green bowel movements he is probably not getting enough of the fatty hind-milk. This is the milk that comes in after you experience let-down and contains the calories and fat your baby needs to grow and his brain needs thrive. If you notice this you should be sure you're not cutting your baby's feeds short. Try starting your baby on the same side you finished him on. You should also increase the amount of good fat in your diet -- traditional fats like butter, bacon grease, and coconut oil are best. Consider a fish oil supplement as well.

If you are giving your baby an iron supplement you may see black poop. This is normal but may be scary. Since the iron in a supplement isn't well-digested much of it tends to come back out in the diaper. Consider boosting your own iron reserves if you're nursing or giving a meat-based formula if you're formula feeding.

Solid Stools

When your baby begins solid food you'll see big changes in the poop. It becomes much more like what you expect bowel movements to look like. It's dark brown and more solid than previous no-solid movements. It's slightly more formed but should still be formed and easy to pass.

You may see bits of undigested food in your baby's bowel movements after starting solids, too. Color may change based on what your baby ate. If your baby always has undigested food in her poop you should consult with your doctor to be sure there's nothing going on with her digestive system.

Other Problem Poop

It's possible for babies to suffer from diarrhea and constipation. These are more likely to occur with babies who are formula fed or who have started solid foods. Both look much like the adult versions: diarrhea is very watery and constipation is hard and pebble-like.

Diarrhea can be a response to infection or to allergy. If it persists for more than a couple of days call your baby's doctor. If your baby stops taking liquids and grows listless or unresponsive take her to the emergency room immediately as dehydration can set in quickly. Most of the time a baby who continues to nurse or take the bottle will be okay, but you should watch her very closely.

Constipation is often in response to hard-to-digest foods. Consider removing grains from your baby's diet and sticking with fruits, vegetables, and meats. Babies don't have the enzymes needed to digest grains, so eliminating them can solve the problem. Occasionally a milk allergy can cause constipation, too.

Call your doctor if you see any other types of unusual poop: bright red poop which indicates bleeding in the intestines (sometimes a few red streaks accompany constipated poop), blackish poop when not giving iron which indicates bleeding further up the digestive tract, mucus-y poop which may indicate infection, or very pale, chalk-colored poop which can indicate problems with internal organs.

A Rainbow of Color

Remember that most baby (and toddler) poop will be a normal variation of yellow to brown. You may sometimes see surprising colors, such as when your little one has berries -- or samples a crayon! But a variety of hue and texture can be very normal. Remember that one day you'll finally be done with worry about what's in the diaper!

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